The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 144: All across the five continents and oceans, we are all passers-by. Now that I see you, I

The next day, Lu Anzhi woke up early in the morning and was very energetic, not feeling sleepy at all.

After he washed up, he took his ID card and household registration book, said hello to Wang Ping, who had come to the store early, and went out to drive to Zhuyuan Community.

There is only his solitary page in the household registration book, which he took out from school after graduation. But because he has been wandering outside, he has not settled down, and now he still has a registered residence in a university.

The household registration booklet containing this small page of his household registration was just something he bought at a roadside stall outside the station.

After receiving the certificate, it is time to consider settling in.

Lu Anzhi thought so.

If he hadn't taken out his household registration book when needed today, he would have forgotten about it.

"Dong dong dong——"


"Daddy daddy daddy!!!"



Arriving at the door of Zhang Suxin's house, Lu Anzhi's knocking on the door, slender running, calling, opening the door and calling seemed to have formed an inherent rhythm.

Seeing Xianxian raising her head and calling to herself, Lu Anzhi picked up the little guy and kissed the little guy on the face.


The little guy yelled.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Anzhi asked for a moment.

Xianxian's words made him a little worried that he still had a beard on his face. The first time he hugged Xianxian, Xianxian loved you and said to him, "Oh, Beard", which left a deep impression on him.

Now, as a conditioned reflex, when Xianxian said "Ouch", he felt like he had a beard on his face.

But when he went out this morning, he had just shaved.

As a result, Xianxian stretched out her little hand and rubbed Lu Anzhi's cheek, wondering: "Why is there no Huji?"

Lu Anzhi was speechless for a while, then laughed and said, "What, do you want to be pricked by dad's beard?"

Xianxian quickly shook her head and said, "No! Yes!"

"Okay, stop teasing Xianxian, breakfast is ready, come and eat."

Zhang Suxin's voice interrupted the communication between Lu Anzhi and Xianxian.


Lu Anzhi nodded and said to Xianxian, "Kiss daddy."

Xianxian immediately slapped Lu Anzhi on the face.

After that, Lu Anzhi put Xianxian down, changed her shoes and went in to have breakfast.

During the meal, Xianxian kept sitting on the dining chair and muttering: "Mom and dad are busy."

She seemed to be imitating the way Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin chatted while eating, and wanted to chat with Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin. It's just that she had too few topics to talk about, and she kept saying "Mom and dad are busy" over and over again.

"Well, Mom and Dad are busy. Xianxian knows a lot."

Lu Anzhi smiled and said to Xianxian, then looked at Zhang Suxin, "You told her, right?"

Zhang Suxin said speechlessly: "No way! I just told her that she was going to sister Xiaoqin's house today. Who knew that she would just make up her mind and keep saying that her parents were busy. But when you didn't come, I didn't listen to her. , now that you are here, she can’t stop talking about it.”

Lu Anzhi smiled and said, "That's my fault."

Zhang Suxin wrinkled her nose: "Uh-huh! This little guy is focused on chatting with you now, and he doesn't want to talk to me about these topics. I don't blame you. Who do you blame?"

Lu Anzhi said: "They obviously told us two, why did they just tell me? Don't blame others."

Then he looked at Xianxian and said, "Really, Xianxian?"


Xianxian nodded regardless of whether she understood or not.


Zhang Suxin rolled her eyes at Lu An and asked, "Where are your household registration book and ID card?"

"I'm taking it with me."

As Lu Anzhi said this, he took out his household registration book and ID card and showed them to Zhang Suxin.

Zhang Suxin took the two things and opened her household registration book and looked at it. She had seen the ID card before, but this was the first time she had seen the household registration book.

Looking at the lone page in the book, she was stunned for a moment, remembering what she had learned about Lu Anzhi's identity from the hotel through her friends.

"Is your hukou still registered in your university?"

she asked softly.

Lu Anzhi nodded and said while eating: "Yes, I have been traveling for the past three years. If I have no fixed place to live, if I don't stay in school, where will I stay?"

Zhang Suxin pursed her lips and said, "Sorry..."

Lu Anzhi raised his eyes and looked at Zhang Suxin, then said with a smile: "What's there to be sorry for? Aren't I pretty good? I made a lot of money, I traveled all over the world, I ran enough, and I came back with one more The child and the child’s mother, in this situation, you don’t still sympathize with me, do you?”

Zhang Suxin glared at Lu An with resentment, and then she remembered that when she was giving birth to her baby and taking care of her baby, this guy was running around the world.

This guy really doesn't need his sympathy!


"Let me ask you a question."

She hesitated and said.

Lu Anzhi said: "What? You ask."

Zhang Suxin asked: "You have been traveling all over the world for the past three years, but you haven't met any girls or anything?"

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she couldn't help but feel uneasy.

I'm fine, why are you asking?

It's obviously fine now, but if you ask these questions, aren't you making yourself uncomfortable?

Lu Anzhi shook his head and said, "Three years of traveling across the five continents and oceans, and everything I see is passers-by. I have no interest in wasting my emotions on those passers-by."

Zhang Suxin breathed a sigh of relief, but still said stubbornly: "Tch! Who believes you!"

Lu Anzhi smiled and said, "Xianxian, trust me."

"Yeah! Dad is awesome!"

Xianxian held up the small spoon and was very sure.

Zhang Suxin shook her head and laughed, glanced at Xianxian: "This little traitor!"

Unexpectedly, Xianxian seemed to understand and immediately stopped complying.

Zhang Suxin quickly begged for mercy: "Xianxian is not a little traitor, Xianxian is not a little traitor!"

The little guy was satisfied and continued to eat honestly.

An idea flashed through Zhang Suxin's mind. She hesitated for a long time before she made up her mind and said to Lu Anzhi: "If you have plans to settle down, why not... why not settle down with me and Xianxian?"

Lu Anzhi suddenly looked at Zhang Suxin with wide eyes.

Zhang Suxin suddenly became nervous. She avoided Lu Anzhi's gaze and said, "It's okay if you don't want to. The school's collective household is also very good..."

But just as he finished speaking, Lu Anzhi said: "Yes, why don't you want to? Isn't it reasonable and reasonable to get the certificate and live in the same household? Besides, Xianxian is my daughter, why shouldn't I live with my daughter?" One household?"

"what about me?"

Zhang Suxin suddenly felt impulsive and blurted out the question.

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she regretted them and didn't dare to meet Lu Anzhi's gaze.

Lu Anzhi was also stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "Then do you want me to call you wife or daughter-in-law?"

Zhang Suxin suddenly said anxiously: "No way! Don't even think about it!"

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