The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 1256: The emperor became a dog 13

Chapter 1256 The emperor becomes a dog 13

"At that time, the emperor even told us that no matter how late every day he returns to the house, the emperor will wait for him with the lights on. Sometimes when the weather turns cooler, the emperor will give the emperor clothes and food. Of course, I didn't forget to bring us a copy. But it broke the envy of our small group. At that time, the twelve brothers said that marrying a wife would be better than the emperor's sister-in-law." The King of Germany continued to murmur.

The emperor floated in the air, lost in memory.

When he was still a prince, the first emperor would send the adult princes to work and take up positions in various ministries, but they were not allowed to engage in special tasks. They were meant to be tempered. What I remember most clearly was that on a winter night, he had been reading the dossier, and then he stomped coldly. It was the queen who sent someone to bring clothes and a few pots of hot wine. At that time, I put on my clothes and drank a drink, feeling inexplicably warm.

Why did I forget these?

"Your imperial sister-in-law is very good. Gentleness is gentleness, gentleness is too much." The queen mother sighed.

"What's the solution? After the imperial wife's father went, her family had no one and her family was declining. Then look at the concubine Shu, her brother was a general, and her father was originally a second-rank official. Later, concubine Shu was favored and the emperor insisted I was promoted to a first-class member. Both of them walked with noses upright! The emperor praised the concubine for her gentleness and gentleness all day long. I was surprised that the whole family had that virtue, and the daughters taught were completely opposite? Who believes it? Oh, someone really believes it, my emperor believes." King De continued to open his tongue.

The emperor: almost didn't say that I was stupid, did you?

"You said that your emperor brother talks about stubbornness, but in fact, you two brothers are the same. Once you open the chat box, you will be endless." The queen mother smiled, "Don't complain, are there still a bunch of memorials that have not been approved? Go ahead. Now that your emperor brother is like this, he can only rely on you."

"Ah—" The King of Germany hugged his head and wailed exaggeratedly, then looked at the emperor who was lying on the bed, "Emperor, you wake up soon. Do you know that my hair has fallen a lot during this period? I can't sleep every day. By three hours, it's going to be dying!"

"I will wake up, I will wrong you before I wake up." The queen mother comforted.

"Well, I also believe that the emperor will wake up. Forget it, I'll go to help him write the memorial first, who made him my brother. Although this brother is suspicious now, don't wait to see me..." King De waved his hand, Xuxu Going out babbling.

The queen mother looked at King De's back and shook her head with a smile, then turned to look at the emperor who was lying unconscious on the bed, and sighed: "Silly son, wake up quickly." After she said this, she went out and ordered People came in and guarded, and then took them back to their palace.

The emperor floated in the air for a long time without regaining his senses.

It wasn't that the Queen Mother and King De murdered herself, things were completely different from what she thought. This is how Wang Dewang looks like in private, and he has this attitude towards himself? Thinking about it carefully, I have always been more wary of the King of Germany, and his attitude towards him is really not good. I originally thought that King of Germany should hate him, but in private, it seems that he did not hate himself?

The emperor's mood is very complicated.

The Queen Mother, in fact, always cared about herself, and firmly believed that she would wake up.

Did you blame them all the time?

The emperor finally tried a few more times to return to his body, but after failure, he floated out.

This time, he floated to the palace of Concubine Shu.

(End of this chapter)

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