The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 1231: The Pearl Girl and the Princess 25

Chapter 1231: The Pearl-Player and the Princess 25

When Tianmiao and Li Qinghe were recounting the past, Tang Zhishi was busy cooking the magistrate's family. The magistrate has committed too many things, and looking for it at will is a big crime. Not to mention the son of the county magistrate. On the contrary, he was the county magistrate. He didn't commit any major incidents. Although there were some minor problems, he wouldn't be caught, but the black hat on his head could not be kept. And he "made a decisive decision" and wrote a letter of resignation, as well as a paperwork to sever the relationship between his son and his son, took off his black hat, packed his luggage, and ran away quickly.

As for the older brother's side, he didn't worry about his elder brother's revenge at all. This time the eldest brother might not be able to protect himself. Blame him for having a "good" sister. The insidious idea was hit on the princess student, this time even the gods descended from the earth could not save her.

The magistrate's wife and the magistrate's son, who were caught in prison, were crying and shouting. The magistrate's wife scolded her husband's unfeelingness and her son's unwillingness. After the magistrate's son was castrated, he felt unconscious at first in pain, and then scolded his mother when he recovered. It's a motherly habit to scold yourself for being like this. In the end, there was a scuffle, and the beating was furious, and the jailer was often asked to call them to stop them.


Li Anqing is still a little wandering.

He knew Ahai, ah no, it was Tang Zhishi's life experience that was not simple, but he had never thought that it was not simple.

He is actually a prince!

The prince is a high authority, and there will be concubines, side concubines, and countless concubines sharing rooms...

No way! The daughter can't marry him!

"Master Yue, do you want to go back? I urged us to get married before." At this moment, Tang Zhishi's voice faintly sounded in Li Anqing's ears.

Li Anqing almost jumped up in fright.

"A scary person will scare people to death, can you not suddenly appear behind me and speak in such a grudge tone?" Li Anqing glared at Tang Zhishi.

"Do you want to regret it?" Tang Zhishi stared back.

"So what? You are a prince! I didn't know your life experience before, but now I know it. How could the prince be a woman in our family Qinghe." Li Anqing repented with confidence.

"I said, I won't marry other people, I'll be the only one in my life. How can you not believe me?" Tang Zhishi stared angrily.

"I..." Li Anqing wanted to say something else.

At this time, a sweet but majestic voice came in: "Don't worry, he said that he will do it by himself in this life. If he can't do it, the palace will ask someone to cast him off."

Li Anqing turned and looked at Tianmiao who was standing not far away, and hurriedly prepared to salute: "I have seen the princess."

"Don't be polite." Tian Miao smiled, "Don't worry, Qinghe is my student and even my friend. I won't let people bully her."

Don't know why, when Tang Zhishi heard these words, Chrysanthemum's hind legs trembled. He had seen the emperor sister's methods. It's really scary! But Tang Zhishi also knew that Li Anqing would not object to the matter between him and Qinghe if the emperor had come forward. Tang Zhishi looked at Li Qinghe who was standing behind Tianmiao. Li Qinghe's cheeks were slightly red and looked at Tang Zhishi.

Tang Zhishi gave Li Qinghe a big smile and nodded. Li Qinghe turned away shyly.

Li Anqing watched this scene and knew in his heart that his daughter really liked Tang Zhishi. If you really want to take it apart, it would be a great mandarin duck.

However, Qinghe should be very happy in the future with such thick thighs as the princess.

(End of this chapter)

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