Ding Yunli saw that his son and daughter-in-law were silent.

He rolled his eyes and lowered his head so that no one could see his eyes.

"When I entered the courtyard, I happened to meet Ling'er, who lived in the front yard of the east courtyard."

"She had a hard life and asked me to borrow food. I had a bag of food in my hand at the time."

"When will the food be returned?"

"What," Ding Yunli looked up at Ding Qiang in surprise. He didn't expect his second son to say this and didn't react for a while.

When Ding Laoda and Ding Laosan saw their father's reaction, they were all men. What else did they not understand?

"I can't control who you want to give your food to," Ding Qiang looked at his father.

"I won't give you less pension money."

After saying that, he didn't stay in the old house for long. His wife and son were still waiting for him.

Ding Yunli saw his second son go home, and he also got up and walked into his room.

Leaving the others in the hall looking at each other.

When Ding Qiang got home, he saw his wife and son sleeping soundly, so he didn't want to disturb them.

He washed himself quietly and got into bed, but he couldn't fall asleep.

His father hadn't married in these years, and he didn't object to him finding another wife.

But delivering food to the girls from the Eight Great Hutongs at night.

Li Erbao in the back house saw it, and he was almost caught as a thief.

It really takes some time for him to buffer psychologically.

In the slum, something is easy to spread.

Last night's incident was known to everyone early in the morning.

In Wang Lai Di's house in the back house, Zhang Daya was sitting on the bed without saying a word.

Ding Yunli's cooking skills are also famous in this city.

Such a cook will never starve to death.

When the child's father just left, she had thought about asking Ding Yunli to help her raise the child, but he disagreed at that time.

She is not as good as someone from the Eight Great Hutongs?

Thinking of this, Zhang Daya's face turned ashen.

Time passed quickly, and after Ding Yunli's matter was a hot topic in the yard for a while, everyone had a new topic.

The country had just issued the second set of RMB not long ago, and everyone in the yard was busy exchanging money.

Today is Sunday. Lin Manyu sat on the sofa in the living room of the Bai family and looked at the second set of RMB in front of her, with a smile flashing in her eyes.

10,000 yuan of the first set of RMB is converted into 1 yuan of the second set of RMB.

Now that the national economy is on the right track, prices have been well regulated.

Erbao saw his mother when he entered the room, sitting on the sofa with a smile, and his mood improved.

Lin Manyu looked up and saw his second son coming towards her. He reached out and patted the seat next to him and asked him to sit next to him.

Erbao sat next to his mother, thinking of what happened at the door of Lei Lei's house just now, and turned to look at Lin Manyu.

"Mom, Aunt Xu Zhaodi suddenly fainted while sitting and chatting at the door of Leilei's house."

Hearing this, Lin Yuyu paused while pouring sugar water for her second son and turned to look at Erbao.

"Where are your brother and sister?"

Erbao's eyes were full of smiles when he heard his mother's words.

"My brother and sister are fine. They are at Brother Mingbo's house, listening to Grandma Jiang talk about "Romance of the Three Kingdoms."

"Did your Aunt Xu Zhaodi go to the hospital later?" Lin Yuyu pushed the poured brown sugar water in front of her second son.

Erbao took a sip and looked at his mother happily.

"Uncle Lin Pingan rushed out of the house, hugged her and ran out."

"Where is your dad?"

"Dad is chatting with Uncle Ze at Leilei's house. I was with Dad just now."

Lin Yuyu nodded and reached out to pour himself a cup of brown sugar water.

"Your uncle Qiang is not at Uncle Ze's house."

Erbao recalled for a while, "Uncle Qiang is at home watching the decoration."

Lin Manyu nodded and reached out to touch his second son's head, "Why didn't you go to Grandma Jiang's house to listen to "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"."

Erbao lowered his head and didn't look at his mother, "I was just explaining the questions to Leilei."

Lin Manyu couldn't help laughing at his second son's sudden red ears. Little children can be shy.

"Leilei told you that she wants to arrange a baby marriage with you?"

"Hey" Erbao looked at his mother's smiling eyes, frowned slightly and sighed softly. "I just think she is a child who doesn't understand."

"Hahaha," Lin Manyu couldn't help laughing when he heard his second son's little adult words.

Bai Ye just walked to the door and heard his wife's laughter coming from the house.

He couldn't help but bend his eyes.

He smiled and walked into the house to see his wife and second son leaning against each other.

He walked over and sat next to them, took out a few pieces of shrimp candy from his pocket and put them on the coffee table.

He turned around and met Lin Manyu's puzzled eyes.

"This is the wedding candy that Lin Ping'an gave to the hospital. Xu Zhaodi just found out that she is pregnant."

Lin ManyuHearing this, a smile flashed in her eyes, "Xu Zhaodi is neither good nor bad."

"It's all for a stable life."

At first, she didn't understand her, but later she gradually understood.

Dabao and Erbao didn't go home until it was almost time for lunch.

When they came back, Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye were making lunch in the kitchen.

Erbao was sleeping in his own room.

Sanbao opened the door and stood at the door of the bedroom to see her little brother lying there, then turned upstairs and went back to her bedroom to sleep.

She was tired after listening to stories for the whole morning.

Dabao saw her sister going upstairs, so she went into her brother's bedroom, closed the door, and lay down on the kang with her brother.

Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye came out of the kitchen and saw the three treasures sleeping soundly, and they didn't want to wake them up.

Turned back to the kitchen, left some of each dish, and put it in the pot to warm it up.

In the restaurant, Lin Yuyu looked at the braised pork ribs, stir-fried cabbage, fried leek and eggs, and white rice on the table, and her appetite was great.

Bai Ye's eyes were full of smiles.

He raised his hand to pick up the ribs that his wife liked to eat and put them on her sunflower plate.

After watching her eat, he lowered his head and started eating.

Erbao opened his eyes and turned around, and saw his brother sleeping behind him.

He raised his hand to rub his eyes and stretch, and then he got up quietly. He was a little hungry.

Seeing that his parents were not in the living room or the kitchen, Erbao raised his feet and walked to the second floor.

Bai Ye was reading "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" in his hand when he heard a knock on the bedroom door.

After a while, his second son walked in.

Erbao didn't see his mother in the bedroom, so he climbed onto the bed and lay next to his father.

"Where's my mom? Why isn't she home?"

"Mom is sleeping in your sister's room."

Bai Ye looked down at his second son who was leaning against him, "Are you hungry?"

Seeing his son nod, Bai Ye stood up and held his son in his arms, then bent down to pick up his shoes.

The two walked to the restaurant together, and the second child's face flushed in his father's arms.

When the first and second children woke up, Lin Manyu had already prepared dinner.

Time passed slowly like this. Today was the day for the three children and Li Fanglei to take the high school entrance exam.

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