The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 130 Is this your daughter?

Zhang Suxin blinked and said, "I'm looking at Xianxian, you go answer the phone."

Lu Anzhi nodded and went to another room to answer the phone.

Zhang Suxin turned off the computer and watched Xianxian playing with toys. But Xianxian's attention was attracted by Lu Anzhi, and she asked Zhang Suxin: "What is dad doing?"

Zhang Suxin said: "Dad is on the phone."


Xianxian nodded, "Xianxian can also make phone calls!"

Zhang Suxin smiled and said: "Yeah, Xianxian is amazing."

The little ones actually knew how to interact and compliment each other. As soon as Zhang Suxin finished praising her, she praised Zhang Suxin: "Mom is awesome too!"

Zhang Suxin laughed.

After a while, Lu Anzhi came back from the phone call.

Zhang Suxin asked: "How is it?"

Lu Anzhi said: "Teacher Wen said that he had finished recording the program there, and he called Gu Ruiyong to come to Haidu - Gu Ruiyong happened to be near Haidu. He asked me if I had time today. If I have time, I would go in the afternoon. Come and sit in my bookstore."

Zhang Suxin nodded: "Then you can go back after lunch."

Lu Anzhi asked: "Do you want to go with me?"

Zhang Suxin said: "If I want to go with you, we have to bring Xianxian with us."

Lu Anzhi nodded and responded: "Well..."

As a result, Zhang Suxin pursed her lips and said, "If you don't mind, then I'll go."

Lu Anzhi said: "What do I mind?"

Zhang Suxin explained: "I'm afraid that you would mind exposing Xianxian in the circle and attracting unnecessary attention. So in the past two years, although I understand that I have been retired for such a long time, few people have paid attention to me, but usually When taking Xianxian out, you should still be careful.

"But now that I think about it, I have been retired for almost three years. We are all behind the scenes now, so there is no need to worry about this. What do you think? Do we need to be more cautious?"

When she debuted, she was fed up with the harassment from the paparazzi, so she was a little sensitive about it, and she always paid attention to protecting Xianxian.

Lu Anzhi smiled and said: "Then go. We can't keep secretive like this. This time, I only have Wen Zhangping and Gu Ruiyong in the store, and without Zhou Bo, nothing will be exposed.

"Besides, in the entertainment industry, the waves behind push the waves ahead. You have been retired for almost three years, and now there are so many new people attracting attention - such as Zhou Bo - no one will pay too much attention to you anymore. It's nothing."

Think about it when a certain photographic artist disappeared and reappeared in the previous life, only attracting a small amount of attention.

The media in the entertainment industry are all profit-seeking. Those who have retired have lost their popularity. For them, there are not many gimmicks to attract traffic.

"Yeah. You're right."

Zhang Suxin nodded, suddenly thinking of something and feeling dazed for a moment.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Anzhi noticed Zhang Suxin's expression and asked her.

But Zhang Suxin shook her head and said: "'s not a big deal. I'll go to Sanwei Bookstore later and finish your business, and we'll talk about other things later."

It seems that something is still wrong...

But since Zhang Suxin didn't want to mention it now, Lu Anzhi didn't ask any more questions.

After a while, Aunt Gu came. With the help of Zhang Suxin and Lu Anzhi, she cleaned up the house and then made lunch.

Zhang Suxin invited Aunt Gu to stay for lunch together, but she didn't expect that Aunt Gu kept chatting with Lu Anzhi.

Because she has been taking care of Zhang Suxin, Aunt Gu knows the situation of Zhang Suxin and Xianxian very well. Now we also know about Lu Anzhi's situation.

So she knew very well that Lu Anzhi was the King of Color Bells.

Aunt Gu likes Lu Anzhi's ringtone music very much, especially "Two Butterflies". She now uses "Two Butterflies" as the ringtone on her mobile phone.

Therefore, it was rare for me to sit and have dinner with Lu Anzhi, so I was inevitably more enthusiastic. I also told Lu Anzhi that I hoped Lu Anzhi would produce more such good songs.

Such enthusiasm made Zhang Suxin a little jealous.

After lunch, Xianxian felt sleepy and took a nap. After Aunt Gu left, Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin inevitably got tired of it quietly and secretly for a while.

The so-called taste knows the marrow. Except for the time more than three years ago, the two of them had only had one close contact. Now that their relationship has made a breakthrough, how could they not get tired of being together when they were alone?

However, both of them restrained themselves and did not go further.

To be honest, neither of them knew what they were restraining, since they already had children. But they all maintained a tacit understanding with each other, prolonging the process that should have taken place before Xianxian was born.

But neither of them expected that Xianxian, who had taken a nap today, would wake up extra early.

Zhang Suxin, who was stuck with Lu Anzhi, suddenly broke away and said, "Xianxian is awake."

Lu Anzhi was startled and turned around to see that the little guy had woken up at some point and was looking at them with his big eyes.

Lu Anzhi quickly sat upright.

But I didn't expect that the little guy got up from the bed excitedly, came over and stretched out his little arms as if to hug Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin, put his arms against Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin, and said, "Come again! Come again!"

Lu Anzhi: "..."

Zhang Suxin: "..."

There was a subtle and awkward atmosphere, but Xianxian couldn't notice it. This made Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin relax a little.

Zhang Suxin picked up Xianxian and said, "What's next? Let's go, mommy will dress you, and we'll go to daddy's place."

"I'm angry at Dad!"

Xianxian said happily, her attention was immediately diverted, and she no longer cared about saying "come again, come again".

After cleaning up Xianxian, the three of them went down to the basement together. Lu Anzhi drove Zhang Suxin and Xianxian to Sanwei Bookstore.

When they arrived at Sanwei Bookstore, the little guy took the initiative to greet Wang Ping enthusiastically.

There were no customers in the bookstore at this time, so Wang Ping had a good time and played with Xianxian for a while.

It was around four o'clock in the afternoon that Wen Zhangping entered the store with a man of about the same age as him.

The man had a sinewy face, a lot of gray beard, and a bald head. If anyone said he was a promiscuous person, they would probably believe it.

"Teacher Wen, Teacher Gu."

Zhang Suxin said hello.

Lu Anzhi confirmed that this person was Gu Ruiyong.

So Lu Anzhi also greeted the two of them and said, "Brother Wen, Teacher Gu."

Wen Zhangping smiled and said, "It seems I don't need an introduction."

Gu Ruiyong looked ferocious, but unexpectedly he turned out to be very kind when he spoke. He smiled and said, "You already call me Brother Lao Wen. Why don't you call me Brother too? Don't be so harsh."

Lu Anzhi followed the good example and said with a smile: "Okay, Brother Gu."

While talking, Xianxian ran to Zhang Suxin and called: "Mom!"

Gu Ruiyong and Wen Zhangping were both stunned.

"Is this your daughter?"

Wen Zhangping asked Zhang Suxin in surprise.

Zhang Suxin nodded, but before she could say anything, Wen Zhangping's eyes flickered across the faces of Xianxian and Lu Anzhi, revealing a look of sudden realization: "So... no wonder..."

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