At this time, the subjects for high school entrance exams are different according to different subject categories.

For example, candidates who choose science and engineering will take political knowledge, Chinese, mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Candidates who choose agriculture, forestry and medicine will take political knowledge, Chinese, mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology (basic Darwinism).

Candidates who choose literature, history, politics, law and finance will take Chinese, political knowledge, history and geography.

Some regions or schools will also take foreign language tests.

Finally, Sanbao decided to apply for literature, history, politics, law and finance.

When she goes to college, she also wants to study accounting like her mother.

Li Fanglei chose the same as Sanbao. She didn't want to study accounting, she simply didn't want to continue studying mathematics, physics and chemistry in high school.

Dabao chose to take science and engineering, which was expected by Lin Manyu and Bai Ye.

But Erbao was a little surprised when he told them that he wanted to take agriculture, forestry and medicine.

She thought he would choose science and engineering like his brother.

Their second son wants to be a doctor in the future.

She and Aye didn't ask the children what they wanted to study for early because they were afraid that they would feel stressed.

For them, it would be great if the three children finished college and were assigned to stable jobs without having to go to the countryside.

As for what majors the children will study in college in the future, they will listen to their own ideas and study whatever they like.

Seeing the four children enter the examination room.

Lin Yuyu and Bai Yecai, Li Ze and his wife, took Fang Xu and Fang Jun to the small restaurant next to the examination room.

Now is the time to carry out public-private partnership, although it has not been announced that it has been completed all over the country.

But in most areas, public-private partnership has indeed been successfully completed.

This can be seen from the attitude of the waiters towards them.

At this time, in state-owned restaurants, who has a regular position and who is a temporary worker can also be seen from their expressions.

Lin Yuyu glanced at the waiter who turned away and turned his eyes to Bai Ye.

"Your two sons were worried that their sister would not be able to pass the high school entrance exam because of physics."

"Later, when they learned that Sanbao decided to apply for the liberal arts, history, politics, law, and finance, the two brothers were particularly happy."

Fang Jun, who was sitting next to Zhang Mei, looked up at Lin Manyu. "Aunt Manyu, my sister is not good at physics either."

"She just knows how to cry. She used to cry while studying."

My father sat next to her to comfort her.

"Hahaha," the adults at the table couldn't help laughing when they heard Fang Jun's childish talk.

It was three days later when Erbao finally finished the exam.

This time, the three of them finally had a reason not to study for the time being and played outside all day.

It was summer vacation now, and Lin Manyu and Bai Ye were strolling towards Shichahai.

In summer, Shichahai is a place where old Beijingers go to cool off.

"Manyu," Lin Manyu was walking forward with Bai Ye when she heard Zhang Mei calling her from behind.

Turning around, they saw Li Ze and Zhang Mei holding Fang Jun walking towards them.

Lin Hanyu smiled at her, "You guys also come to Shichahai to enjoy the cool air"

Zhang Mei smiled and nodded, "Today is Sunday, it's rare that Aze and I are at home."

The four of them walked forward together.

Bai Ye and Li Ze gradually slowed down their pace.

"Do you remember Sun Aiping, who worked with you in Qizhen Pavilion before?"

Bai Ye turned his head and looked at Li Ze when he heard this.

Li Ze nodded when he met Bai Ye's gaze.

"I handled the Qizhen Pavilion case back then, and this time Sun Aiping's body was found."

"I happened to be doing work in the station, so I mentioned it to him."

"His family has come to see him. It wasn't long after the case happened, and they could still recognize him."

Bai Ye suppressed the emotions that flashed in his eyes when he heard this. Was Sun Aiping really Sun Aiping this time?

Li Ze saw that he didn't speak, and fell silent too.

When the four of them returned to the courtyard, it was already time to make lunch.

Every household was busy.

Lin Yuyu didn't see the three treasures at Zhang Mei's house, thinking that they should have gone home.

After saying hello to Zhang Mei, the two went home.

In the Bai family's courtyard, the three treasures were sitting under the pergola eating peaches.

The peaches that mom bought yesterday were big and sweet.

Seeing Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye coming back, Dabao got up and poured tea for his parents before sitting on the bamboo chair.

"Mom and Dad, we are all admitted to the Fourth Middle School."

Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye took their admission letters and looked at them carefully.

At this time, the admission letters were all written by school teachers.

Lin Yuyu got up and took them into the house. She wanted to put the children's admission letters in the drawer of her bedroom desk for safekeeping and give them to them when school starts.

At this time, junior high school graduates are assigned jobs, and many families choose not to take high school entrance exams.

When Lin Yuyu came out again, she saw Bai YeSitting alone under the pergola, the three treasures have already sat on the swing.

Bai Ye reached out to pour jasmine tea for Lin Yuyu, and then poured it for himself.

"We will be seniors at the beginning of the school year. When we graduate in 1957, we will be assigned according to our registered residence. We will let nature take its course then."

"It's better to have less trouble than more at this time."

Lin Yuyu nodded and looked at Bai Ye, "What's going on in Wang Wei's family?"

"Before the summer vacation, Li Lanyu told me several times that she and Wang Wei didn't get along well."

Bai Ye smiled at Lin Yuyu, "Wang Wei usually doesn't talk about family matters."

Lin Yuyu curled her lips when she saw Bai Ye like this, and picked up the peach on the table and started eating.

This time when she bought peaches, there were only three left in the store, and she secretly took out seven peaches from the space and brought them back together.

In the evening, in the front yard of the East Cross Courtyard, Ding Yunli came out of Ling'er's room and walked home.

As he walked, he not only remembered what his second son said, but also that he and Ling'er were in the stage of getting to know each other.

But if the two of them didn't get married for a long time, they wouldn't be able to get through the street office.

Thinking of getting married, Ding Yunli's heart was beating fast.

When it was time to get married, he was a little hesitant.

The courtyard was quiet, and Ding Yunli walked into the house in the moonlight and closed the door.

At this moment, in the bedroom on the second floor of the Bai family, Lin Yuyu and Bai Yeyi were sleeping soundly together.

Erbao didn't go back to his bedroom tonight, and the two of them were talking together in his brother's bedroom.

Dabao looked at his younger brother, "When Wang Lai Di came to you to solve a problem in the main courtyard today, you looked unhappy."

"No, I'm fine," Erbao looked up at his brother, "Brother, have you noticed?"

"As long as Wang Lai Di's grandmother knows that she's here to find us, she'll look weird when she sees us next time."

After hearing what his younger brother said, Dabao turned around and lay down, thinking carefully about the look Wang Lai Di's grandmother had on her face when she saw him today.

His little brows furrowed deeper and deeper, and he couldn't tell what that look was, but he just felt uncomfortable for no reason.

Dabao turned his head and looked at his younger brother again, and saw that he was sleeping soundly.

He was still unconsciously mumbling softly, "It's okay, we have Dad and Mom to protect us."

His voice was getting smaller and smaller.

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