The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 1297: The silly son of the landlord 17

Chapter 1297 The silly son of the landlord 17

"Brother Anchang, I'll give you potato buns in a while, and soon, I made them delicious." Zhu Xiangcui said happily as he walked, "Also, last time my wife gave us some tea, I put them all I'm not willing to use it, but I want to use it for you."

"Brother An Chang..." After Zhu Xiangcui finished speaking, there was no sound. She felt strange, turned around, and was stunned. There is still Liu Anchang behind him. Liu Anchang didn't know when it was gone.

"Brother An Chang! Where have you been?" Zhu Xiangcui's heart sank, and an unknown premonition surged into her heart. Did Brother An Chang really come to visit him with ulterior motives?


At this time, Liu Anchang was already surreptitiously looking for that lady's yard in the yard. I saw that lady on the street last time. She was pretty good-looking, beautiful, and eye-catching. The Liu Mansion is not big. Liu Anchang estimated that Liu Yuanwai and they lived in the largest yard, so the one close to the largest yard is probably the yard of the girl.

He guessed right. When he touched the door of a yard, he saw the watch lady eating apples in the yard. Holding an apple in both hands, he is slowly eating while reading a book. And there is no one around her!

Great opportunity!

Liu Anchang suddenly rushed out, stood in front of Tian Zhiqing, made a gesture that he thought was very elegant, and saluted her: "I have seen Miss Watch."


"Miss Biao, my name is Liu Anchang. I have long admired Miss Biao. In order to see Miss Biao..." Liu Anchang took out the set to deal with Zhu Xiangcui, and said affectionately, but before the words were finished, Tian Zhiqing interrupted. Up.

"Don't listen, don't listen, Wang Ba chants!" Tian Zhiqing remembered to put the apple down and cover her ears this time.

Liu Anchang was taken aback, what did he say? Wang Ba chanting? !

"Miss Biao, listen to me..." Liu Anchang stepped forward, trying to pull Tian Zhiqing's hand.

"Bold! Where's the thief!" Suddenly, Mrs. Liu appeared, holding an iron sword, shouted angrily, rushed over, and stabbed Liu Anchang with a sword.

When Liu Anchang saw the iron sword flashing with cold light, he was so frightened that he yelled his wife for mercy, so he hugged his head and rolled to the side.

"Liu Anchang?! How did you get in?" Madam Liu stood in front of Tian Zhiqing, glaring at Liu Anchang. This person is a famous scorpion, and she also knows this person.

"I, I just admired Miss Biao for a long time, I can't help myself..." Liu Anchang shrank on the ground, still not forgetting to express his heart.

"Fuck! What nonsense!" When Mrs. Liu heard it, she was furious, and raised the iron sword in her hand to Liu Anchang again, "Follow nonsense, my old lady cut your tongue!"

"Yes, I dare not..." Liu Anchang's face was pale and he didn't dare to talk nonsense.

"Get out!" Madam Liu exclaimed, "Come here, blast this culprit out!"

The butler soon showed up with the servants, and quickly dragged Liu Anchang out.

Madam Liu turned around and comforted Tian Zhiqing with a soft voice, asking her if she was hurt or frightened. Tian Zhiqing shook her head and said no, Madam Liu asked again and again to make sure that she was relieved.


Zhu Xiangcui stood in the corner, tears falling down.

It turns out that Liu Anchang really lied to himself, really just used himself. It's no wonder that he asked his own lady before, it turned out to be such a dirty idea! She is really blind to like this kind of person.

A clean washed handkerchief with a saponaria smell was handed to her. Zhu Xiangcui looked up and saw Liu Yangdong's face pinned to the side, carefully handing the handkerchief to her.

(End of this chapter)

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