The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 1259: The emperor became a dog 16

Chapter 1259 The emperor becomes a dog 16

Then the emperor saw the empress dowager's shocked expression again.

"Ah, the queen mother, no, I just woke up, she is pregnant, so she doesn't have to worry." The emperor saw the empress dowager's expression, and the secret path was not good. In order to avoid the queen dowager seeking Taoist practices, he quickly explained.

"Oh, too, she's pregnant." Tianmiao nodded with an affair, pretending to believe.

"By the way, the mother, queen, and princess... are they doing well? I don't mean anything else, just want to know how well they are." The emperor hesitated and asked hesitantly.

Okay, I saw my mother's horrified expression again.

At this moment, the emperor clearly realized his scum.

"Why do you think of them?" Tianmiao asked in shock. "The emperor, you have been yelling to abolish the queen, do you think the queen and the others will live well? And how long have you not seen the princess? Do you know how high it is?"

I know how tall she is. The emperor almost blurted out these words.

"Do you know that the princess has no name? You have never named her." Tianmiao continued.

The emperor buried his head.

He is really not a qualified father, but his daughter still misses him so much.

It really shouldn't be!

"I, I will name her in a while. I want to see them." The emperor struggled to remember.

"You take a rest first, then speak slowly." Tian Miao saw the emperor's weakness and waved his hand to lie down first.

At this moment, the noise at the door became louder and louder.

"Impossible! How could the emperor not see the palace? It must be you, a filthy slave, who colluded with the traitor and murdered the emperor!" Concubine Shu's voice sounded sharply outside.

"Niangniang forgive the sin, the old slave dare not do such a thing even if he has ten courage..." Xue Gonggong's accusation was overshadowed by Concubine Shu's sharp voice again.

"Presumptuous! You dainty slave, get out of the way! This palace wants to see the emperor, and cannot let the emperor be victimized by a traitor!" Concubine Shu's voice grew louder.

Tian Miao looked at the emperor with slanted eyes, with inexplicable eyes.

The emperor only felt the blue veins on his forehead jump suddenly.

"Concubine Shu seems to be a little bit ignorant. Didn't she know that the emperor just woke up? But it's nothing. After all, she is pregnant, so the emperor should be tolerant, for the sake of the child in her stomach..." Tian Miao said slowly.

The emperor couldn't stand it anymore, so he stood up and rushed to the door, opened the door with a bang, and yelled at the concubine Shu outside: "What are you howling? I don't know that it will make me rest?" You Do you want me to die immediately to make way for the child in your stomach? This is so anxious before being born, is it necessary to poison me immediately after being born? He also wanted to howl these words, but he held back thinking of the risk of being practiced by Taoists. Slowly picture, Slowly picture...

Concubine Shu, who wanted to break in, was completely frightened. When did the emperor treat her so fiercely?

"The emperor forgive the sins, and the emperor forgive the sins." Concubine Shu hurriedly knelt down to plead guilty, cold sweat emerged from her forehead. As soon as she received the news that the emperor was awake, she hurriedly came to show her concern, but did it have a counterproductive effect?

"Go back and take care of it. You are pregnant. I am also unwell recently. I will come to see you when I feel comfortable." The emperor saw Concubine Shu's panic, and suddenly thought of a question. Does Concubine Shu still have a lot of problems with herself On the side of knowing, she still bears the attack first, otherwise she won't be able to show her feet. And it’s too strange that I have changed too much. Thinking of this, the emperor slowed down.

(End of this chapter)

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