The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 121 Bragging about the little king

Wen Zhangping called his acquaintance.

While Wen Zhangping was on the phone, Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin went to the toilet.

The last time the two of them were here, they talked while going to the bathroom, and now they inevitably talked while walking.

Zhang Suxin pretended to be angry: "Didn't you say you don't plan to write songs for others? Why didn't you take the job through me?"

Of course she wasn't angry because of it, it was just an excuse at the moment.

Lu Anzhi also knew that Zhang Suxin could not be angry because of this, so he smiled and said: "I can sing by myself even if I am a live actor, and I don't have to sing for others. I just told teacher Wen Zhangping that he has to promise me That’s why I took this job under these conditions.”

He answered seriously, but Zhang Suxin felt embarrassed about her "unreasonable trouble". After thinking about it, she said seriously: "Actually, it is not necessary to keep every song. Your style is so changeable, if you write If the song is not suitable for me to sing, I can let others sing it. Otherwise, it would be a pity to keep it and waste it."

At this point, she paused and then said, "Of course, if you don't want to do this, so you don't want to sing for others, or don't want to do these things, you don't have to force it. Just be happy."

Zhang Suxin heard Lu Anzhi say more than once that his main business was writing novels and songs, and there was really no need to force it on him.

Although Xianxian's father is very talented in composing songs, after all, he has many talents and is not short of money, so why should he be so tired?

Zhang Suxin thought so.

Lu Anzhi nodded and said, "Don't worry, I have it in mind. Everything depends on the specific situation. Generally speaking, I have to make sure that my work is under my own control."

He knew that he was just copying the excellent works in his memory from his previous life, but because of this, he had to treat it more carefully.

It was an even more precious thing in his memory treasure house. How could he take it out casually and let others harm it?

The reason why "Sea of ​​Flowers", "A Thousand Years Later" and "Love in B.C." were given to Zhou Bo was, firstly, because Zhou Bo had the right voice and could sing well, and secondly, because Zhou Bo was more cheerful and could only sing. If you buy the singing rights but not the copyright, you won't be able to harm these works no matter what.

Zhang Suxin nodded and said: "Well, that's good, then you can see for yourself."

Lu Anzhi said: "I don't think it will be useful. Teacher Wen's acquaintance has to watch over me. It is not certain whether he will accept my conditions or not."

While they were talking, they walked to the bathroom and entered the men's and women's bathrooms respectively.

After a while, Lu Anzhi came out of the toilet, but he didn't expect that Zhang Suxin was one step ahead of him and was already waiting by the sink.

Lu Anzhi went over to wash and dry his hands, then turned his head, but suddenly felt that Zhang Suxin's face looked a little unkind.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Anzhi asked.

He was a little confused. When she just came out of Wenyuan Pavilion, Zhang Suxin seemed to be in a bad mood. Later she got better after talking, so why did she seem to have lost her temper again now?

Is the aunt here?

He was afraid that Zhang Suxin would be thin-skinned, so he didn't dare to ask.

"Nothing, just go back."

Zhang Suxin did not have an attack after all. There was just a little silence on the way to Wenyuan Pavilion.

Lu Anzhi followed tremblingly beside him. He had never seen Zhang Suxin like this, and he suddenly felt in his heart: Women are really moody!

When she was about to reach Wenyuan Pavilion, Zhang Suxin finally couldn't hold it in any longer and paused.

Lu Anzhi also stopped and saw Zhang Suxin turning to look at him and asked: "I have asked you the name of your bookstore Sanwei Bookstore before, but you didn't explain it to me at the time. Why did Teacher Wen ask you?" You just explained it and you didn’t say anything when I asked you?!”

Lu Anzhi's face turned pale and he tried to remember. After thinking for a while, he hurriedly said: "You clearly didn't ask me what it meant at that time, you just asked me what the name of the bookstore was!"

Zhang Suxin was startled: "Is that so?"

Lu Anzhi nodded vigorously: "Yes, that's it!"

Zhang Suxin suddenly felt embarrassed and didn't dare to look at Lu Anzhi. She said, "I wrongly blamed you." She opened the door and entered the room in Wenyuan Pavilion.

Lu Anzhi looked at Zhang Suxin's back and couldn't help but laugh. He suddenly felt that Zhang Suxin's embarrassed look was quite cute.

After sitting down in Wenyuan Pavilion, Wen Zhangping had already finished the phone call and said: "You guys are here! I asked and he agreed. People have already said that as long as the work is good and suitable for his drama, his drama The music is at your mercy."

Lu Anzhi said: "Is the power delegated so much?"

As far as he knows, generally the people who can make decisions in a drama, whether they are directors or producers, have a strong desire to control the drama.

Wen Zhangping said: "That guy has always been like this. He says he gives a lot of power, but in fact he doesn't. What you come up with must satisfy others, because they have the final say in their hands. This Guys are always so difficult to take care of, otherwise..."

Lu Anzhi said: "What else?"

Wen Zhangping smiled awkwardly and said hurriedly: "Otherwise, I wouldn't have lost all my inspiration."

As he spoke, he added hurriedly, "Oh, by the way, I forgot to ask you, can you do that kind of martial arts-style pure music? The old guy wants that kind of classical martial arts interlude that has a lot of feeling. It's quite difficult to do. . If you can’t get it, separate this part and I’ll find someone else to try.”

Lu Anzhi said: "The requirements are so high, what's the price?"

Wen Zhangping said: "Don't worry, go by the top one. I told the old guy, you are the king of ringtones dominating the rankings, a top creator, you are in disgrace!"

Lu Anzhi smiled and said: "Who is the top creator of the King of Colorful Rings? There are a lot of people on the Internet who are mocking me."

Wen Zhangping said: "That's because laymen don't understand. Don't worry, even though that old guy is also a layman, he listens to me anyway. How about it, is that okay? Do I need to find someone else for this part of the episode?"

Lu Anzhi said: "Let me try it first and then talk about it."

"Okay, domineering! As expected of Teacher Lu! He is so confident!"

Zhou Bo clapped and shouted.

Lu Anzhi couldn't bear to listen to Zhou Bo's embarrassment, but Quan pretended not to hear it and asked: "Can you tell me now? Who is your acquaintance? Which martial arts drama was produced with him? "

Wen Zhangping said: "Have you heard of Gu Ruiyong? He used to be a director, specializing in martial arts films. Later he became a producer, and he still engaged in martial arts. He went all the way to the dark side."

Zhou Bo seemed to have expected it and was not surprised.

Lu Anzhi didn't pay much attention to TV programs in this world, so he didn't know much about it.

Zhang Suxin's eyes widened in surprise. But she sat quietly next to Lu Anzhi and didn't express any opinions.

Then Zhou Bo boasted again: "As expected of Teacher Lu Anzhi, I didn't feel any weird when I heard Gu Ruiyong, he is really like everyone!"

Lu Anzhi: "..."

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