Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Lin Yuyu and Bai Ye have been working for more than a month.

Tomorrow is Sunday, and tonight is in the bedroom on the second floor of the Bai family.

Bai Ye looked at his wife who proudly showed him her salary, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

Their design institute just paid salaries a few days ago, and architectural designers received technical-level salaries.

As an intern who graduated from college, he received a 14th-level salary of 48.5 yuan, and when he becomes a regular employee in a year, he will receive a 13th-level salary of 55 yuan.

His daughter Yuyu received an administrative-level salary.

As an intern at a college, she now receives a 23rd-level salary, which is a 5th-level clerk's salary of 49.5 yuan.

After she becomes a regular employee after her one-year internship, she will receive a 22nd-level salary, which is a 4th-level clerk's salary of 56 yuan.

His wife now earns one yuan more than him every month.

Because of this, this little woman in his family was very happy for a while.

In the early morning, Lin Yuyu lay on the bed weakly.

She felt refreshed after being washed, and she calmed down a little.

When Lin Yuyu went downstairs, it was already past breakfast time.

At this moment, the three treasures were sitting under the pergola in the yard studying.

Bai Ye was alone, sitting on the sofa in the living room listening to the radio.

Seeing her go downstairs, he got up and went to the kitchen to take out the warm breakfast in the pot and put it on the coffee table in the living room.

Lin Yuyu sat next to Bai Ye and ate breakfast.

Bai Ye consciously reached out to help his wife massage her waist. He was indeed a little too much last night.

When the three treasures entered the house, Bai Ye was washing dishes in the kitchen, and Lin Yuyu was sitting on the sofa drinking sour plum soup.

"Mom, are the wontons for breakfast delicious?"

Seeing his mother nod, San Bao's big eyes were full of smiles.

"I made the wonton stuffing this morning."

Lin Yu looked at the three children in front of her, feeling satisfied.

Sanbao, who is almost twelve years old, has begun to look like a grown-up girl.

She has been using the secret recipe left by her mother to nourish Sanbao's body over the years.

At such a young age, she can already foresee her stunning beauty when she grows up.

Dabao and Erbao have also grown into little boys, probably because the family has good food.

Before they were twelve years old, they were already 1.65 meters tall.

They are taller than many adult men nowadays.

"Dong Dong Dong"

In the afternoon, Lin Yu and Bai Ye were playing Go in the yard with the three treasures.

Then they heard a knock on the door from outside the moon gate.

Bai Ye opened the door and saw Zhu Jianjun standing outside the door. He raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Is the water pipeline going to be built to the east courtyard?"

"Yes, the collective faucets in the main courtyard and the west courtyard are installed in the third courtyard."

"Your east courtyard is also designed to be installed in the third courtyard, and it will be installed soon."

"Li Ze and Ding Qiang's house are bringing tap water into the house."

"I can't leave now, I came to tell you."

"If you also want to bring tap water to your own yard."

"You have to go to your front yard and talk to the plumber about this."

Lin Yuyu saw that Bai Ye had not come back for a long time, so she walked to his side and just happened to hear clearly what the two said later.

Bai Ye saw his wife walking to his side, turned his head and looked at her with a smile.

"Hanyu, let me go to our front yard to see where the water pipe is repaired?"

Lin Yuyu looked at Bai Ye and Zhu Jianjun and walked to the main courtyard together.

The smile in his eyes could not be concealed. This courtyard was inhabited by Mr. Zhu, an old meritorious man, who could really come in handy at a critical moment.

Yandaixie Street was already home to many former residences of famous people.

At this moment, everyone wanted to spend money to get running water into the courtyard.

In their courtyard, Mr. Zhu also lived, so the progress of installing running water pipes was not slow.

The original rule was that no matter how deep the courtyard was or how many people lived in it.

The collective faucet should be installed not far from the entrance to the courtyard.

Their courtyard happened to be able to install the collective faucet in the middle of the three courtyards.

In this way, the distance would be much closer if the water pipes were laid directly from the collective faucet in their east cross courtyard to their courtyard.

The staff who installed the running water pipes helped Bai Ye lay the pipes into the Bai family's courtyard.

The rest of the pipes were laid and connected by Bai Ye himself.

It was already evening when he finished with the running water.

Lin Yuyu reached out and turned on the faucet that had been installed in the kitchen for several years.

Watching the water gushing out of the faucet and flowing into the water tank, she smiled.

In the future, Ah Ye finally didn't have to go to the bitter water well to fetch water and pretend to use it for washing clothes.

They no longer needed to buy water from the well and pretend it was drinking water at home.

In addition to Bai Ye's family, Li Ze's family, Ding Qiang's family, Lin Ping'an, Jiang Jiadong and Mr. Zhu's family also had a family in the yard.The families also brought tap water to their own houses.

Each of them used its own water meter.

The water bill was not calculated together with the collective tap in the yard.

The three treasures were obviously more excited than their parents when they saw the taps at home working for the first time.

The three treasures even used the hot water boiled by the tap to wash the new handkerchiefs made by their mother.

A lot of things happened in the courtyard in 1957.

In September, Jiang Mingbo took a train to Harbin Military University to study, which was both a military school and a military camp.

Wang Lai Di became the third girl of her generation in the courtyard to go to high school.

Her brother did not pass the junior high school entrance examination as expected by the family.

Ding Yunli dragged it on for many years, and finally got a marriage certificate with Ling'er in October.

He also officially moved into Ling'er's home in the west wing of the third courtyard in the east cross courtyard.

In the blink of an eye, it was 1958, and it was less than half a year before the three treasures and Li Fanglei took the college entrance examination.

At this moment, in the bedroom on the second floor of the Bai family, Lin Yu was sitting on the sofa looking at the "Resident Shopping Card" placed on the corner table.

Last year, in accordance with the practice of unified purchase and sale of grain and oil, the Beijing Municipal People's Committee had already designated vegetables as the second-class national materials.

At the same time, there was news that meat would be "provided for voucher supply".

This year, the state began to implement a quantitative supply of eight kinds of non-staple foods, including pork, beef, mutton, fresh eggs, white sugar, brown sugar, cakes and vermicelli, with coupons.

Among them, Han people were supplied with 6 taels of pork and 5 taels of beef and mutton per person per month.

Hui people were supplied with 1.4 jin of beef and mutton per person per month.

Each household can buy 1 jin of eggs per month.

Households with more than ten people can buy two jin of eggs per month.

Brown sugar and white sugar are supplied to each household for four taels per month.

People in Beijing began to register for the supply of vegetables with the "Resident Shopping Card", which was supplied every three days, and each person was supplied with one jin of vegetables.

Each person is issued one oil ticket per month, and with the ticket, he can buy three taels of cooking oil.

As soon as Bai Ye entered the bedroom, he saw his wife sitting on the sofa reading a book.

"Wife, I just had dinner with Fu Jia and Wang Wei."

"Wang Wei said that his family and Li Lanyu's family got together yesterday to discuss their marriage, but they didn't reach an agreement."

"Li Lanyu wants to break up, and Wang Wei wants you to help him and Li Lanyu make peace."

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