The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 77 0018. Break into the main control room

At the same time, Zhang Hui and the executioner who were following behind were also bombed by fighter planes.

The executioner without a brain does not know how to avoid or be afraid. He was blown to pieces by a missile on the spot.

Zhang Hui, who was running in front, was also affected by the explosion, and his entire back was pierced by shrapnel.

At the entrance to the underground laboratory, Enge gasped and ran desperately towards the passage.

"Krem, open the underground passage door immediately."

"Roger that sir!"

The passage door on the first floor is the laboratory door that Chen Chong used to break through with the Black Light Desert Eagle.

However, this door was repaired as soon as the UBCS team entered, and it has now been re-energized and put into use.


The electronic magnetic card slot automatically turned green when Engel arrived.

The laboratory door slowly opened, and Enge walked in awkwardly. The moment he turned around to close the door.

A black figure with a blade arm stood quietly at the stairs outside the laboratory door.

"What the hell!"

Enge was so frightened that he immediately pressed the door-closing button.

The black shadow slowly raised its blade arm, pointed at Enge's head and said lightly:

"If this door is closed, you will die."

I don't know why, Engel knew that this door was extremely strong, but he still didn't feel the slightest sense of security.

In the darkness, the other person's young face appeared and disappeared, and there was always a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Enge stood obediently, his right hand hanging on the button seemed to weigh a thousand pounds.

"Captain, close the door quickly. The G-virus infected body has rushed into the passage."

Krem's shout came from the headset, but how could Engel dare to disobey the devilish young man in front of him.

"Guard the other G virus samples and don't let the infected body get them."

At the critical moment, Engel was determined to give it a go.

If the G virus infected body is allowed to rush into the main control room and release other G virus samples, this underground laboratory will really be finished by then.


A roar of monsters came from the main passage overhead.

Chen Chong, who was guarding the entrance to the underground floor, smiled.

"It's finally here. It seems that my evolution level can be improved again!"

Umbrella's underground laboratory has simply become Chen Chong's blessed place.

The first time you come, first devour Jill to reach the second level.

Then he absorbed the third level of evolution from the King of Destruction. Now this G virus organism has also arrived.

Suddenly, the electronic door in front of him made a crisp sound.

Chen Chong's expression remained unchanged, and he looked at Enge who was wary. It seems that the other party still chose death.

Seeing the door slowly closing, Enge breathed a sigh of relief and was about to turn around and leave.

There was a bang, and a blade arm pierced the door. The solid laboratory door was cut by the blade, like a piece of paper being cut through it.

It’s over! It's all over!

At this moment, Engel gave up resistance. He did not hesitate to pull the trigger on his own head, ending his life first.

Chen Chong glanced at the body indifferently, and then walked towards the entrance of the second floor passage in a familiar manner.

Krem in the main control room saw the situation on the underground floor through the surveillance camera.

"The monster is coming towards the main control room and will release the nerve agent immediately."


A stream of green liquid spilled from the fire sprinkler on the ceiling, and in an instant, the entire underground laboratory was wet with the poison.

Such a scene reminded Chen Chong of the first time he and Zhao Qing entered here.

The room full of wet stains and the white coat lying dead on the floor.

"No! There's poison in it!"

Chen Chong covered his nose and rushed toward the entrance to the second underground floor. Krem, who was sitting in the monitoring room, stared at the people in the video.

When he saw the other party skillfully opening the gate switch, he was so frightened that he screamed.

"No, it's impossible! How could he know where the switch is!"

Through their previous inference, two people had been here before. The first one has been confirmed, that is Qin Zhongkang who took the G virus away from here.

The second one is the mysterious monster that exposed the entire underground laboratory.

Black flesh and blood tissue, black blade arms! Could it be?

At this moment Krem woke up, it was it! It's the monster that exposed the lab!

"Oh my God! Krem calls Chief Varun Ting! The monster that destroyed the underground laboratory has been identified, and it is here."

Halfway through Krem's words, the black blade had already cut his neck.

"Corporal Krem, where is it? Please answer! Corporal Krem?"

Warren Ting's inquiry came from the helmet's built-in communicator. But this answer is destined to be answered by no one.

Chen Chong stabbed the player's body with one hand and activated his devouring ability.

The memory fragments of this team member also flashed through his mind one by one.

Benjing Base! Wesker! Alice?

Looking at the fragments in his memory, Chen Chong was shocked.

This team was sent from the Benjing base in the island country. They came here with two missions. One was to restart the underground laboratory, and the other was to capture Alice who came to the Great Xia Empire.

"Alice really exists, and she actually came to Daxia!"

Such shocking news made Chen Chong unable to help but want to see the strength of the Biochemical Queen with his own eyes.

Unfortunately, this team does not have Alice's specific location.


At this time, Qin Zhongkang's transformed eyeball monster had broken into the underground layer. And as if the other party had sensed it, he walked towards the main control room with a clear purpose.

"Oh, by the way, this monster seems to be here to find other G virus samples." Chen Chong was digesting the memories of the team members while thinking about countermeasures.

correct! G virus sample!

Chen Chong opened his eyes suddenly, and a crazy idea came to his mind!

There are eight G-virus samples stored in the storage room inside. If you catalyze all these G-virus samples, wouldn't you be able to get the eight-headed eyeball monster to devour it?

"Hahaha, come on, come on! Let me taste the taste of swallowing the G virus!"


The door to the main control room was shattered by the eyeball monster's claws, and pieces of metal shavings flew out, smashing the screen in the monitoring room.


The monster's huge eyeball immediately focused on Chen Chong in front of him.

The monster who lost his mind had no memory of the previous beating by the other party.

The huge sharp claws carried the fierce wind and clawed at Chen Chong's weak body.

Unexpectedly, Chen Chong reached out and grabbed the opponent's claws without haste and broke it in pieces. Before the eyeball monster could howl out, a sharp blade arm instantly penetrated into the middle of the monster's huge eyeball.

As a stream of black blood spurted out, the G virus-infected body fell limply to the ground.

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