The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 107 Cooperation and Working

Song Xiaoqin instinctively felt that this was not true.

Just kidding, Zhang Suxin’s husband is already so good at writing songs. Not only did the two songs she wrote for Zhou Bo become popular, but there are also about ten other songs that are dominating the ring tones download list.

As it turned out, this was not enough. He also told himself that he was Doraemon, the best-selling author, and said that the best-selling youth fantasy novel this year was his work. Who do you believe this for? !

How could a person be so powerful? !

This is no longer great, this is outrageous!

But the words of Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin, as well as the signed copy of "The Legend of Wukong" that Zhang Suxin gave to him before, had to convince Song Xiaoqin that Lu Anzhi was Doraemon.

Otherwise, where did the signed version of the novel come from?

Of course, this does not rule out the possibility that Zhang Suxin was lying to her.

But Song Xiaoqin understood Zhang Suxin's personality. Just now at Zhang Suxin's house, Zhang Suxin made a joke or two with her. That was possible. But if the signed copy of "The Legend of Wukong" that Zhang Suxin gave her was also fake and Zhang Suxin deceived her, then it is absolutely impossible.

Firstly, it's not necessary, and secondly, Zhang Suxin can't do such a thing.

"Isn't this... too outrageous?!"

Song Xiaoqin muttered to herself while driving the car.

She really wanted to call Zhang Suxin and Lu Anzhi to check, but she didn't touch her phone for a long time.

Thinking about the firm and disdainful look on her face when Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin identified themselves at Zhang Suxin's house, I felt that calling them back now would be a huge embarrassment.

"Forget it, don't ask. So what if he is Doraemon? I'm not a star chaser! The book he wrote is so stream-of-consciousness, and it's not as good as the songs he wrote!"

Song Xiaoqin thought like this, made up her mind, stepped on the accelerator, and continued to drive the car home.

Lu Anzhi stayed at Zhang Suxin's house until Xianxian woke up, and then he and Zhang Suxin led Xianxian out to the small park.

Originally, Lu Anzhi wanted to lead Xianxian down alone and let Zhang Suxin rest for a while. Li Huiming, who wanted to come to Guangguang, would also bring Guangguang and let the two little guys play by themselves while the adults talked about business.

But Zhang Suxin said that she had nothing to do, so why not come with her and help look after Xianxian, so that Lu Anzhi could concentrate on talking.

Lu Anzhi couldn't resist Zhang Suxin, so he came down with Zhang Suxin.

Unexpectedly, the situation was the same at Li Huiming's side. Li Huiming, Guangguang and Guangguang's mother came down together.

Guangguang's mother said hello to Lu Anzhi, and then went to play with Zhang Suxin and Xianxian and Guangguang. Lu Anzhi and Li Huiming were left to talk about business.

Lu Anzhi asked: "Should we talk here or find another place to talk?"

Li Huiming looked around and said, "If it's appropriate, you can just say it here. Anyway, no one else is interfering here at the moment."

It was indeed quite quiet in the small park at the moment. Only Zhang Suxin and Guangguang's mother were watching the two children playing.

Lu Anzhi and Li Huiming were sitting on a bench talking, and no one would disturb them.

"Okay, let's sit down and talk."

Lu Anzhi said, inviting Li Huiming to sit down on the bench.

Li Huiming was silent, waiting for Lu Anzhi to speak.

Lu Anzhi asked: "Mr. Li, I heard that you are a programmer, so I want to ask you, how is your ability to design software?"

Li Huiming said: "It's okay. But it depends on the demand and direction."

Lu Anzhi: "Can the input method be done?"

Li Huiming was stunned: "Input method?"

Lu An said: "Yes, input method."

Li Huiming said: "Are you referring to the Pinyin input method? The existing input methods are quite mature..."

Lu Anzhi said: "Do you feel mature?"


Li Huiming was slightly silent and said, "What you said sounds like a friend who started a company with me."

Lu An said: "Sorry."

Li Huiming shook his head and said: "It's okay. It's normal for us to have a disagreement and break up. And it seems that we got together and parted easily, it's just that I quit." He already knew from Lu Anzhi's "Sorry" Lu Anzhi had guessed his current situation.

But he was very calm, briefly talked about his affairs, and then asked: "What, you want to make an input method software? Do you want me to help?"

Lu Anzhi nodded and said: "Yes. I use the input method a lot in my daily work. There are many things about this input method that make me uncomfortable and troubled. I have always wanted to find a company to redo the input method. I pitched my ideas to several companies, but without exception they all came to nothing.”

Li Huiming said: "Normally, Internet companies generally have professional design and creative teams and will not pay attention to email messages from laypeople."

Lu Anzhi laughed "haha" and thought that luckily it was like this. Otherwise, you will lose a lot of money.

Li Huiming said: "If you have any ideas, can you tell me about them?"

So Lu Anzhi briefly explained to Li Huiming the features of the intelligent input method in his previous life, such as the association function, the adjustment function for the proportion of habitual words, etc.

After saying this, Li Huiming frowned, thought for a while, and said: "There should be no problem in implementing these functions, but it requires the support of a larger vocabulary. If done this way, it will be different from the current Pinyin input method. There are pros and cons, so it’s a different path.”

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so we all know how to find the right path. The fixed word order of Smart ABC is a very useful feature for some people. Even if various other input methods were popular in the previous life, there were still people who used Smart ABC.

But when other input methods became available, most people - including Lu Anzhi himself - abandoned Smart ABC and turned to other input methods.

Therefore, input methods such as Sogou Input Method represent a larger user market.

Also, you need to code by yourself...

Lu Anzhi asked: "Are there any difficulties in realizing it?"

Li Huiming said: "If it's difficult, it still lies in the lexicon. Everything else is easy to say, but the construction of the lexicon takes time. If you want to ensure the sustained advantages of the input method, the lexicon also needs to be updated at any time.

"Of course, the construction of the vocabulary can also be achieved through programs. I already have some ideas. But again, it will take some time."

Lu Anzhi said: "Then Mr. Li, can you agree to help me make this input method?"

Li Huiming said: "There is no problem in doing it. But we have to say it first. I can't do it for free."

"This is natural."

Lu Anzhi laughed and said, "Mr. Li, I don't know much about your industry and don't know how to bid. Let's just go ahead and raise a price."

Li Huiming said: "Are you sure you want to do it? My quotation is not low. Of course, if I am responsible, I will do a good job. Besides, I will do it alone, and it will probably take a long time. I can't give you an estimate for the time being."

Lu Anzhi said: "Don't worry, I'm not short of money. I just want the finished product."

Li Huiming thought for a while and said: "How about one hundred thousand? You will get the money when you produce the finished product. But the follow-up operations have to be discussed separately."

Lu Anzhi smiled and said, "Okay, then it's settled."

Li Huiming was stunned for a moment and said, "Mr. Lu is so happy."

Thanks to book friends 20220721224017412, 08a, Yao Lang—Can Ao, book friends 20220713031312214, and Ma Fubo for their rewards.

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