The broad blade carried a rich dark red mist and struck towards the old man's head.

Ever since Qin Zhongkang was injected with the G virus, there was nothing in Wanjiang City that made him feel dangerous.

Facing the strange slashing blade, a feeling of extreme danger arose in his heart.


The free G virus energy in Qin Zhongkang's body gathered together in an instant.

The huge clawed arm suddenly lifted up and grabbed Chen Chong who was rushing towards him.


A burst of dark red blood spurted out. Qin Zhongkang's sharp claws were unable to stop the opponent's blade arm at all. One sharp claw was cut off directly along with the flesh and blood on his hand.

Qin Zhongkang let out a painful roar, and the huge eye on his left arm blinked. He jumped back with all his strength and stared at Chen Chong warily.

"Impossible! How did your power increase so much in an instant!"

Qin Zhongkang has always been very confident in terms of strength. After his claws accumulate full strength, their fluctuation value can reach a height of 28.

According to specific data research, the main battle tank armor in the army can only withstand attacks of 25 points of power fluctuation at most.

But now he was actually stabbed by the other party.

Qin Zhongkang's question did not wait for an answer. Chen Chong quickly attacked with a huge sword arm without saying a word.

At the moment of the attack, Chen Chong added all the remaining 7 free attribute points to strength.

Now his power has reached 29 points!

However, the rapid increase in strength also made it difficult for him to adapt for a while. If he could use the blade of the blade arm to cut damage just now, I am afraid this guy would be strangled in an instant.

Qin Zhongkang, who had suffered a lot, was afraid of being beaten. Originally, he was a scientific researcher hiding behind the scenes, and it was his nature to be greedy for life and afraid of death.

Facing Chen Chong's fierce pursuit, the old guy actually ran away in the distance regardless of everything.

"What's going on? Could it be possible to transform a body weapon into something so powerful?"

Zhang Hui, who was fighting with the executioner, looked in surprise at Chen Chong, who was chasing Qin Zhongkang and slashing wildly.

The executioners were so embarrassed before, but now they encountered the more powerful G virus creature, and they became so ferocious.

Without thinking about anything else, Zhang Hui avoided the executioner's axe, turned around and chased them in the direction they left.

At the same time, nine black Osprey fighter jets rushed towards Wanjiang City from the western sky.

At the entrance of the underground laboratory passage, five UBCS members blocked the attack of the zombie wolf pack without sacrificing one person.

Soon, Captain Enge received instructions from Warren Ting: "Squad one, stay in the main control room and control all entrances. Team two, follow me."

Under the leadership of Engel, the second team merged with the third team that stayed on the ground, and the ten special operations team members returned to the ground along the passage.

"After receiving the latest order, intercept the defectors Zhang Hui and Qin Zhongkang at all costs. Pay special attention, Qin Zhongkang is now an advanced combination of the G virus, and attack the eyeball on his left arm first!"


Qin Zhongkang, who was running in front, threw street lights and cars on both sides of the road at Chen Chong from time to time.

Because Qin Zhongkang was slower than Qin Zhongkang, Chen Chong could only follow the opponent and look for opportunities.

Facing the debris that kept flying, Chen Chong waved his blade to cut them off one by one. He carefully observed the surrounding buildings, hoping to use his vertical climbing ability to shorten the distance between the two parties.

Just as Qin Zhongkang was about to run out of the Memorial Square, a sudden burst of violent shooting was launched from the other side of the square.

The old man running at the front bore the brunt of the attack and was covered in a metal net of bullets.

The huge eyeball was shot with more than a dozen bullets in an instant.


A piercing scream came from Qin Zhongkang's mouth. He covered the big eyeball on his left shoulder in pain, and put his huge left arm in front of his chest, firmly covering his head and shoulders.

The dense metal bullets hit his left arm, splattering blood flowers.

But the kinetic energy of the bullet could not penetrate his arm, let alone damage the eyes behind him.

At this moment, Chen Chong's attack came from behind. Qin Zhongkang was distracted for a moment, and his whole body was split into two halves by the blade.

The screams stopped abruptly. The white-haired head was also divided into two.

However, Qin Zhongkang's death exposed himself to the attack sight of the UBCS team.

In an instant, Enge shifted his attack target to this more terrifying blade-armed man.

The dense rain of bullets hit, and Chen Chong felt Qin Zhongkang's pain firsthand. He waved his blade arm in front of his head, and each bullet penetrated his flesh, causing black and red ripples to appear on his body.

The original plan was to use this special operations team to attract Valen Ting, but now the other party did not appreciate it and actually tried to kill him.

"Hmph! You are overestimating your abilities!"

Rich black and red bloodshot veins wrapped around his legs, and Chen Chong suddenly used his strength to jump into the air. The huge force created two deep pits where he originally stood.

The UBCS team members who were shooting suddenly lost their target and were confused.

Captain Eng's voice suddenly sounded on the communication channel:

"No! Escape quickly! The target is beyond the estimated range!"


As soon as he finished speaking, a series of screams sounded in the headset.

The third team ambushing on the right side of the street was massacred in an instant. This elite team, which could kill a group of zombie dogs with just five people, could not survive even two seconds in Chen Chong's hands.

At this moment, Engel and his men were scared. They dared to attack Qin Zhongkang because they knew the G virus better and knew where the opponent's key points were.

But facing an unknown humanoid monster, even the elites cannot escape the fear of death.

The two special forces members shot randomly in the direction of Chen Chong.

At this moment, a huge claw penetrated the body of a UBCS player.

Blood seeped out drop by drop along the vents of the gas mask on his face.

He slowly turned his head, his eyes hidden under the helmet revealing a horrified look.

"Huh? You're not even dead?"

Chen Chong, who was clinging to the building and preparing to take action again, stopped where he was.

Isn't this guy who is massacring UBCS the same Qin Zhongkang who was just split into two pieces by himself?

But now his appearance has changed greatly. The head on his neck has turned into a scarlet muscle lump, and Qin Zhongkang's old cheek has actually been fused to the monster's chest.

At this moment, this monster has no trace of reason. The huge eyeball on its left shoulder is constantly locking the positions of the special forces members and tearing them apart mercilessly.

Suddenly, two black fighter planes swooped down, and the G virus infected body that was about to pounce on Engel was thrown away by a rocket.

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