Wesker wanted to break free, but the rigid feeling made him unable to reverse.

He couldn't figure out how Chen Chong suddenly appeared in front of him, because to his naked eyes, the other party seemed to have used teleportation.

The eight virus chains pierced Wesker's body fiercely, and their powerful devouring ability caused Wesker to shrink in almost an instant.

Feeling the loss of a large amount of flesh and blood in his body, Wesker, who had always been calm and calm, finally showed a panicked expression.

"Help me! Help me quickly!"

The black sunglasses came off, revealing a pair of eyes radiating scarlet light. Wesker shouted for help toward the camera overhead. At this moment, his only hope rested on Alexander.

【warn! warn! An unknown virus has been detected entering the body! Abnormal genetic status! 】

As soon as a large amount of flesh and blood energy entered his body, Chen Chong felt a burning sensation like a flame.

The heat was like igniting every cell in the body. Wave after wave of pain forced Chen Chong to slow down his swallowing speed.

He was very familiar with this situation. He had experienced a similar feeling before when he devoured the G-virus original bodies in the underground laboratory of Wanjiang City.

But this time the burning sensation was obviously stronger than the last time.

The system's alarm kept reminding Chen Chong, but Chen Chong never stopped because he knew that if he didn't kill Wesker in this way, the other party would keep interfering with him and get the escape capsule.

Suddenly, Alexander in a suit appeared in the submarine aisle. In his eyes, various data had begun to run, and they accurately predicted Chen Chong's next attack angle and method.

"Hey! My friend, please let go of Wesker. We can talk, right?"

Hearing this, Chen Chong turned his head slightly, and his heart moved when he looked at the face that looked exactly like the doctor.

Is it another clone?

Chen Chong silently activated the illustration ability, but what surprised him was that the illustration ability could not be displayed, not even the most basic information such as level and race.

Chen Chong was really at a loss at this time. You must know that even if the illustrated book cannot predict the opponent's strength, it can still know some of the most basic information.

Could it be? Could it be that the other party is not a human being at all, but just a robot?

When Chen Chong was confused, Alexander's attack had arrived instantly. His body was approaching rapidly like a streamline.

Facing the unknown enemy, Chen Chong did not dare to be careless at all.

He endured the pain in his body and quickly activated his Qigong waves.

Alexander's pupils shrank, and the attack prediction system had already analyzed the attack range of the Qigong wave in the first place. In the blink of an eye, Alexander's body shrank and accurately retreated to the end of the submarine's passage. The Qigong wave also stopped in the next second. In front of the other party, they quietly dispersed.

As more and more flesh and blood energy was inhaled, the genes in Chen Chong's body launched a violent assimilation reaction.

The black light virus and the virus in Wesker's body began to compete for dominance. The two viruses, which split at about the same speed, took Chen Chong's various organs and veins as strongholds and began to strangle violently.

At the same time, dense black and red blood streaks continued to surge on the surface of Chen Chong's skin. On the surface of the blood streaks, a line of black gas like ink appeared around it.

The huge pain made Chen Chong's devouring speed become even slower.

Seeing that half of Wesker's body had been digested, Alexander was forced to retreat and multiple markers appeared in his eyes again. I saw him slowly taking out a black special pistol, raising his hand and shooting a blue light towards the cabin where the submarine's ammunition was stored.

boom! ! !

In an instant, the entire dark seabed lit up with a huge fire, and the long submarine was blown to pieces.

A large amount of seawater was evaporated, and the surrounding fish were also killed.

Chen Chong, who fell into a brief coma, felt that his body was gradually sinking.

The burning sensation in my body was offset by the cold water.

After an unknown amount of time, a clear system prompt appeared again. Chen Chong, who had his eyes tightly closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

[Congratulations to the host for improving the evolution level, gaining 5 free attribute points, 6 free skill points, and unlocking the skill: Danger Prediction]

[Host: Chen Chong]

[Status: Evolution, Weakness, Gene Collapse, Prototype (50%)]

[Level: 6 (1%)]

[Health: 270 (85%)]

【Strength: 66.4】

【Defense: 51.2】

[Stamina: 37]

【Speed: 39】

[Free attribute points: 5]

【Virus resistance:∞】

[Form: 1. Claw Lv4 (33%) 2. Blade Lv3, 3. Tendrils Lv1, 4. Hammer Lv2 (37%)

5. Charged Shield Lv1 (the form bar is locked and cannot be activated)]

[Special abilities: 1. Devouring Lv5, 2. Disguise Lv5, 3. Heat sense Lv3, 4. Command Lv5, 5. Ground stab Lv4, 6. Qigong wave Lv5, 7. Brutal Lv5, 8. Charged attack Lv2, 9 .Hide Tide Level 2, 10. Rush Level 5,

11. Danger Prediction Lv1: Able to perceive dangerous situations within a radius of 200m. 】

[Free skill points: 6]

[Virus incubation: None]

[Armed hatching: not yet in progress (energy number: 2785)]

[Finishing move·Thousands of tentacles]

[Storage organs: flesh and blood energy (50%)]

Level 6? How could it be so fast?

Chen Chong clenched his fists in surprise, feeling the explosive power in his body, and felt a little unbelievable for a moment.

In the ranks of evolvers, level 5 to level 6 has always been a watershed that is difficult to cross.

Because human beings' physique determines their upper limit of strength, they cannot change their genes at will like infected bodies.

Once level 6 is exceeded, the heart and head are no longer lethal. Even if his head is blown to pieces, he will not die.

Moreover, humans at level 6 are no longer afraid of ordinary zombie viruses, and will not completely turn into zombies even if they are infected.

But for Chen Chong, these level barriers do not exist at all. As long as there is enough flesh and blood for him to devour, he can grow without limit.


On the same day, M federal representatives headed by Lyon officially arrived in Jingzhou and participated in an emergency meeting.

At the same time that the zombies marching south from the Central Plains approached Linzhou City, another zombie army with black light creatures as the main force also marched towards Jingzhou.

With the spread of the new Z virus, some kind of connection seems to have been established between these infected individuals from different camps. The most important thing is that they know how to cooperate with each other.

"Okay, regarding the defense issue, we will discuss it later. Next, I would like to invite the M Federation representative to speak."

As the middle-aged officer pointed towards the entrance of the conference room, a tall man with long hair slowly appeared at the door.

"Hello, sirs, I am Federal Representative M, my name is Leon Scott Kennedy"

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