In the living room, Lin Yuyu took Lin Jingxiao from Li Lanyu and held him in her arms.

This little guy is already two years old and can speak a ten-word sentence clearly.

Li Lanyu looked at the warmth in the eyes of her sister-in-law who was holding her son in front of her.

Before she met Lin Yulin, she would never have thought that she could marry Sister Yu's brother.

"Yuyu, this is the salted fish that Yuyao mailed to you."

"This time I took the military mail line and mailed it directly to the family compound. I just happened to be on holiday today so I sent it to you."

"A total of ten kilograms of salted fish were mailed, and our family got five kilograms."

Lin Yuyu opened the cloth bag on the coffee table and saw the salted fish inside.

If the people in Jing City want to eat fish, they have to transport it from Jin City.

At this time, if they want to eat fish, they have to wait until the New Year to get it. It is difficult to find fish on ordinary days.

Usually, only people in coastal cities can eat salted fish like this.

Lin Yu smiled and handed the dried fish to her daughter sitting next to her, asking her to take it to the kitchen and put it away.

"Sister-in-law, have lunch here at noon. I just bought some meat in Dongdan this morning."

Until now, Li Lanyu still feels like laughing every time she hears Sister Yu call her sister-in-law.

She held back her smile and met Lin Yu's eyes, "I have to go back quickly. Yu Lin and Yu Hao will both go home for lunch later."

"Then wait a minute, bring a watermelon home."

Seeing Li Lanyu nodding with a smile, Lin Yu also smiled.

"How is Yu Hao? Is he adapting to school as a freshman?"

"That kid is willing to tell his uncle everything."

"He is still studying at Beijing Aviation College, studying aircraft manufacturing engineering."

"His uncle always tells him about things in the army, and he is willing to listen."

Lin Yu smiled and nodded.

After Li Lanyu left, Bai Ye saw his wife sitting there alone, so he sat next to her and dozed on the sofa backrest.



"My elder brother and Lanyu are really destined to be together."

"They are two people who have nothing to do with each other, but they happened to meet at the door of my unit."

"The three of us had lunch together, and I found a sister-in-law."

"They met in July 1960, met their parents in August, and got married in September. My brother's timing was just right."

Bai Ye saw his wife sitting on the sofa, smiling.

He reached out and gently flicked her beautiful eyebrows, "The children should have finished their meal."

As he spoke, he got up and walked to the restaurant first.

After the meal, the three treasures were not in a hurry to go back to school.

The family sat in the yard eating watermelon.

"Mom, I received a letter from my cousin Yichun yesterday. The letter said that the son of a colleague of my aunt always went to the school to see her."


Lin Yuyu stood up and looked at her little girl, "In Shen City, outsiders do not need to provide a certificate to enter Jiaotong University?"

Sanbao sighed softly, "In my cousin's school, local students can live on campus in their junior year."

"That man is waiting for my cousin at the school gate."

"Well, I will go out with you later and send a telegram to your aunt to ask what's going on."

"Don't let your cousin's reputation be affected by it."

At this time, in the military family compound of Shen City.

After listening to her eldest daughter's words, Lin Yuyao sat on the sofa with a gloomy face.

She looked at her eldest daughter who was sitting next to her with an angry face to calm herself down.

She gently held her daughter's hand, "You have your mother here, and your mother will help you solve this matter. You don't have to worry about it anymore."

Lin Yuyao worked at the post and telecommunications bureau. She received a telegram from her cousin the next day when she went to work.

"What's going on with someone looking for Chun?"

Looking at these few words, Lin Manyao smiled knowingly.

In the evening, Zhang's family in the Shenshi Military District Family Compound.

Lin Manyao gently put her little son, who was already asleep in her arms, on the bed and covered him with a quilt.

Turning around, she looked at Zhang Baoqiang, who was lying on the bed reading a newspaper.

"My colleague Wang Chunju said last time that she wanted to arrange a blind date between her son and our Chun'er."

"I said at the time that our daughter had not graduated yet and would not go on a blind date."

"I don't know when her son met Chun'er."

"He has been waiting for our daughter at the school gate for almost two weeks."

"Chun'er rejected him on the first day, and then she said no every day, but it didn't work no matter what she said."

"Fortunately, from the third day on, my daughter went out of school with her good classmates and met him together."

"If she said no, she said it in person so that no bad words would be spread."

"I think it's not very likely that he will understand what my daughter said and stay away from our daughter."

Zhang Baoqiang took a deep breath, "That guy is inWhere does he work?"

"He works in the personnel department of the machinery factory, his name is Zhao Qianjin."

Zhang Baoqiang thought for a while before looking up at his wife.

"I have a comrade-in-arms who has been demobilized and works in the Ministry of Metallurgy. I will go find him."

"Every year, there are so many young people in our city who are transferred to other cities for work."

"If it doesn't work, transfer this Zhao Qianjin to work in other cities for a period of time, and then return to Shen City in a few years."

"We can't give up the reputation of our precious daughter because of such a scoundrel. "

Lin Yuyao nodded and leaned into her husband's arms and closed her eyes.

Her grandmother said that women who do a good job at work can have a truly happy marriage.

She must look different when she is working than when she is with her husband.

When she is with her husband, she must be as gentle as a cat.

Zhang Baoqiang looked down at his wife leaning against him and hugged her tighter.

His wife is well maintained, and their eldest daughter is already 21 years old.

His wife still looks like she is in her thirties.

The next day, Lin Yuyu received a telegram from her cousin in the morning.

Seeing that her eldest sister knew about it, she didn't pay much attention to it.

The natural disaster has passed, and their bureau has returned to its previous working hours.

The food in the cafeteria at noon has gradually improved.

At this moment, Lin Manyu and Li Huiying are queuing at the window with aluminum lunch boxes to get lunch.

Li Huiying stood at the window and saw that there was a lot of pork in the stewed beans in the large aluminum basin.

She quickly got another meal and prepared to send it to the school to eat with the children later.

Lin Manyu stood behind her and saw her eyes full of regret and also got another meal like her.

After the two sat down, she gently pushed the extra meal in front of Li Huiying.

"Hurry up and send it home. It's hot now and it will go bad if it's left for a long time. "

Li Huiying smiled at Lin Hanyu gratefully.

She quickly took out four taels of food coupons, one tael of meat coupons and 0.04 yuan from her pocket and put them on the table before leaving.

Nowadays, the food in a good unit is much cheaper than buying it outside.

When the unit canteen prepares good food, many people will choose to take an extra meal home.

The chefs who serve the food also turn a blind eye.

However, if a person wants to take two extra meals, it will indeed make it difficult for the chefs who serve the food.

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