The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 129 Can’t you believe my ability in making music for martial arts dramas?

After Song Xiaoqin left, Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin cleaned up the dishes together. Xianxian still wanted to join in the fun. She moved her little stool and placed it in front of the sink. She stood on the stool and washed the dishes in a decent manner.

And she was no longer satisfied with just washing her bowl, she also wanted to wash other dishes.

Lu Anzhi smiled and said, "This girl has learned how to wash dishes early. Come help us share the housework in the future."

Zhang Suxin smiled and said: "She is only a little older, and you are counting on her?!"

Xianxian didn't seem to hear, and was washing her bowl seriously.

But with her help, the dishes and chopsticks that could have been washed in a few minutes actually took about ten minutes longer.

In order to avoid wasting water, Zhang Suxin had to catch some water in the pool for the little guy to cause trouble.

After washing the dishes, Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin dried their hands, wiped their delicate hands clean, and went to the living room together.

Lu Anzhi suddenly took out a bunch of keys and said, "Suxin."


Zhang Suxin looked at Lu Anzhi.

Lu Anzhi handed the key to Zhang Suxin and said, "Here, this is the key to my Sanwei Bookstore. Although either I or Sister Wang is there, and you generally don't need to open the door yourself, I still give you the key." What if you need to open the door?"


Zhang Suxin nodded, took the key, and smiled. Her smile was warm and she looked very comfortable.

"Xianxian wants it too! Xianxian wants it too!"

Xianxian raised her thin arms and jumped up and down.

Lu Anzhi asked: "What does Xianxian want?"

Xianxian replied: "I need to wash it!"

Lu Anzhi said: "Xianxian is still young. How about waiting for Xianxian to grow up before getting the key?"

"All right."

Xianxian nodded and said seriously, "Xianxian can be washed when she grows up!"

Lu Anzhi touched Xianxian's little head and said, "Xianxian is so good."

Xianxian nodded vigorously again and said seriously: "Yeah, Xianxian is amazing!"

Zhang Suxin couldn't help shaking her head and laughing, and touched Xianxian's head.

Xianxian made another request: "Dad, I want to listen to music!"

Lu Anzhi asked: "What song does Xianxian want to listen to?"

Xianxian shook her head and sang as a reminder. It's just that the little guy is tone-deaf, and none of the songs he sings are in tune. Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin can't understand them at all.

After listening for a long time, Lu Anzhi could barely understand the lyrics: "She seems to be singing slowly, slowly?"

Zhang Suxin nodded: "It should be your new song." She lowered her head and asked Xianxian, "Is Xianxian singing the song that dad sang in the morning?"


The little guy nodded and continued singing without any tune. She looked serious when she sang, and looked at Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin with such rich expressions that both Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin couldn't help but want to laugh.

Zhang Suxin asked: "Speaking of which, are the songs you sang while eating just now also all in stock?"

Lu Anzhi asked: "Do you want it to be written now or in stock?"

Zhang Suxin rolled her eyes at Lu An: "I hope it won't work! I hope I can decide which song is currently written and which is in stock?"

Lu Anzhi smiled and said, "Anyway, as long as you know that I sing for you."

Zhang Suxin asked quietly: "Then what bad and lovely woman sang to me? What's wrong with me?! Are you sure you sang to me?"

Lu Anzhi asked with a smile: "Why do you want me to sing for others?"

Zhang Suxin wrinkled her delicate nose: "Humph!"

Lu Anzhi said: "Besides, you took away all the sheets from the guest room three years ago, causing me to lose money. What's wrong with you!"

"I hate you!"

Zhang Suxin was so angry that she punched Lu Anzhi on the chest, but the force was weak.

Lu Anzhi felt that Zhang Suxin's charm at this moment was particularly touching, and couldn't help but grab Zhang Suxin's hand and sneak a attack on Zhang Suxin's face.

Warm and soft, it's a different feeling.

Zhang Suxin quickly withdrew her hand and glared at Lu Anzhi fiercely: "I'm going to kill you! Xianxian is still here!"

"Hey Hey!"

Xianxian used her laughter to show that she was indeed still there and was enjoying the show.

Lu Anzhi lowered his head and saw that the little guy was looking up at him and Zhang Suxin while enjoying themselves. He scratched his head and was speechless for a moment.

"Let's go! Dad will sing to you!"

Lu Anzhi picked up Xianxian, carried her to the piano room, sat down in front of the piano, and started playing the piano.

He sang the three songs he sang in the morning from beginning to end on the piano. The little guy sat aside, still listening with his head bouncing.

Zhang Suxin also sat next to Xianxian, listening carefully.

Her eyes fell on Lu Anzhi unconsciously, looking so seriously and listening so seriously.

These three songs are indeed completed and highly completed songs. Although she had predicted this outcome, Zhang Suxin still felt a little disappointed in her heart.

But at the same time she was disappointed, she was also a little proud. These are all Lu Anzhi's songs. His songs are still so powerful. If you pick one out at random, it will look like you can beat it.

Especially the last song, "The Most Romantic Thing", the simple and unpretentious lyrics are so powerful that people can unconsciously indulge in that long-lasting romance.

Gradually, after being immersed in the singing, Zhang Suxin gently held Xianxian in her arms and looked at Lu Anzhi who was concentrating on singing, forgetting any disappointment and pride.

With such an immersive song, how could she have time to deal with other emotions?

After listening to Lu Anzhi sing all three songs, Xiao Xianxian clapped her hands, and Zhang Suxin also clapped.

"You should also register these three songs."

Zhang Suxin said.

So the three of them went to the computer. Lu Anzhi sat down again, opened the computer, and logged in to his account.

Zhang Suxin looked at the pile of tracks under the Lu Anzhi Music Copyright Network account and couldn't help but sigh: "You can make two albums with these songs."

Lu Anzhi joked: "Don't be in a hurry, let's hold it in. Let's hold it in for a big move. In the future, we will save 1,000 songs and expose them all at once to scare the audience to death."

Zhang Suxin smiled and thought that no one could do such a thing.

Lu Anzhi had recorded all three songs into the website, and when he entered the waiting channel for review, more than an hour had passed.

Xianxian found it boring, so she ran to get some toys and a book, and sat on the floor while Zhang Suxin played with her.

"Slowly Falling in Love with You", "Lovely Woman", "The Most Romantic Thing"...

Zhang Suxin looked at the three songs Lu Anzhi had just uploaded and couldn't help but said: "If you take the order of an emotional urban drama, you will definitely do better."

Lu Anzhi smiled and said, "Why, you can't believe my ability in making music for martial arts dramas?"

Zhang Suxin shook her head, thinking about it. Lu Anzhi's style is so changeable, and his level is always online. Why do you think he can't do music for martial arts dramas?

At this moment, Lu Anzhi's cell phone rang suddenly. He took out his cell phone, looked at it, flashed it at Zhang Suxin, and said with a smile: "Cao Cao Cao Cao is here. It's Wen Zhangping."

The caller ID on the phone showed a call from Wen Zhangping.

Thanks to book friend 20200704111437286 for the reward.

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