The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 1255: The emperor became a dog 12

Chapter 1255 The emperor becomes a dog 12

When the emperor was finally able to run down the ground, the princess happily followed behind. The emperor turned her head and circled her, the princess giggled and knelt down to touch the puppy's tail. The emperor dodged from left to right, teasing her not to touch her, and the princess laughed louder.

The queen stood under the eaves and watched the princess playing with the puppy, with a smile on her face.

The eldest princess moved the doghouse to her bed, and watched the puppy sleep every night. Even eating two bites and seeing if the puppy is eating. When the puppy is eating, the princess relaxes and continues eating.

The emperor ate the meat porridge, and looked up at the princess after two bites. The feeling of being put on the apex of the heart like this is really good. He used to think that Concubine Shu took herself to heart, but this feeling was completely different from now.

In the evening, the eldest princess watched Lianhua take a bath for Xinxin as usual, and then she dried her body for Xinxin, touched Xinxin before going to bed. After watching the princess fall asleep, the emperor closed his eyes and fell asleep.

But falling asleep, I found something unusual. He opened his eyes and found himself floating, floating out of his happy body!

Can he return to his body?

The emperor rejoiced around twice, then floated to his palace.

As a result, he floated in front of his body, no matter what posture he tried to return to his body, it was useless. He was still floating in the air, watching the Queen Mother order people to give him medicine and wipe his body.

He also saw the person he didn't want to see the last, King Dee!

The emperor had always thought that the queen mother and king of Germany had murdered him, so he floated aside and wanted to hear what they said.

"Mother, when will the emperor wake up? It's troublesome to deal with government affairs."

what? trouble? Isn't this what you most want to do? Haven't you always wanted to replace me as the emperor?

"The Aijia doesn't know. If he doesn't wake you up as the emperor? Because the emperor has no prince yet."

"I don't!!! Being an emperor is exhausted, I just want to lie down at home all day to eat, drink and have fun, I just want to be a dude."

Bastard! As a prince, how ambitious?

"Aijia sees that you are very active in going to court."

"Isn't that for the emperor to see? You don't know, the emperor hates lazy people the most. When I was a child, I was lazy and he could tell me for a whole day, and it was ridiculous."

"Yes. Your emperor brother is really hard to serve. If you don't go to court at home, he says it's not good for you to go up. If you go up to be positive, he thinks you want to replace him."

"That's no way, who makes the queen like me more. The emperor is always suspicious and thinks that we are going to unite to get him down. Who wants to be the emperor? Not talking about it, and being played by a group of women all day. In the palm of your hand. You see, the emperor believes what Concubine Shu said. I think Concubine Shu, even the emperor who says she farts is fragrant."

Damn, what nonsense is this talking about? What do you mean by being played and applauded by a group of women?

"Asshole, what are you talking about? You are the prince anyway, can you be more elegant?" The Queen Mother's reprimand sounded.

Empress, is the point of your reprimand wrong?

"How can I be wrong? Look at how nice the emperor's wife is, he is going to quarrel with the queen now. When she was in the prince's mansion, did the emperor's wife treat the emperor badly? We ask for warmth every day, and we are a group of small ones. Brother’s eating and drinking at home, the emperor’s sister-in-law treats us well, and we pack what we think is delicious. If we are drunk, she will hide it for us and order people to bathe and change clothes. Also, I once saw the emperor brother The emperor didn’t give it to me, so I cried, and the emperor gave it to me secretly. Seventh emperor wanted a book from the emperor, and the emperor insisted that he write three hundred words before giving it to him. The queen checked it. At that time, dozens of articles were missing, and I still told the emperor to give it to the Seventh Emperor..."

The blue veins that the emperor heard were violent. Was the queen so used to these skin monkeys before?

(End of this chapter)

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