Lin Yuyu heard this, turned to look at Bai Ye and shook her head.

"It may not be a good thing for any of Wang Wei's sisters to marry into their family."

"Lan Yu is very good in all aspects. If they can't get married."

"Then I will choose a young man for her in our bureau."

Bai Ye nodded when he heard this. He changed into clothes to wear at home and went downstairs to accompany the children to study.

He just came back to tell his wife the latest news.

No matter how good the relationship between friends is, it is not appropriate for him and Yuyu to talk too much at this time.

Seeing Bai Ye go out, Lin Yuyu got up and walked to the top box cabinet and opened the cabinet door.

She usually wears police uniforms and police shoes at work. The unit gives them two sets every year so that they can wear them in all seasons.

She can only wear clothes she makes when she is on holiday on Sundays.

Over time, her cloth coupon quota can be saved for her family.

Now, in addition to the work of Lin Pingan and Xu Zhaodi, her work, Li Ze's and Ding Qiang's work have also become popular in everyone's heart.

When Lin Manyu went downstairs, Bai Ye was sitting in the bathroom washing clothes.

After the tap water was connected at home, the faucet hand basin and flush squat toilet in the bathroom could be used normally.

Aye brought his two sons to clean the original dry toilet in the yard and left it there without demolishing it.

Since the three treasures started to study in the third year of high school, she and Aye did not let them spend time on housework.

Usually she washes clothes for her daughter and cleans the room, and Aye is responsible for the two sons.

"Dong Dong Dong," Lin Manyu was about to go to the kitchen to cook dinner when she heard someone knocking on the moon door.

Doubt flashed in her eyes. Now most of the supplies are rationed.

Generally speaking, people will no longer visit as before.

Most of the time, they would sit in front of the house and chat in groups of three or four in their spare time.

Lin Yuyu opened the moon door and saw Li Fanglei standing outside.

She looked at the little girl in front of her, a smile flashed in her eyes, and she turned sideways to let her in.

"Aunt Yuyu, this is the test paper that Sister Qingshu and I borrowed."

Lin Yuyu took the test paper handed over by Li Fanglei and hid the confusion in her eyes.

"Leilei won't go into the house to study with Sanbao today?"

"No, I'll come to Sister Qingshu next time. My mother is waiting for me at home."

Lin Yuyu looked at Li Fanglei's back as she ran away and fell into deep thought.

"Isn't Meimei working in the hospital today? The hospital has a rotation system, not a fixed Sunday off."

When she entered the house, Bai Ye hadn't finished washing clothes.

Lin Yuyu took a look at the three children and went into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

In the kitchen, she used her body to block the water tank, reached in, and filled the empty water tank with mineral water from the space.

Now the food ration for her and Aye has become 30 kilograms per month, and the three treasures are still 32 kilograms.

The rice eaten at home tonight was the rice that Lin Yu pretended to get from the storage room with a porcelain bowl.

In fact, she secretly took out the rice from her space to make white rice.

It is said that the little boy eats the father out of poverty, and their three children are now in the age of eating a lot.

She doesn't need it now, and the only food she often secretly takes out from the space is vegetables.

Although the country also implements a ration supply for vegetables, she can grow vegetables in the flower bed in her yard.

The temperature of the earth heating at home is enough, and vegetables can be grown in a large wooden box all year round. Their family has no shortage of vegetables to eat.

On the contrary, the supply of meat is originally small.

She wanted to secretly take out more meat from the space to eat, but she couldn't.

She and Aye had not eaten the goose eggs in the space since they moved to Beijing. At this time, there were few stalls selling goose eggs.

Bai Ye pushed open the kitchen door and saw his wife sitting on a small square stool, thinking about something.

He took the small square stool in the corner, sat next to Lin Yu, and reached out to add two more small firewood to the stove.

"What are you thinking about? You are so absorbed."

"Thinking about dinner at home." Lin Yu let herself lean on Bai Ye's shoulder.

"Although each person is provided with 5 liang of beef, mutton and 6 liang of pork every month."

"But it is estimated that by the 3rd of next month, everyone will really start to use coupons to buy meat."

"Beef will not be available in the market at all, and it is unlikely that mutton can be bought."

"Now the ox is so important, who will kill the ox except for its own death."

"Our whole family can only buy 5 jin and 5 liang of meat a month."

"We have to take care of both outside and at home."

"I think that in the future, we will both carry 1 liang of meat coupons every month, and 1 liang of meat coupons for each of the three children."

"We eat in the company cafeteria, theyWhen eating lunch in the school cafeteria. "

"If you need to order meat dishes, you won't be embarrassed."

"Yeah," Bai Ye nodded, raised his hand and rubbed his wife's hair.

"We use 1.2 taels of the 5 jin meat tickets left every month every week."

"Keep the remaining 2 taels of meat tickets for when we need to exchange for other tickets."

"Just remember to use them before the meat tickets expire."

"Okay," Lin Yu turned to look at Bai Ye.

"I want to divide the 1 jin and 2 taels of meat tickets each week into three days of dinner."

"Four taels of meat for each meal, and then I will secretly take out six taels of meat from the space and put it in."

"When I cook this 1 jin of meat, I will make a dish."

"Unlike cooking before, there is more or less meat in each dish. "

Bai Ye saw the steam coming out of the pot, stood up and opened the aluminum pot lid, revealing the eggplant stewed with potatoes and meat inside.

"Our family only has 1 jin of eggs per month, which is about eight eggs."

"Although boiled eggs are nutritious, we can't eat boiled eggs often in the future."

"There must be a plate of eggs on the dinner table in our family where there can't be meat."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid that the children will not grow tall in the future if they are not well-nourished."

Bai Ye didn't stop serving the eggplant.

Lin Yu nodded, "When the time comes, I will secretly take the eggs out of the space."

"You can't tell how many eggs are in the eggs after they are fried."

"The worst thing is that the children will think we bought the eggs on the black market. ”

At this time, each unit has one day off per week, and everyone has a lot to do during the holiday.

Lin Hanyu and Li Lanyu, Liu Guiying, and Zhang Qiulan haven't seen each other for a long time.

On this day, Lin Hanyu was sitting in the office with her head down and keeping an account book.

She saw Wan Ling bring Li Lanyu and two other tall and thin men she had never seen before.

When Li Lanyu saw her, she secretly blinked.

"Let me introduce you, these are three comrades from the Finance Department of the Municipal Government."

"They came to our bureau this time to respond to the call from above to exchange and learn among various units."

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