The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 1298: The silly son of the landlord 18

Chapter 1298 The landlord’s silly son 18

Zhu Xiangcui glanced at Liu Yangdong, who dared not look at her, snorted, and turned to leave, but after walking two steps, she turned around, pulled the handkerchief that was about to be taken back, and wiped her tears vigorously. , Took the handkerchief and left. Leaving Liu Yangdong in place, from the disappointment and sadness to surprise to joy. He hurried to catch up.


After Liu Yujin learned the news, she hurried back from her private school.

"Are you all right?" Liu Yujin asked Tian Zhiqing worriedly.

"I'm fine, I listen to you. I don't listen to him when I see that person. I just avoid him when I see it. But I don't know why he can run in. Fortunately, my aunt will show up in time." Tian Zhiqing grinned and looked at him. Mrs. Liu, her eyes were shining, "Brother Yujin, don't you know how beautiful your aunt was when she rushed over with a sword. I think her aunt is the most beautiful person in the world."

Liu Yujin laughed dumbfounded after listening. This silly little snail, the praiser's vocabulary has improved, but there is still room for improvement. Is this silly boy trying to be handsome? It turned out to be pretty. Forget it, this kind of praise seems to be more like a mother.

When Mrs. Liu heard Xiao Tianluo compliment her, she laughed and touched Tian Zhiqing's head: "Aunt protect you."

Tian Zhiqing nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "I will also practice swords diligently, and I will also protect my aunt." After saying this, Tian Zhiqing glanced at Liu Yujin and added, "I also want to protect Yujin's brother and uncle."

"Hahaha, okay, okay." Liu Yujin couldn't help but laugh, Xiao Tian snail is really cute. But after laughing, he was thinking about a question. How did Liu Anchang get in? This matter must be investigated clearly to avoid such incidents in the future.

Before going to investigate, Zhu Xiangcui came to plead guilty and asked why she had been deceived. Liu Yuan fined her one month's wages and warned her to stay away from people like Liu Anchang in the future. Zhu Xiangcui was overjoyed, thinking that she would be driven away, but Liu Yuan was left behind. She immediately knelt down and kowtow to thank you, and vowed to never repeat the crime again and would never pay attention to people like Liu Anchang again.

I thought it would be the case. In a few days, rumors appeared outside. It is said that Liu Anchang and the cousin of the Liu family are happy, but Liu member beats a mandarin duck and cruelly dismantles the lovers. Because Liu member is too poor and loves the rich, it is even more vicious because the cousin’s parents died, leaving her behind. With a large amount of fortune, Liu Yuanwan wanted to embezzle this fortune, so he played the mandarin duck, and wanted his silly son to marry a lady who would kill two birds with one stone.

This rumors can't be said to be innocent, and every word of it is condemned.

Some people are filled with righteous indignation, others are injustice, but more people do not believe this rumor. Some people ridiculed Liu Anchang as daydreaming. Those who are filled with indignation as his injustice are either the same kind of people as Liu Anchang, or they are so stupid that they are infinitely stupid. Such people are very rare. Most people don't believe this rumor at all. Many people know what Liu Anchang is. Tasty and lazy, barely make ends meet, the family is stubborn, and the temperament is terrible, are the eyes of other girls with feet and feet? How is it possible to fancy such a thing?

It is not Liu Yujin's family who is most angry to hear this rumor, but Tian Zhiqing of Tian Luo.

"It must be that bad guy! It must be him! It is really despicable and shameless." Tian Zhiqing's small face flushed. She must teach this vile villain severely.

(Today the community was flooded, water and electricity were stopped. No status code, forgive me.)

(End of this chapter)

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