The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 143 Let’s get a certificate

It was getting late, and Xianxian was already a little confused.

Lu Anzhi drove Xianxian and Zhang Suxin back to Zhuyuan Community. When she stopped the car in the basement, Xianxian was already asleep.

So Lu Anzhi took Xianxian back home, packed her into pajamas, kissed Zhang Suxin goodbye, and went to the elevator door to leave.

When the elevator door opened, Lu Anzhi suddenly heard Zhang Suxin's cell phone ringing.

Zhang Suxin looked at her phone, her expression changed slightly, then she answered the call and waved to Lu Anzhi.

Lu Anzhi waved goodbye to Zhang Suxin and entered the elevator.

While driving home, Zhang Suxin's face when she answered the phone kept flashing back in her mind.

Whose phone number is it? What happened?

He felt strange and worried.

After returning to Sanwei Bookstore, Lu Anzhi called Zhang Suxin.

Zhang Suxin's call was quickly answered. Lu Anzhi heard Zhang Suxin ask: "Are you home?"

"Well, we're home."

Lu Anzhi replied and asked, "When I got on the elevator, I saw you answering the phone, and your face suddenly looked very bad. Is something wrong?"


Zhang Suxin said on the phone.

Lu Anzhi frowned, knowing that Zhang Suxin was hiding something. He thought for a moment and said: "If anything happens, you can tell me and we will deal with it together. After all, I am also Xianxian's dad, right?"

He paused for a moment before speaking, and deliberately said in a relaxed and humorous tone: "We are a couple!"

"Bah! Who is dating you?"

Zhang Suxin said slightly angrily on the phone. However, after Lu Anzhi said this, her mood obviously improved.

Lu Anzhi heard it from Zhang Suxin's tone and felt a little relieved. He continued to laugh and said: "Isn't it just a certificate? How about the two of us go and get a certificate?"

After finishing speaking, the other end of the phone suddenly became quiet.

Lu Anzhi's heart sank slightly.

He didn't think much about it, he just made a joke following the topic, but after the words came out, he naturally wanted to get a response.

But Zhang Suxin fell silent.

He will inevitably be disappointed.

It’s too abrupt after all…

Lu Anzhi was thinking, and suddenly heard Zhang Suxin's voice on the phone: "Okay."


Lu Anzhi did not react for a moment.

"how about tomorrow?"

Zhang Suxin asked.

Lu Anzhi said: "Don't you need to choose a good time? Valentine's Day, Chinese Valentine's Day, May 21st, etc. Many people pursue a sense of ritual and get married on these dates."

Zhang Suxin said: "It's not necessary. I don't attach much importance to this. The important thing is to get the certificate. Why should I care about the day?"

Lu Anzhi asked: " really agreed? You're not too hasty, are you?"

Zhang Suxin said: "It will be too late..."

Lu Anzhi was silent for a moment and asked, "Is it related to the phone call I made when I entered the elevator?"

Zhang Suxin did not answer Lu Anzhi's question, but asked: "Will you accept the certificate tomorrow?"

Lu Anzhi quickly replied: "I agree! Why not?"

Zhang Suxin was silent for a moment and replied: "Yes."

After agreeing, she added: "Then you come to my house tomorrow, and I'll tell Xiaoqin later. We'll send Xianxian there first, and then go get the certificate. I'll tell you what's going on in person. On the phone... …I really don’t know what to tell you.”

Lu Anzhi felt relieved. Since Zhang Suxin can tell herself tomorrow, then the phone call she answered shouldn't be a serious matter.

But what could be the thing that would make Zhang Suxin rush to get the certificate with her?

An idea flashed through his mind. He did not rush to ask Zhang Suxin for confirmation, but replied: "Okay."

"Then remember to bring your ID card and household registration book."

Zhang Suxin reminded Lu An.

Lu Anzhi said: "Okay, you should remember it too."

Zhang Suxin smiled and said, "Aren't you coming to pick me up tomorrow? Do you need to be reminded so early?"

Lu Anzhi: "..."

Zhang Suxin said: "Good night."

Lu Anzhi also responded: "Good night."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Anzhi was still a little confused.

I didn't expect that step by step, the relationship between myself and Zhang Suxin would progress so quickly.

A few days ago, he and Zhang Suxin broke through the preliminary relationship and had close communication. He already felt that it was fast enough, but he did not expect that it would suddenly develop to the point of receiving the certificate.

Lu Anzhi suddenly felt an unreal feeling in his heart, as if everything was in a dream.

But all of this is so real, not even remotely illusory.

Just get the certificate. It will come to this step sooner or later anyway.

Lu Anzhi thought like this, cleaned up and went to bed.

But as soon as he lay down on the bed, he couldn't fall asleep.

After tossing and turning for a while, he climbed out of bed again. Sit down in front of your computer and open the file for "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" on your laptop.

This document has been created and renamed for a long time, but it has been kept on the computer. The content in it is empty. He has been fishing and not writing. At this time, he had nothing else to do, so he finally started writing.

"The Dursleys who live at No. 4 Privet Drive always say proudly that they are a very well-behaved family..."

Amidst the rhythmic tapping of the keyboard, lines of Chinese characters fell into the document.

He considered writing the novel directly in English, but considering that he was living in China and the first novel he wrote was aimed at domestic readers, Chinese was still his first choice.

He also thought about whether to write it in both languages, but in the end he was still too lazy.

Now he is struggling to even open the document and start coding. What is he trying to do if he is asked to write bilingual text again?

For him, it is enough to bring the story that filled his memories of his previous life into this world. There is no need to pursue the original flavor.

The original version of this novel was indeed excellent, but it was not the version he had read before, so his feelings were not as strong.

"Didi didi..."

Editor Qiuqiu's avatar suddenly flashed, interrupting Lu Anzhi's coding.

Lu Anzhi clicked on Kuku's chat box and saw a message from Kuku: Master B? Is the matter of the copyright of the "Dragon" game settled like this?

Lu Anzhi replied: It’s decided. The price they gave me was pretty good.

Kuku: Hmm, then I’ll quickly arrange to sign the contract. The game company pressed me hard and wanted to pay. They even said they could pay the full amount directly.

Lu Anzhi couldn't help but think of Song Xiaoqin.

This rich man's attitude of not treating money as money is exactly the same as Song Xiaoqin's. From this perspective alone, Song Xiaoqin and Liang Zhe are quite a match.

However, Lu Anzhi only thought about these thoughts in his mind. Blind date and marriage are Song Xiaoqin's private matter after all, and Lu Anzhi will not get too involved or interfere.

However, after being disturbed like this, he suddenly lost interest in coding, stretched himself and turned off the computer.

Forget it, go to bed early. If you can't sleep, just lie in bed and squint. You should have your ID photo taken when you receive your certificate tomorrow, and you can't go there with two dark circles under your eyes.

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