Gu Ruiyong also showed a look of surprise.

Wen Zhangping looked at Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin, then landed on Xianxian, and said with a smile: "Very good, very good."

Zhang Suxin was a little shy. Lu Anzhi said openly and honestly: "Please help us keep this secret, please."

Although I don’t think it would matter even if someone knew about it, it would certainly be better if it could be kept a secret.

Therefore, Lu Anzhi doesn't mind asking Wen Zhangping and Gu Ruiyong.

Wen Zhangping and Gu Ruiyong both nodded and said it didn't matter. Later, Wen Zhangping complained to Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin, saying that they did not tell him about Xianxian's existence earlier, so he did not prepare gifts for the children.

Lu Anzhi smiled and said, "Brother Wen, there's no need to be so polite."

Wen Zhangping said nothing more.

Afterwards, Lu Anzhi and Wang Ping said hello and asked Wen Zhangping and Gu Ruiyong to go upstairs together.

Zhang Suxin and Lu Anzhi prepared tea and poured it for Wen Zhangping and Gu Ruiyong. Zhang Suxin said, "You guys talk about business, I'll go and accompany Xianxian." As she said this, she carried Xianxian to another place.

Gu Ruiyong Wen: "Brother Anzhi, you were introduced by Lao Wen, and I trust you. This time I directly edited some clips of my TV series that I had already shot, carved them and brought them over. Do you want to see how they feel? Feeling, try it first, do you have any inspiration?"

Lu An said: "Okay, no problem."

So Gu Ruiyong took out a CD. Lu Anzhi opened his laptop and put the CD into the CD-ROM drive. As the CD-ROM drive closed in the computer, there was a buzzing sound, and the contents of the CD were loaded on the computer screen.

Lu Anzhi chose to play, and a scene similar to the opening song played. There are some scenes after that, either fierce battles or conflict scenes with strong emotions, anger, sorrow and joy, which seem to have some quality.

"How's it going? Do you feel it?"

Gu Ruiyong asked.


Lu Anzhi nodded and said.

After watching the scenes in the video, Lu Anzhi already had some thoughts in his mind. However, these thoughts were somewhat different from his original expectations.

He originally only heard the name of this martial arts drama and knew it was "Legend of Skyward Sword". This name reminded Lu Anzhi of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" inexplicably, so he had previously thought that he might be able to directly transplant the classic music from "Sword and Fairy" into this drama.

"Return to Dreams", "Flight of the Sword", etc. are all excellent music.

But now it seems that "Legend of Heavenly Sword" and "Legend of Heavenly Sword" are completely different styles. If I don't consider these and forcibly implant the music of "Legend of Heavenly Sword" into "Legend of Heavenly Sword", it would be a bit inconsistent.

Some songs will work, but others will have to be replaced.

This thought flashed through Lu Anzhi's mind.

Gu Ruiyong took out another notebook and said, "This is the plot summary, but you have to sign a confidentiality agreement with me before you can read it. We are brothers, and we still have to follow the rules."

Lu Anzhi nodded and said, "No problem, it should be."

He immediately signed the confidentiality agreement presented by Gu Ruiyong, and then took the synopsis of the plot to read.

The plot synopsis is not long, but a glimpse of it tells the whole story. Lu Anzhi has already confirmed the general content and specific style of "The Legend of Skyward Sword" by just reading this brief synopsis.

This drama is a very traditional martial arts story with classic elements. Family and country, love and hate, good and evil, and treasures are all intertwined and perfectly integrated.

Gu Ruiyong emphasized the ending in the synopsis. This play has a tragic ending. Faced with the safety of the family and the country and the general trend of the world, the hero meets his fate and dies under his own heavenly sword.

This reminded Lu Anzhi of "Tian Long Ba Bu". Although the ending was different from Qiao Feng's, the feeling conveyed in the text made Lu Anzhi feel something in common.

After Lu Anzhi finished watching, he exhaled softly and said with a smile: "Brother Gu, if you tell me the ending in advance, you don't want me to follow the show anymore."

Gu Ruiyong laughed "haha" and said: "It doesn't affect it, it doesn't affect it. How can reading the synopsis be the same as watching the drama?" After chatting, he got down to business, "How is it? Do you feel it?"

Lu Anzhi nodded and said: "There should be no problem. Brother Gu, please tell me what you want first?"

Gu Ruiyong waved his hand and said: "I have no requirements. I never like to restrict creators. Brother Lu, just create according to your own ideas."

Lu Anzhi suddenly remembered Wen Zhangping's previous evaluation of Gu Ruiyong.

Wen Zhangping then laughed and said: "No request is the most difficult request. How many times have you tricked me! Brother Lu, don't believe him, let him figure out a framework for you first. Don't let him do it when the time comes. If you don’t like this or that, you have to rework.”

Gu Ruiyong said somewhat unhappily: "Why did it become my problem as soon as you said it? You obviously didn't care about it? I later asked you to try processing again, but didn't I ask you too many requirements? Then you What a great piece of work you produced! If I had been able to muddle through like you, do you think your episodes would still be as good as they are now?"


Wen Zhangping said, "I don't care. Anyway, you don't ask for anything. It's too broad. Brother Lu won't speak, so I have to speak to him. You have to create a frame for Brother Lu."

Gu Ruiyong: "..."

Lu Anzhi remained silent and watched the two old men arguing.

In the end, Gu Ruiyong sighed and said: "Well, let's not talk about the opening and ending songs. As for the content and interludes, where the protagonist first obtains the Heavenly Sword and finally dies, I want two customized interludes to enhance the atmosphere. We’re here. You can do whatever you want elsewhere.”

Wen Zhangping said dissatisfied: "Why are you still free to express yourself?"

Gu Ruiyong said angrily: "You're done, aren't you?!"

Seeing that the two old men were about to quarrel, Lu Anzhi quickly persuaded them in the middle, saying that he would give it a try first.

Gu Ruiyong was very satisfied, but Wen Zhangping looked like he would suffer a loss if he didn't listen to the old man's words.

But he didn't know if it was an illusion, but Lu Anzhi always felt that there was a hint of relaxation in Wen Zhangping's expression.

Afterwards, Gu Ruiyong said: "Brother Lu, you write the music slowly, don't be in a hurry. We only look at the quality and nothing else. As long as the final quality is enough, everything else is a trivial matter. Anyway, our drama has not been set yet. Woolen cloth."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wen Zhangping tried to undermine him again: "Don't listen to him! This old guy doesn't keep his word. If you delay for a long time, he will definitely come to you again. I have been fooled by him. "

Gu Ruiyong blew his beard and glared: "That's not because you are not dedicated! No matter how slowly others write, they can't procrastinate like you!"

After finishing speaking, he told Lu Anzhidao, "But it's best to have a demo or two first, so that I can have a picture in my mind. As long as the quality is up to standard, I will give you the top contract that this old guy, Old Wen, has spent his whole life to get. As a producer, I have this right!"

Wen Zhangping and Lu Anzhi said: "Look, look, this old boy has changed his mind now!"

Once again, I shamelessly ask for some monthly votes, thank you.

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