The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 1244: The emperor became a dog 1

Chapter 1244 The emperor turns into a dog 1

Great Zhou Kingdom.

Five years since the current emperor succeeded to the throne, the situation of internal and external troubles has been changed.

The harassment of foreigners on the border of the Great Zhou Kingdom has never stopped. The first emperor always sends troops to drive away, and the other party accepts when he asks for peace. Many years have passed without pain. But after the current emperor succeeded to the throne, there is only one word: fight!

The foreigners who fought were embarrassed, and they had lingering fears. They moved their capital for tens of miles and signed a contract that would never come. Although this contract does not have any binding force on the tiger-wolf foreign race, but in recent years has not dared to harass again.

Internally, those ministers and princes who had jumped up and down to oppose the current emperor or prince were all liquidated. Those who attempt to collude and rebel with foreigners are handled thoroughly.

The country settled down, but the treasury was empty. The emperor is not in a hurry, the restoration of national strength will only take time.

The emperor was very satisfied with the situation in the harem.

His true love, Concubine Shu, has been pregnant for four months. When Concubine Shu gave birth to the dragon son, he planned to abolish Concubine Shu as the queen, and the prince born by Concubine Shu would become the prince.

However, the day before the emperor planned to write the secret decree first, he fell ill and was unconscious.

The queen mother quickly blocked the news, settled in the harem, summoned the king to enter the palace, and let the king handle the government affairs on behalf of the emperor.


The emperor's soul was floating in the palace, watching his mother calmly and methodically dealing with these matters, but his heart was very anxious.

what happened to him? Is the pale person lying on the bed yourself?

Dewang? Want to handle government affairs for him temporarily?

This is a conspiracy! This must be the conspiracy of the Queen Mother and King De! This is to usurp the throne. It must be the queen mother and the king who murdered him.

It's over, it's over.

Where is Concubine Shu? She is still pregnant with my dragon heir! Concubine Shu is so weak and helpless, if she knew she was sick, she would not know what she would cry like. No, I can't let this vicious mother and child succeed, I must return to my body!

The emperor thought more and more angry, more and more anxious, and wanted to hit his body while he was floating. As a result, the dizziness and dizziness could not return to his body.

After the last violent impact, his eyes went dark and he lost consciousness.

When he regained consciousness again, he heard the voice of a childish girl.

"Queen, queen, look, this little dog is awake." The childish voice was full of surprise. Wait, after calling mother? Queen mother? This title, is it called Queen?

"Well, I woke up. You can feed it some rice and water for a while, but you can't feed it too much. The puppy is not full. If you feed it too much, it will die." A voice that seems to be in the memory for a long time. Rang, responding to the words of the childish voice. It's really his queen! He floated to the queen's palace? How could he come to this poisonous woman's palace? Even if he is dying, shouldn't he meet the person he misses most? Why not in the palace of Concubine Shu?

"Ah, is the puppy so stupid?" The childish voice was a little surprised.

"Yes, because it's too young, so the **** should be taken care of." The queen smiled.

ball? What meatballs? The emperor was stunned before he came back to his senses. Is this probably the nickname of the princess? What bad name did this poison woman take? Forget it, it doesn't matter, poison women can't teach anything good. If you don't bother to see them, let's go see Concubine Shu. Then think of a way to get back into your body.

The emperor just wanted to float away, but found that his body was abnormally heavy. Then I felt a small hand touching my body.

what happened? The emperor called out consciously.

"Oh?" When the emperor said, he was taken aback. Ow? He made this bark? ! !

(End of this chapter)

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