With that said, 놛 stood up and walked to the cell door.

"By the way," Li Yang turned around and looked at Zhang Hui, "Your master asked me to tell you that I will always wait for you to return."

When Zhang Hui heard this, a complicated look flashed in his eyes, but he said nothing.

Li Yang didn't say much, turned around and left the prison.

In the cell, Zhang Hui leaned against the wall and fell into deep thought.

These happenings kept replaying in my mind, and my heart was filled with mixed feelings.

"꿵 dear..." 놛 muttered to himself, "Did I... take the wrong path?"


At this time, somewhere in the capital was a secret mansion.

A middle-aged man in rich clothes sat in the study, looking solemnly at the short figure in gray robe in front of him.

"You mean... Zhang Hui was arrested?" the middle-aged man asked with a frown.

The man in gray robe nodded: "Yes, it seems that he was captured by the national master Li Yang himself."

The middle-aged man's face darkened: "Damn it! This Li Yang is really not simple... It seems we have to speed up our plan."

The gray-robed man muttered: "꺶man, do you want me to rob the prison and rescue Zhang Hui?"

The middle-aged man waved his hand: "No need. Zhang Hui껥 has lost its use value, and keeping 꿯땤녦 could become a hidden danger."

"Then..." The man in gray robe wanted to say something else.

The middle-aged man smiled coldly: "You know what to do."

The man in gray robe bowed his head respectfully: "I understand, I will make arrangements right away."

After the man in gray robe left, the middle-aged man stood up and walked to the window.

놛Looking out the window at the bustling capital city, a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

"Li Yang, Li Yang...you really have a few tricks up your sleeve. But..." a strange smile appeared on the middle-aged man's lips, "the game has just begun."


In the Yamen, Li Yang was reporting the case to the emperor.

"I have successfully captured the murderer and learned the whole story."

Li Yang said slowly.

The emperor nodded, with a rather pleased expression on his face:

"Very good! Has the murderer revealed the person behind the scenes?"

Li Yang shook his head: "It's a pity that the murderer claimed to be revenge."

"But according to my judgment, I'm afraid there is another hidden reason behind this matter."

"Oh?" The emperor became interested, "What do you think, Taoist Master?"

Li Yang said in a deep voice: "There may be a remnant force of the Poison Dragon Cult lurking in the middle of the court..."

"They secretly bewitch and lead people with depressed hearts to go astray."

"The murderer in this case was probably taken advantage of by them."

When the emperor heard this, his face suddenly became solemn: "Is this true?"

Li Yang nodded solemnly: "Maybe...this force acts secretly and has unclear objectives."

"If it is not eradicated in time, it will inevitably become a serious problem for the people."

The emperor pondered for a moment and asked, "In the Taoist opinion, how should we deal with it?"

Li Yang replied: "I suggest not to alert the enemy for the time being."

"We can use this murderer to follow the clues and find out who is behind the Poison Dragon Cult."

"At this time, we can also take this opportunity to thoroughly investigate the truth about Mr. Zhang's case."

The emperor nodded: "Okay! Then let the Taoist Master handle this matter with his full authority."

"I will order all departments to fully cooperate with your investigation."

Li Yang bowed and said, "I will live up to your majesty's great trust."

The emperor waved his hand: "Go. Remember, this matter is very important, so you must proceed with caution."

"I obey the order." Li Yang respectfully exited the 꺶 hall.

After walking out of the palace, Li Yang let out a sigh of relief.

At this point, we must find out the truth and create a bright future.

"Come here," Li Yang ordered the guards beside him,

"Go and ask Mr. Zhang to come to the Yamen."

"Let's just say...it's time to get some justice."

After Li Yang returned to the Yamen, he immediately summoned several of his men.

We need to formulate a careful plan, not only to find out the truth about the Poison Dragon Sect, but also to ensure Zhang Hui's safety.

"Although Zhang Hui is temporarily detained, his situation is still very dangerous."

Li Yang said in a deep voice, "I doubt that the Poison Dragon Cult people will let him go easily."

One of the men asked: "Then do we need to strengthen the guards in the cell?"

Li Yang shook his head: "No, that would arouse suspicion."

"What we need to do is to make Zhang Hui look defenseless, but in fact he is secretly protecting him."

He turned to another subordinate and said, "Go and arrange for a few very skilled people to disguise themselves as prisoners and sneak into the prison."

"Then, keep an eye on Zhang Hui's movements at all times."

"Yes." The subordinate followed the order.

Li Yang continued: "In addition, we need to find out Zhang Hui's whereabouts during this period."

"Let's see what suspicious people 놛 has come into contact with."

At this moment, a guard hurriedly ran over: "The Imperial Master, Zhang Hongyuan, has arrived."

Li Yang nodded: "Please come in."

After a while, Zhang Hongyuan walked into the room.

Although it had only been a few short years, the old man seemed much older.

"Mr. Zhang, please sit down." Li Yang gestured.

After Zhang Hongyuan sat down, he went straight to the point: "Master, I wonder why you asked me to come here?"

Li Yang said seductively: "Zhang 꺶, to be honest, we suspect that Ah Hui has been taken advantage of."

"What?" Zhang Hongyuan was shocked.

Li Yang simply told Zhang Hongyuan his guess.

After listening to this, the old man's face became extremely ugly.

"How...how could this be possible?" Zhang Hongyuan muttered to himself, "Ahui...how could it be..."

Li Yang comforted him: "Zhang, you don't have to blame yourself. The people of the Poison Dragon Cult are cunning, and Ah Hui is young and energetic, so it is inevitable that he was deceived for a while."

Zhang Hongyuan took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down: "Then...what should we do now?"

Li Yang said: "We are going to let Ah Hui assist in the investigation. Not only to find out the truth about the Poison Dragon Cult, but also to restore the truth of your son's case."

Hearing this, a glimmer of hope flashed in Zhang Hongyuan's eyes: "Really?"

Li Yang nodded: "Yes. The emperor has ordered the case to be reopened... Mr. Zhang, I need your assistance."

Zhang Hongyuan immediately said: "Mr. Imperial Master, please give me your orders. I, Zhang Hongyuan, will go through fire and water without hesitation!"

Li Yang smiled slightly: "Okay, then first of all, I need you to recall whether there were any unusual things before and after the incident."

Zhang Hongyuan frowned and thought for a moment, and suddenly said: "Oh! I remember... About half a month before the incident, you did mention a strange thing."

"Oh? What is it?" Li Yang became interested.

Zhang Hongyuan recalled: "She said she met a fortune teller on the street, and the fortune teller said she had an extraordinary face and would become a great person in the future."

"He also gave her a jade pendant, saying it was a magical tool that could bring good luck and avoid misfortune."

Li Yang's eyes flashed: "Where is the jade pendant now?"

Zhang Hongyuan shook his head: "I don't know... After the incident, our house was raided and everything was confiscated."

"The jade pendant should be among them."

Li Yang thought: "This matter is not a small matter."

"Mr. Zhang, I need you to check and see if you can find the whereabouts of the jade pendant."

"Okay, I'll do it right away." Zhang Hongyuan stood up.

Li Yang warned: "Remember, you must be careful. Don't alert the enemy."

Zhang Hongyuan nodded and left in a hurry.

Li Yang looked at Zhang Hongyuan's back as he walked away, and a complicated look flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, one of his men came running over: "Man, something bad has happened! Zhang Hui... Zhang Hui..."

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