At that time, the only elder on my mother's side was my grandmother.

When Qingshu and I got married, they were afraid that my mother's identity as a teacher would attract criticism from the combat team.

As a result, they were implicated, so they had long stopped communicating with my family unilaterally.

Maybe in these years, they also realized that the army did not participate in local movements.

Mom, nothing bad has ever happened.

My uncle and aunt brought my grandmother to see me when they learned that I lived in the military compound.

For a long time afterwards, I would wake up from my dreams.

I dreamed that the day when my grandmother saw Qingshu, she blurted out Miss Yu.

Qingshu and I were not married yet.

Sometimes, I think that fate has treated me well.

Before this, Qingshu had passed by my mother-in-law and grandmother several times.

I still remember that when we just got married, Qingshu asked me if I needed to visit my grandmother's house.

What did I say at the time? I said that not visiting would make people dislike me.

In fact, I have always wanted to cut off contact with my grandmother's family.

When my younger brother was very young, my mother treated him badly because of my eldest uncle's children.

This matter has always been a hurdle in my heart.

I don't care how my mother treats me. I have only lived with my mother during the confinement period since I was a child.

After that, until I slept in a separate room.

I always slept with my grandmother.

My mother didn't have that much affection for me, and I didn't have much admiration for her.

The most between us was unfamiliarity.

My father was responsible for educating me in my life, and my grandmother had always been responsible for my mother.

But my younger brother was different from me. When he was a child, he slept with his parents.

Until my mother kept hurting and aggrieved my younger brother in front of her family.

He became closer to my grandmother.

My mother hurt my younger brother's heart, and her hurt made the young child who loved her no longer willing to get close to her.

It can be seen how much pain this was for my younger brother.

When I was transferred to the Beijing Military Region, the great man had just passed away.

The higher-ups had already begun investigating the "Gang of Four".

My mother-in-law didn’t seem to care much about the fact that my grandfather’s family had been my second grandfather’s servants.

According to my grandmother, she and my grandfather were the dowry of my mother-in-law’s second aunt.

They married into the Lin family with her.

Interestingly, since then, my grandmother has not allowed my uncle to come to my mother again.

She said that my mother was born in a good era.

Otherwise, my father would not marry her in the old days.

I thought that the family would live a quiet life in the future.

Unexpectedly, my grandmother did not allow my uncle to come to my mother to ask for things.

She was willing to lose face and come to ask for it in person.

She always kept saying that she gave birth to a beautiful mother.

Only my father would want my mother.

However, these have nothing to do with me.

There was an internal message that the country would issue a document announcing the suspension of recommendations for college admission.

The college entrance examination would be resumed.

My younger brother and Fang Xu and Fang Jun from Uncle Li’s family, as well as Ruyang from Uncle Ding Qiang’s family, will all take the college entrance examination this time.

Now, there is nothing more important in the family than their college entrance examination.

Dad spends every day with my brother.

He doesn't want to take care of the things at my grandma's house.

Mom can only do what she can for my uncle.

But I never thought that my brother's participation in the college entrance examination would make him divorce his sister-in-law.

Until now, I dare not think about it.

If Qingshu hadn't accidentally discovered that my brother's mail had been received in their bureau.

His admission letter really turned my sister-in-law into ashes.

I was also lucky more than once that I was afraid of the unstable situation at that time.

I hadn't given my brother's gold bricks to him.

After the reform and opening up, my mother-in-law has been retired for almost three years.

I am still surprised that she decided to go into business.

My mother-in-law has always had a good eye for investment. She used the gold bricks left by my grandmother to help us invest in companies and factories.

In a few years, the Bai family, the Jiang family and the Lin family have become one of the most famous families in China.

If we look back a few generations,

According to the three generations, it is a family, the five generations are a clan, and the nine generations are a family of noble birth.

Our three families can be considered a family of noble birth.

It is a pity that our family tree is with my great-grandfather.

Until Qingshu and I passed away, we never heard any news from my great-grandfather's family.

I can only start recording from my grandfather and start a new family tree for my family.

In 1984, the state issued a document.

It requires that civil servants in office should not engage in business.

After retirement, cadres cannot engage in profit-making activities directly related to their original work within three years.

After retirement, ordinary clerks cannot engage in profit-making activities directly related to their original work within two years.

It was also at that time that we began to have the idea of ​​not letting our descendants take the civil service exam.

Before that, the Chinese people's recognition of the iron rice bowl was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Fortunately, at that time, Qingshu and I had the greatestThe child is only in primary school.

Time to choose.

I have always felt that fate has been very good to me. My grandmother raised me wholeheartedly when I was young.

Although, my father prefers to weigh the pros and cons.

However, if there is someone in the world who can make him put aside his political thoughts.

Then my brother and I must be at the front.

Wait until the free sale of houses is allowed.

Qingshu and I are only in our thirties, and we are all devoted to work.

Live in a comfort zone every day.

At that time, my mother-in-law took Qingshu to buy houses and land everywhere.

Later, my rapid promotion had a lot to do with my integrity.

I have kept myself clean all my life and have never made a wrong step.

In addition, my own ability is not bad.

The missions I went out to perform in the early days were all experiences on the battlefield.

I became the successor of this generation in the army in my family.

Cousin Jingxiao is still young and has little experience.

Qingyi and Yuhao, one is doing aerospace research.

One is doing rocket research.

Neither is a good choice to receive the resources of the Lin family.

When my uncle retired, all his resources in the army were handed over to me.

When I use them on my cousin Jingxiao, my network of people and resources have made me more powerful.

I can be considered to be worthy of the Lin family's kindness.

I have never been troubled by lack of money in my life, so I can do things according to my own rules.

Not arrogant or humble, not messy or chaotic.

It is invincible.

It would be better if my fair and tender little girl didn't always want to be an actor.

Among so many children in the family, she is the best at learning opera.

When she was a child, she was determined to carry forward and pass on the national culture.

I don't know why she wanted to act in a movie from time to time later.

Film a TV series.

Everyone knows that she was born in Peking Opera, but she didn't ignore the inheritance of Peking Opera.

She practices diligently every day.

She has performed on stage many times.

But it makes me feel uneasy.

The entertainment industry in the 1990s was always noisy.

Even though she was signed to her own company.

I was always afraid that she would be bullied in places where I couldn't see.

Of the three children in the family, she is the one I worry about the most.

If I wasn't afraid that Qingshu and I would be angry, I would give the remaining two rough boys to them and throw them all to the military camp for training.

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