Under the dark deep sea, a submarine was speeding towards the east.

In the cab, two Umbrella soldiers on guard slowly walked towards the submarine's drainage outlet.

"Hey! There seemed to be some noise over there just now."

"I heard it too. Could it be from the impact of fish?"

The soldier shook his head: "Not sure, let's go take a look."

Arriving at the drainage outlet, a soldier opened the downward observation mirror, turned the direction, and observed the situation below the submarine.

Suddenly, the lens of the observation mirror was blocked by a black and red thing. The soldier adjusted his direction vigorously, trying to get rid of the mass, but the black-red substance was even more sticky than glue.

"Oh! Shet! What on earth is that."

The soldier punched the hatch angrily, and suddenly there was a sound of iron scraping from the outer wall of the submarine.

As they looked up, four sharp black claws suddenly cut open the iron skin of the submarine. Then, under the horrified expressions of the two, a human with sharp claws broke through the steel shell and broke in.

"Oh! Shoot!"

"Report an intruder at the drain! Ah!"

Before the soldier could finish speaking, the two of them had been torn into two pieces by sharp claws.

Eight thick flesh chains pierced into the soldier's body and greedily absorbed it in an instant.

A large amount of seawater rushed in from the gap at the top, and the warning light in the submarine rang sharply.

Alexander and Wesker, who were sitting in the lounge, stood up at the same time, and were shocked when they saw Chen Chong devouring soldiers on the screen.

"He's not dead!" Alexander frowned and looked at Wesker, "Stop him quickly! We can't let him take away the escape capsule!"

With the blessing of heat sensing ability, Chen Chong quickly locked the location of the escape cabin.

At this moment, the entire submarine became chaotic due to water leakage. Some soldiers who escaped wanted to find the escape cabin, but as soon as they appeared, they were killed by Chen Chong's butcher.

As he was about to approach the escape cabin, suddenly a black afterimage rushed towards Chen Chong.

Chen Chong, who was looking at the goal, was obviously unprepared and was punched in the face by Wesker who rushed over.

The slight pain made Chen Chong stop. Wesker punched him in the face with all his strength, but he didn't even break the defense.

[Race: Human]

[Status: Evolution, Divine Holding]

[Level: 4]

[Health value: 200]

【Strength: 33】

[Defense: 12]

[Stamina: 32]

【Speed: 43】

[Virus resistance: 100]

[Special abilities: 1. Unknown, 2 Unknown, 3 Unknown, 4 Unknown, 5 Unknown, 6 Unknown,]

[Danger level: 4 stars]

Chen Chong slowly turned around and looked at the famous villain Boos, showing a mocking smile:

"Hehehe, that's it? I thought it would hurt!"

Wesker looked at Chen Chong quietly, and the muscles on his face twitched obviously.

He was very angry at Chen Chong's disdain, but Wesker knew very well that the guy in front of him was a pervert who could fight against the tyrant without losing.

With such little strength, confronting the opponent is simply courting death.

"Haha, I know you are very powerful, but your speed is like a snail in my eyes."

Wesker raised his lips and shook his finger at Chen Chong, "I advise you not to think about the escape cabin. It doesn't belong to you."

Chen Chong also laughed when he heard this. He slowly retracted his claws and looked at the other party calmly:

"Oh? Do you think you can stop me?"

Wesker shook his head again, showing a confident expression: "I don't need to fight you, I just need to get to the escape cabin one step ahead of you. I have this confidence."

For a moment, the two of them looked at each other with sneers. Suddenly, Chen Chong slowly stretched out his left fist and raised it to his chest:

"Watch out, I will kill you with this hand."


As he spoke, Chen rushed his feet and exerted force suddenly. A large amount of black and red bloodshot instantly condensed under his feet, and his whole body rushed straight towards Wesker like a sharp arrow.

In the eyes of others, Chen Chong's speed was so fast that no one could catch it. But in Wesker's eyes, this speed is indeed not much faster than a snail.

Almost when Chen Chong was about to approach Wesker, the latter finally moved.

Wesker's body seemed to have moved out of thin air, moving to the left in the blink of an eye.

It was no surprise that Chen Chong's punch was empty. He slowly turned around and looked at Wesker again with a proud look on his face.

"How about it? Do you want to keep playing like this?" Wesker pointed to the leaking hole above his head.

"We don't have much time here."

Chen Chong smiled slightly and pointed his left fist at Wesker again: "You really reminded me when you said that.

In this case, this game should be over. "

When Wesker heard this, he instinctively felt a little uneasy. In the previous battle with the tyrant, the opponent used a skill that covered the ground with thorns. Could it be that the opponent wanted to use this move against him?

With preparations in hand, Wesker paid special attention to his steps.

At this moment, his body suddenly felt stiff. Wesker instinctively wanted to stay away from Chen Chong, but when he reacted, the opponent's left fist had already hit him in the head.


A punch without any flair came, and Wesker's head was instantly smashed.

Chen Chong, who succeeded with one blow, looked at Wesker's body in confusion. The information in the illustrated book clearly showed that the other person's vital characteristics were still normal.

Hiss~ Right!

I remember that in Resident Evil 5, this guy was besieged by Claire, his sister, and Alice, and was almost beaten into a gag with guns. But he still relied on the virus's abnormal regeneration ability to escape on the plane.

Even though Alice installed a powerful bomb on the plane, the other party still did not die.

Right now, my punch didn't even knock out the opponent's health. If it was really like in the movie, then I really couldn't leave here today.

In just a few seconds, Wesker's rotten head began to heal rapidly.

Unlike the regeneration ability of ordinary infected bodies, Wesker's healing speed is exactly the same as the speed at which he can devour flesh and blood to recover from injuries.

"Isn't there the T virus in his body?"

After recovering from his injuries, Wesker stood up again. He slowly opened his mouth, and a fleshy sac quickly popped out of his throat, and then quickly opened into an eight-petal mouthpart with sharp teeth.

Chen Chong's eyes flashed, and the time delay was activated again.

This time, he did not choose to attack Wesker, but directly launched the swallowing skill towards the opponent.

Eight petals versus eight ways

Seeing the eight chains protruding from his body, Wesker, who was about to bite Chen Chong, quickly changed his expression.

He hurriedly wanted to shrink back and avoid it, but the rigid feeling from before reappeared. By the time his body recovered, the thick chains had already penetrated into his body.

"Oh! No~~~"

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