Three blasts of sound rang out one after another, and the two zombies approaching the alley, including the Licker, had a bright crossbow arrow stuck in their heads.


Upon seeing this, both Duan Feng and Liu Quan breathed a long sigh of relief.

"You two are too inferior! Are you trapped by a licker?"

A beautiful girl with short hair and a big D walked from the entrance of the alley with light steps. She unscrewed a bottle of mineral water, passed around Duan Feng who stretched out her hand, and handed it to Liu Quan.

Seeing Liu Quan drinking water proudly, Duan Feng complained sourly: "I mean Liu Li, I'll give you Brother Feng a sip anyway."

Liu Quan laughed and threw half the bottle over, and then he hugged the girl's shoulders carelessly:

"How's it going? Have you got all the medicines on the list?"

Liu Li's face turned red and she nodded gently:

"I got them all, but the anti-inflammatories in the pharmacy have been empty. I may have to go to the hospital in town to pick them up next time."

"Okay! Then let's get out of here quickly. As time goes by, Captain Zheng should be anxious."

Liu Quan waved his waist-high splitting ax with a big hand, and led Duan Feng and Liu Li to dexterously bypass several broken walls, and went from the east gate of the town to Qianling Mountain in the east.

"Hey! Don't forget to sprinkle some black powder. Really, I have to be reminded every time."

Duan Feng and Liu Quan rolled their eyes, and with embarrassed smiles, they took out a bottle filled with black powder from their pockets and sprinkled it on the mountain road into the mountain pass.

This black powder is actually potassium permanganate. People usually use it to purify water or disinfect it.

It was this humble thing that discovered its huge role in an accidental experiment by Su Gan.

Zombies can find humans, basically relying on the smell left behind by human activities and habitations. However, potassium permanganate can mask this smell very well and can weaken the zombie's ability to smell to a certain extent.

The three of them walked along the rugged mountain road for more than an hour and were about to stop to rest. Four soldiers who were lying in ambush on the grass suddenly appeared and aimed their guns at the three of them.

"Wang He, can you please stop scaring me all the time!"

Liu Quan was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, patted his chest exaggeratedly, and rolled his eyes at the leading soldier.

"Hahahaha, you are too timid, I scare you every time."

Several soldiers laughed, and Duan Feng and Liu Li also covered their mouths.

"Okay, did you go well this time? How is the town? Are the zombies gone?"

Wang He reached out to Liu Quan and pulled him up.

"Alas! The medicine has been obtained. But the town is still the same. I estimate that there are at least hundreds of thousands of zombies inside."

Liu Quan said with his head drooped, looking listless.

Wang He patted the opponent's shoulder and said comfortingly: "It's okay. When Brother Chong wakes up, we can fight back even if the number is doubled."

When he mentioned Chen Chong, Liu Quan gritted his teeth and cursed: "I don't know where those stupid protective umbrellas got so many fighter jets! In other words, Brother Chong is very lucky. We would have died tens of thousands of times from that level of bombing!"

And that blond girl in the lead, don’t let labor and management catch you in the future! I caught her and spread her ass! "

"Come on~ Come on, are you the only one who still fights with others? It's not like you didn't see that night, that girl killed all the special forces by herself, and she couldn't even be killed by the bullets. If it weren't for Brother Chong, we would have been here All ticket holders have to finish playing.”

Duan Feng's untimely trouble caused Liu Quan's eyebrows to stand on end: "Duan, I'm talking about you."

"Hey! Okay, okay! Just stop arguing, okay? The key is to send the medicine back as soon as possible."

At the critical moment, Wang He stopped the two of them. The two enemies, Liu Quan and Duan Feng, angrily gave up and took Liu Li into the survivor base in the back mountain.

After Gutao Town was captured by the Protective Umbrella, Zheng Ping hid in the mountains with more than a thousand remaining troops and nearly 10,000 civilians.

The bombing of the umbrella that day came very suddenly. The base had just gained a foothold from the threat of the spread of the zombie virus, and then the entire town was destroyed by a dense swarm of Osprey fighter jets.

At the critical moment, the anti-aircraft artillery modified by Chen Chong played a key role. The cannon that sprayed black light was simply beyond the scope of everyone's understanding.

Both the rate of fire and the power are several times stronger than before. If a basic number of shells are fired, a fighter plane will be shot down.

The miraculous accuracy rate made the artillery company commander at the time think that his soldiers were cheating.

In the barracks built with tents, Zheng Ping frowned as he looked at the house diagonally opposite.

Winter is approaching, and most people in the camp don't have a house to live in yet. Without good tools, drilling holes in the mountains is not that smooth.

Nearly half of the people spent the night lying on the grass in the open air every day. As the idea of ​​the end of the world gradually spread in people's minds, the crime rate in the camp gradually increased.

Food, housing, winter clothing, ammunition to fight zombies, when the life and death of tens of thousands of people in the entire camp were weighed on Zheng Ping alone, he regretted it.

After suppressing the spread of the virus within the base, military officials and camp managers began to discuss the camp's future leaders.

After the two powerful factions Cao and Huang died one after another, even Deputy Commander Liu also died in the chaos.

In order not to make the same mistake as Cao Rongbin, everyone agreed that the leaders of the camp should not be selected entirely based on their military positions.

With Huang Zhengjiang's personal letter and the strong recommendation of Zheng Ping and his party, Chen Chong became the most suitable candidate.

However, Chen Chong handed over the management of the entire base to Zheng Ping on the grounds that he had important tasks.

Coupled with Zheng Ping's good reputation in the army, the second battalion commander immediately expressed his support and supported Zheng Ping as the new 'regiment commander'.

In the past few years since he joined the army, Zheng Ping has always been a company commander. In the past, he was arrogant and felt that he could do well what others could do.

But now, as he stood in the large barracks, he felt a sense of powerlessness and loneliness in his heart.

How he wished that the man lying in the room opposite could wake up and assign him to complete the task.

Instead of being frightened every step of the way like now.

"Chen Chong, please. Wake up quickly. I can hardly carry this burden anymore!"

While Zheng Ping was muttering, a beautiful figure opened the door opposite.

Su Wei held a basin of warm water, a towel, and pushed the door open.

Looking at the man lying on the camp bed, his originally dull eyes became a little softer.

She deftly untied the man's clothes and wiped his body meticulously with a towel. In the past two months, she had become accustomed to this kind of life, wiping his body, giving him medicine, and talking to him when no one was around.

Brother Zhuang disappeared the night the camp was bombed. Only he and his uncle followed the army into the mountains.

Soon the uncle was re-employed by the military, and he was so busy that he couldn't even see him every day.

When Su Wei was lonely, only Chen Chong, who was lying on the bed, could accompany her. In this way, it became a habit in her life.

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