The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 1245: The emperor became a dog 2

Chapter 1245 The emperor becomes a dog 2

"Mother, the dog is barking, is it hungry? Are we going to feed it?" The princess touched the puppy's belly again, "Flat, it must be hungry."

"Yes, give it some porridge first, because it is too small." The queen's familiar face was printed in the eyes of the emperor, and she smiled and reached out to touch the puppy.

With a cry from the emperor, he reflexively wanted to avoid it, but as soon as he got up he was held down by the princess.

"Don't run, eat obediently, and grow up quickly." The princess pressed the puppy's neck to prevent it from running around.

Bastard! Let go of me!

The puppy opened his mouth and bit the princess's hand. As a result, the puppy's teeth didn't grow much after only a month and a half, and he didn't bite the princess. On the contrary, he felt a little pain, and his saliva was muddied with the princess's hand.

"Ah, mother, you see that the puppy loves me, it is licking me." The princess exclaimed in surprise.

nonsense! I want to bite you! You unfilial daughter! Let me go, I will kill you!

The puppy screamed.

"Hungry, eat quickly." The princess held the puppy and pressed its head against the bowl on the ground.

This bowl is obviously the bowl used by the princess herself. It is a fine porcelain bowl with peony patterns on the bowl. It contained a small bowl of white porridge, the rice soup was thick and the rice grains inside were crystal clear and full. I don't eat, I'm not hungry, I'm not hungry... I seem to be a little hungry, I am hungry, forget it, eat first, and go to Concubine Shu after eating.

The emperor felt hungry, and after doing some mental construction for himself, he began to eat.

"Mother, look, the puppy is eating." The princess said happily.

"Well, wash his mouth after eating, otherwise the hair will stick together." The queen looked at her daughter's happy look, and laughed.

"Well, Aunt Lianhua, let's get some clean water." The princess said to the maid beside the queen.

Lotus also smiled and responded, turning around to fetch water.

The emperor had eaten it, and soon, the half bowl of porridge had bottomed out. Still want to eat! More! The emperor licked the bottom of the bowl, only this thought in his mind. After licking the bottom of the bowl a few times, the emperor froze. What am I doing? How could I do such an indecent move?

When the emperor was stunned, the princess picked up the puppy, washed the puppy's mouth, wiped it with a dry towel, and then hugged it in her arms.

I want to go to Concubine Shu, let me go, I... I... why can't I open my eyes...

"Ah, mother, the puppy is asleep." The princess said in a low voice to the queen.

"The puppy is still young, so you can sleep normally if you are full. You can put it back in the nest." The queen touched the princess's little head, "The meatballs are very good, and they will take care of the puppy."

The princess carefully put the puppy back into the kennel that she and the queen made together, confirming that the puppy was sleeping soundly, and then ran to the queen's side, whispering: "Mother, the puppy sent by the queen is good. Like it, I also want to give a gift to the emperor's grandmother."

"Then what do you want to give away?" The queen picked up the princess, sat on her lap, and asked patiently.

"I want to send... well, I don't know. What do you think I can give, the queen?" the princess asked distressedly.

"Then send you the picture. The queen mother will like it." The queen touched the little princess' head and gave suggestions. Over the years, thanks to the care of the Queen Mother, they have not been so bitter. For the Queen Mother, the Queen is also grateful from the bottom of my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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