The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 1230: The Pearl Girl and the Princess 24

Chapter 1230 The Pearl-Player and the Princess 24

The magistrate did not understand why it was a son and a sow inside, not the dumb kidnapped with them. Then there was a trace of fortune in my heart. Look, they really didn't kidnap the princess's student or force the dumb girl. The son is just forcing a pig. Although this is embarrassing, he should be fine, right?

"Dirty eyes." Tian Miao frowned.

"Offending the princess, a capital crime!" Tang Zhishi said coldly. Such a villain still wants to beat him to clear the lotus. Not a pity to die!

capital offense?

When the magistrate heard these words, she trembled all over, and she knelt down and let out a pig-killing cry: "Princess, please be forgive. Princess, the person inside is not your student, please forgive my son." Forget, letting the princess see this kind of thing also offended the princess's majesty. It's also a capital crime!

The magistrate was also stupid and knelt down blankly. He was surprised! Although he didn't know what was going on, he also knew a little. It is impossible for his own son to look at a sow, nor can he force a sow. But now something like this happened, and the princess was caught upright by the princesses. There was a problem with everything. And this question is not something he can answer.

The magistrate's son finally woke up at this time. He looked at the sow in front of him in horror, and then at the circle of people around him. I also saw my father and mother kneeling in front. He looked at the sow under him, only to feel a surge, and turned his head to vomit.

"Princess, please be forgiving. Our nine-generation singles, such a single seedling, please beg the princess for mercy." The magistrate kowtowed her head for mercy.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die." The county magistrate's son finally understood the current situation at this time, and he began to cry.

"Oh? It's okay if you don't want to die." Tianmiao turned around, "Staining the eyes of the palace, the death penalty can be avoided and the living sin cannot escape. Go away."

Castration? That is castration! The magistrate's wife trembled all over and her face was pale. Wouldn't it be worse if she ended up like this?

"Then let me die." The county magistrate's son cried. If he is castrated, is he still a man? What does he mean by being alive? What dignity is there? It's better to die.

"Then kill it." Tian Miao said lightly.

Dongxiao draws his sword, cold light flashes, slowly approaching the magistrate son.

The son of the county magistrate looked at the gleaming sword tip, his soul frightened, crawling backwards desperately, crying: "I don't want to die, I don't want to die, spare my life." He regretted it. Death is more terrible than castration. .

"So I chose to castrate." Tang Zhishi said coldly.

"It looks like it is." Tianmiao's mouth twitched, "This kind of scene is not suitable for us to watch. Let's go first. You can handle the rest."

"Yes." Tang Zhishi responded, and glanced at the magistrate in disgust. It was this stupid and vicious woman who came up with such a vicious plan in vain to destroy Qing He. Fortunately, the emperor had known the news a long time ago, and asked him to go to rescue Qinghe. Otherwise, will the last thing he sees a corpse of Qinghe?


Tianmiao took Li Qinghe and the others away, and Qinghe and Tianmiao moved into the post.

The whole county is boiling.

The princess came to their county town, and Li Qinghe, the dumb girl who plucked beads, was actually a student of the noble princess!

The pearl plucker and your princess actually know and are so close? !

This is shocking.

(End of this chapter)

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