My name is Alice

I work for an umbrella company. This is one of the world's largest and most influential companies.

I'm the head of security at a secret high-tech research center called the Hive, a massive laboratory beneath Raccoon City.

Its mission was to develop virus weapons, but then an accident occurred.

Everyone dies when the virus leaks. The trouble is that they are not just dead.

[M Federation·Northern Territory]

As the center of the T-Virus outbreak, the M Federation has become dilapidated. Cities with large population bases have basically experienced the baptism of nuclear bombs.

What living humans have to face every day is the constant pursuit of zombies. If they stay in one place for a long time, they will be found by zombies. There will be one or a few of them at first, and then more and more until they form an army.

The few remaining forces and human settlements have begun a wandering life. They avoided big cities and kept moving along the highway.

On a road that runs through the desert, a female rider wearing a khaki windbreaker and windproof glasses is riding a motorcycle on the road.

In the middle of the road, a zombie was eating a corpse, raising its withered head to look at the speeding motorcycle.

Looking at the zombie's outstretched claws, the female knight ignored the other party. The zombie, which was slower than a human, could only watch helplessly as its prey walked away.

From a distance, there was an abandoned gas station less than 300 meters ahead. The female rider slowly parked her motorcycle on a downhill road.

She took off the goggles in front of her eyes to reveal her sapphire pupils

Alice! This person, who was listed as the highest level of danger by Umbrella, was discovering the target she wanted to hunt.

Get out of the car and use the crossbow.

The movements in one go are pleasing to the eye.

She gently hid in front of a waist-high weed and saw a zombie lingering in front of the pickup truck through the sight of the alloy crossbow.

"Sorry, Steve."


The sharp arrow left the string, and with a faint sound of wind, the arrow accurately pierced the zombie's eye socket, and the huge force nailed its entire head to the truck compartment.

After making sure there were no other zombies, Alice rode her motorcycle into the gas station. She walked to the gas tank and grabbed the oil gun and tried it. She was disappointed. The oil in this place was obviously drained.

She grabbed the pistol and approached the house, wanting to try her luck inside.

Opening the door gently, there were only a few eaten cans and bottles on the table in the dusty room. She walked forward alertly, and suddenly a crisp sound sounded on the ground.

She quickly turned her gun and aimed at the ground. A glass piggy bank fell to the ground, and the coins inside were scattered all over the floor.

Alice did not stop moving. She stared closely at the wooden door in front of her, as if there was something terrible behind the wooden door.

Gently approaching the door, she clenched the pistol in her hand and quickly opened the wooden door.

Unexpectedly, a dense group of flies flew towards her. Alice covered her mouth and nose and chased them away in disgust.

It turned out that a woman hanged herself in the room. Her body hung here for a long time, attracting a large number of flies.

Alice was about to leave when she suddenly saw a special notebook under the female body. Out of curiosity, she took it out and turned around and walked out of the house.

Arriving in front of the door, a black crow was standing on top of the dead zombie, pecking out carrion from the zombie's eye sockets.

Alice looked at the crow in surprise.

Aren't birds infected by the T virus?

With some doubts, she slowly got on her motorcycle. At this time, a broadcast of gathering survivors came from the radio.

"We are Claire's escort, looking for survivors. Is there anyone out there?"

Alice completely ignored these broadcasts. Just now, she was tricked into a store by a woman who claimed to be in need of help, so she almost lost her life there.

She opened the notebook she took out from the house, which marked various survivor bases and the activity patterns of zombies.

Until I turned to the fourth page, a map was pasted on it. There is a place marked with text next to it

'We found it. The Daxia Empire has a large army. They have cities built by survivors. There are no viruses or zombies there.'


Alice murmured and looked towards the distant east. For the past year, she had been chased endlessly by the Umbrella Company and lived in panic.

The forces under the M federal umbrella are spread all over the place, and they will find you wherever you go.

No matter whether Daxia is really as safe as the notes say, at least the protective umbrella there will definitely not be more difficult to deal with than it is now.

[Daxia Empire·Gutao Town]

The thick ancient city wall was mixed with barbed wire and broken into several pieces. All the automatic turrets surrounding it were also destroyed.

On the dusty streets, zombies staggered around looking for delicious prey.

Half of the building was flattened, revealing the blackened wall, with lickers crawling over it from time to time. They were constantly changing positions along the wall as if they had ADHD.

This survivor base, once known as the Iron Fortress, has now completely become a paradise for zombies.


Behind a low earthen wall, a man with a strong build and hair on his chest made a silent gesture towards the man with the back of his head hiding at the other end of the alley.

Yes, the hairy-chested man was Liu Quan, whom he hadn't seen for a long time. He pointed to the building diagonally across the street, where a Licker was lying.

Duan Feng, who was hiding on the other side, gritted his teeth and seemed to have made a difficult decision.

He waved to Liu Quan, signaling him to come to him. Then he pointed at the Hank sword in his hand and made a chopping motion.

Seeing this scene, Liu Quan shook his head fiercely.

More than two months have passed since Umbrella dispatched planes to bomb the base.

During this period of time, they dealt with zombies almost every day, and he knew the Licker's abilities better than anyone else.

With Duan Feng's little strength, I couldn't believe it.

Seeing that Liu Quan could not pass, Duan Feng became anxious. He clenched his fist and arched his left arm, holding one hand on the wall in a muscular pose.

But his washboard-like figure, no matter how showy he is, can hardly give people a sense of security.

After fiddling around with no results, Duan Feng quietly poked his head out and took a look at the street on the left.

Seeing that several zombies were about to wander to the entrance of the alley where he was, he became anxious.

"Come here! Liu Quan! Come here for me!"

Duan Feng's voice was not high, but he was still noticed by the lickers upstairs.

It rushed toward the alley where Duan Feng was with a clear target.

Liu Quan on the side was startled, but he still picked up the chopping ax in his hand and rushed towards Duan Feng. But before his ax blade struck, the Licker's scarlet body collapsed.

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