The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 120 I have a job, do you want to take it?

"Sanwei Bookstore. Just over Jiu'an Road in Haidu City."

Lu Anzhi told Wen Zhangping the name and location of his store.

"Okay! What a name!"

Zhou Bo clapped his hands and praised.

Wen Zhangping smiled and asked: "What's a good idea?"


Zhou Bo was stunned for a while, and then said, "It's good, it sounds good, and it feels quite cultured."

Wen Zhangping said: "You scared me! I thought you even knew this!"

Zhou Boyan smiled and said: "I can't do it. How can I do it? I'd better ask Teacher Wen for advice."

Unexpectedly, Wen Zhangping shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

Zhou Bo was stunned for a moment, then praised: "You are worthy of Teacher Wen for being so frank!"

Wen Zhangping shook his head and laughed, and was speechless to Zhou Bo.

Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin also couldn't stand it. This guy really does everything he can to flatter you, without any lower limit!

Lu Anzhi suddenly understood. No wonder this guy became the little king.

Strength and appearance are secondary, this flattering performance is the real skill!

Wen Zhangping asked: "Anzhi, can you explain to us what the bookstore of Sanwei Bookstore means?"

Lu Anzhidao: "There is no definite explanation for these three flavors. In the Song Dynasty, there was a saying that 'the flavor of the book is Tai Geng, the history is Zhezu, and the son is Xiong'.' "Three Kingdoms·Dong Yu Biography" has the saying "Winter is the rest of the year." , "Night means the rest of the day, cloudy and rainy means the rest of the hour,' can be explained."

Zhou Bo came to praise again: "As expected of Teacher Lu, he can think of so many explanations. If you hadn't mentioned it, I would have thought that these three flavors were talking about the third of them."

Lu Anzhi said: "You are really right. The three flavors among them can be explained by the flavor of book: taijian, history as zhezu, and son as glutinous rice. But there is another explanation, which I think is quite good. good."

"What explanation?"

Wen Zhangping and Zhou Bo both asked.

Lu An's way: "Common clothes are warm, vegetable roots are fragrant, and poems and books are full of flavor."

Zhou Bo immediately praised: "It's amazing, it sounds very thoughtful! It's indeed Teacher Lu!"

Wen Zhangping shook his head and laughed.

Zhang Suxin's eyes fell on Lu Anzhi, and only Lu Anzhi was in her eyes. I didn't expect that the name of a small bookstore could have so many explanations. Xianxian, this father, is truly worthy of being a novelist, he knows all this!


I seem to have asked Lu Anzhi this question myself!

How did she answer herself then?

There seemed to be no answer, just a perfunctory sentence and he passed away!

This guy was so diligent in explaining to others, but so perfunctory when talking to himself! what is this? Is there any difference in my education level? Why would he bother to explain it to me? !

Zhang Suxin suddenly became depressed, but she couldn't keep her expression down in front of outsiders, so she had to sit there and sulk alone.

Wen Zhangping said: "The cloth is warm, the roots of the vegetables are fragrant, and the poems and books are delicious... An Zhi, you are making your ambition clear with your words. It's a pity..."

"What's a pity?"

Zhou Bo asked, not knowing why.

Wen Zhangping sighed: "The meaning of these words is very obvious, and it means being willing to be mediocre. I see your conditions An Zhi, and I think you will definitely be able to make progress in this industry, and I want to mention it to you. Yes, but looking at your motto, I think it’s better not to say anything.”

Zhou Bo also sighed: "I mentioned this to Teacher Lu. Sister Fang also wanted to bring Teacher Lu into our company, but Teacher Lu rejected her."

Lu Anzhi said: "I'm pretty good like this now. I don't have to worry about food or clothing. I can sing when I want, and I can go wherever I want. I really want to be dragged in by Sister Fang. I'm busy here and there every day, going out. I have to wear sunglasses and a mask, and I can’t get used to it.”

Wen Zhangping interpreted his words as a motto, but he did not explain it.

That statement was actually an official explanation about Sanwei Bookstore in the previous life, and it came to Lu Anzhi's mind along with the gift from the previous life.

But the saying that "common clothes are warm, vegetables are fragrant, and poems and books are delicious" really fits Lu Anzhi's current mentality. It’s actually not a bad idea to make this your own motto.

Wen Zhangping said: "Everyone has his or her own ambitions, so we can't force them."

Zhou Bodao: "The main reason is that Teacher Lu is so good. With my level, and someone like you, Teacher Lu, staying behind the scenes, I'm afraid I'll starve to death. If I don't have the ability, I'll have no choice but to make my debut."

This guy really has no bottom line when it comes to licking people, breaking through the lower limit of Lu Anzhi's understanding again and again.

Lu Anzhi could only say: "Don't say that, I think you are quite powerful."

Zhou Bo was immediately amused and said with a smile: "Thank you Teacher Lu for the compliment. When Teacher Lu said that, I felt like I was floating."

Lu Anzhi: "..."

He decided not to say anything, fearing that Zhou Bo would lick it endlessly.

Wen Zhangping said: "It's good to live behind the scenes. I'm as free as I am. When I have no money, I write songs for others to make some money. I usually eat, drink and have fun. Isn't that better?"

Zhou Bodao: "Well, yes, Teacher Wen is also a talented person like Teacher Lu."

"Okay, okay, stop blowing. You keep blowing randomly all day long!"

Wen Zhangping waved his hands in disgust and then told Lu Anzhi, "Speaking of behind the scenes, I recently had a job that I didn't feel was suitable for me. I have no inspiration and have been putting it off for a long time.

"I have some opinions and have been urging me recently to recommend others to try it. What do you think? Are you interested?"

Lu Anzhi smiled and said: "Mr. Wen, you changed the topic a bit abruptly. You couldn't have been waiting for me here, right?"

Wen Zhangping didn't look embarrassed at all. He laughed "Haha" and said, "You saw it. How about it? Do you want to think about it?"

Lu Anzhi shook his head and said: "I'd better forget it. Teacher Wen, if you can't write it, then the requirements must be quite high. I'm afraid I don't have the ability."

Wen Zhangping said: "The requirements are not high, but the task is relatively heavy. It is for a martial arts drama, and the theme song, interludes, etc. were all packaged for me.

"The producer is an acquaintance of mine. He forced me to give this piston to me, but I am really old, my brain is not working well, I can't get inspiration, and I can't write anything. It's not easy to do this job. Push it all the way, just want to see if you can do it..."

Zhou Bo's eyes lit up and he didn't know what he thought of.

But Lu Anzhi frowned, thought for a while, and said, "It's okay if I accept it. But if I accept this job, I will have the final say on who will sing.

"Even if I sing by myself and don't show up behind the scenes, I still have to agree. Teacher Wen, please ask your producer acquaintance first if he can agree."

Zhou Bo's expression changed slightly.

Wen Zhangping said: "Okay, wait a moment, I will ask him now."

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