The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 1258: The emperor became a dog 15

Chapter 1258 The emperor turns into a dog 15

"Happiness is a nightmare?" The princess knelt down and picked up the yawning happiness, and touched its little head worriedly, "Did you dream of a bad guy bullying you? Don't worry, I will do it later. Take care of you, and you won’t let the bad guys bully you."

The emperor originally squinted his eyes, listening to these words, his heart was inexplicably bitter.

After hearing this, the queen said nothing, stretched out her hand and touched the princess's head.

The eldest princess wanted to play with Fun during the day, but she was dozing off all the time. The princess couldn't bear it anymore, and she took it back to the doghouse and let her sleep well.

The emperor looked at the little face of the princess and slowly closed his eyes.

Then, as soon as he woke up, he found that he was back in his body!

what--! ! ! !

I am back!

I changed back to what I was before!

The emperor couldn't wait to look up to the sky a few times.

But because I just woke up, my body was weak, my voice hoarse, and I couldn't shout.

Father Xue was the first to find out that the emperor had awakened. He cried with joy and hurriedly called the imperial doctor, and then sent someone to report to the queen mother.

When the queen mother arrived, the emperor was already half lying in bed drinking porridge.

"Mother Queen." The emperor shouted in a mixed mood when he saw that the queen was too late.

"I'm finally awake, it's okay. What did the royal doctor say?" Tianmiao said softly, looking at the emperor kindly. But my heart is barking teeth, it's not over yet, let me relax for a few days.

"The royal doctor can't tell the reason for my coma," the emperor whispered. Of course, the imperial doctor could not tell the reason. Only he knew the reason. He became a dog when he was unconscious! The imperial physician had diagnosed and treated, and there was no injury or any signs of poisoning, but the emperor was suddenly unconscious.

"Then Haosheng think about what happened before the coma? Did you bump your head or bump? You must pay attention to it in the future." Tianmiao asked with a concerned look.

"Yes! I remembered. Before I went into a coma, I bumped my head and hit the bookshelf." The emperor recalled and said in astonishment.

"After that, you must be careful." Tianmiao said worriedly and kindly. But I am smiling indifferently in my heart, it's useless, no matter if you bump or not, next time I want you to become a dog, I will become a dog, and when I want to change you, I will let you change.

"Yes." The emperor nodded with lingering fear, then said slowly after being silent, "Mother, you have worked hard these days when I am unconscious."

"It's not bitter, it's all right. It's King De..." After Tianmiao said halfway, the expression on his face appeared embarrassed, and the following words couldn't be said.

"I know, it is the government affairs that the King of Germany helped me handle. He did a good job. I will thank him and reward him." After the emperor said this, he saw the horrified expression on the queen mother's face as he wished. After the emperor almost blurted out of his mother, can you give up the look of seeing a ghost? Think about it or hold it back.

Tian Miao praised his acting skills in his heart. Flick this stupid child who lacks the heart, great!

Then the emperor began to inquire about what happened during the time he was in a coma, and the queen mother told him one by one.

Just when the emperor was about to ask about the queen, there was a noise outside the door.

"Who is making noise at the door?" the emperor asked with a frown unhappy.

Father Xue said back and forth: "I will report to the emperor, it is Concubine Shu who begs to see the emperor."

"No, let her..." The words rolled around the emperor's throat and swallowed back, changed to "Let her go back." After waking up, her attitude was two extremes, in case the mother thought that the wild ghost was looking for a Taoist priest. It's bad to catch yourself. When the emperor thought of this, he changed his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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