[The content of the previous chapter has been slightly modified, and the protagonist's plan to open a company has been deleted. This chapter will be continued according to the newly revised version. The content in brackets is the number of words beyond 2000 words, not counting the money. Thanks! 】

Lu Anzhi said: "You are happier than me. If you just make the finished product for me, aren't you afraid that I will break the contract and not pay you?"

Li Huiming said: "Don't we have to sign a contract first? If it were someone else, I would definitely ask for a deposit first. But we live in the same community, and the children all know each other. Xianxian's mother and I also see each other often, so it's pretty good. I can trust you."

Lu Anzhi said: "It's really easy for you to trust people."

Li Huiming smiled and said nothing.

Lu Anzhi said: "It's not good if I don't give you a deposit. Do you think this will work? You can first make a framework and show it to me. If I think it's OK, I'll pay you half of the deposit. You can improve it later. Program. But I don’t know much about technology, so I don’t know if what I said is correct... Can you make a framework for this program first? "

Li Huiming nodded and said, "Okay."

Lu Anzhi said: "Then it's settled. How about we find a place to discuss the contract and sign it directly?"

Li Huiming said: "Okay. Why don't you go to my house? I have a ready-made printer at home that you can use."

Lu Anzhi was slightly surprised.

Homes are equipped with printers, and Lu Anzhi has only seen them in the homes of people with students in their previous lives.

With the development of Internet technology and the update of electronic equipment, teachers have replaced writing homework on the blackboard by leaving homework on WeChat. Students save their eyes and pens and paper, but parents buy printers at home instead of running to a print shop.

But in this world, Internet communication software has not yet reached the point of convenience that it was in the previous life, and most people have no need to use a printer at home.

Li Huiming actually has a printer at home, which he probably used when he worked in the company. Li Huiming used to be a senior executive in a company. He was a partner in a company. It was normal for him to occasionally need a printer at home.

However, although he had some guesses in his mind, Lu Anzhi did not talk nonsense. After all, Li Huiming is now away from the company and at home, and he doesn't know what happened. Lu Anzhi feels that his random words may cause some trouble for Li Huiming.

"Okay. You lead the way."

Lu Anzhi nodded and said.

Both of them are people who do what they say. They immediately got up and talked to their families and went to Li Huiming's house together.

When they arrived at Li Huiming's house, Lu Anzhi and Li Huiming agreed on the details of the contract one by one, then printed out two copies, signed and sealed each, and kept one copy.

——Li Huiming even has ink pads at home, which saves a lot of trouble.

After that, Lu Anzhi simply logged into the patent protection website at Li Huiming's house and found that his patent had entered the review status, but it would take some time to pass the review.

But this does not prevent you from downloading things in your account. Lu Anzhi also downloaded a copy of the content and stored it on Li Huiming's computer for Li Huiming's reference.

His patent is already under review, so there is no need to worry about what Li Huiming will do with it.

Li Huiming was surprised: "You just applied for this patent yesterday?!"

Lu Anzhi nodded and said, "Yes."

Li Huiming said: "Then you are very lucky."

Lu Anzhidao: "Yeah, I think so too. Fortunately, it wasn't noticed by other Internet companies. I sent emails to many companies."

Li Huiming said: "I'm not talking about this, I'm talking about the time when you registered the patent. Recently there is news that the Patent Office plans to stop the registration of design and creative patents, saying that this category is too broad and has a low threshold. Even if it is To form a systematic and complete creative design, malicious squatting cannot be avoided. It is expected to be implemented soon.

"But your project that has passed the patent review will be retained. You have to register it later, or you may not be able to register it."

Lu An said: "That's it."

Li Huiming nodded and smiled: "This category was originally a new attempt by the Patent Office to build a website. Now that it feels inappropriate, we decided to stop it. If you have this patent here, others can come up with this method and make an input method in the future." , or if the current Pinyin input method wants to be updated in your direction, it will not work.

"At that time, even if you don't need me to design an input method for you, you can still earn a royalties."

Lu Anzhi also laughed: "Does this count as malicious preemption?"

Li Huiming shook his head and said: "It probably doesn't count. After all, this is your own creative idea, and you have made reasonable use of the rules. Who told the website to have this category now?"

Lu Anzhi waved his hand and said: "Forget it, don't take advantage of him. Let's make our own input method. Thank you for the hard work in the future."

Li Huiming said: "You're welcome, it's not hard to make money."

The two looked at each other and smiled, feeling satisfied.

"Ten years ago, I didn't know you. You didn't belong to me. We were still the same, accompanying a stranger..."

Li Huiming's cell phone ringtone suddenly rang, and it turned out to be the chorus of "Ten Years".

He picked up the phone, said a few words briefly, hung up the phone, and said, "It's my wife who called. She said Guangguang wanted to play with the scooter and asked me to take it out."

Lu Anzhi smiled and said, "Brother Li, aren't you afraid that your sister-in-law will think there's something wrong with using this song as a cell phone ringtone?"

He and Li Huiming communicated for a while and became familiar with each other, so they stopped calling Mr. Li and Mr. Lu. Li Huiming was older, so Lu Anzhi called him Brother Li. Li Huiming directly called Lu Anzhi by his name.

Li Huiming smiled and said, "What's so suspicious about this? I just think this song is good. Let's go out together."

He took the bare scooter and went out with Lu Anzhi. When we arrived at the small park, Guangguang got the scooter and went to play happily. Xianxian pouted when she saw it, missing her car.

Zhang Suxin said: "You stay here and watch Xianxian for a while, and I'll get her a scooter. Just now the two children wanted scooters. I originally planned to ask Guangguang's mother to help look after Xianxian. I'll get the scooter. But Xianxian won't let me go no matter what. I have to wait for you to come."

Lu Anzhi said: "I'll get it, don't run away."

Zhang Suxin thought for a while, then took out the key and handed it to Lu Anzhi.

Lu Anzhi took the key to Zhang Suxin's house. Zhang Suxin silently looked at Lu Anzhi's back from behind and pursed her lips, not knowing what she thought of.

In the morning, Lu Anzhi took the scooter when he took Xianxian out to play and knew where the scooter was. After he went back, he took the scooter out and gave it to Xianxian in the small park. The little guy immediately beamed and took the scooter to play with.

As a result, as soon as the little guy stepped on the scooter, wind blew under his feet, as if he was flying, and he quickly passed in front of Guangguang on the scooter.

Guang Guangku couldn't catch up, so he got anxious and threw down his scooter to chase Xian Xian. The scene seemed familiar.

The little one had a lot of fun that afternoon. When it was getting dark, the two families said goodbye to each other and went home.

When she arrived at the door of her home, Zhang Suxin took out the key that Lu Anzhi had returned to her and opened the door. She suddenly said, "There is a spare key at home. I'll give it to you."

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