Wen Zhangping was indeed surprised by Lu Anzhi's new rap song. The arrangement of this song was so gorgeous and novel that it was beyond his imagination.

He has never seen anything like this before, and no one in this world arranges music like this.

In his opinion, the great thing about this song lies in the arrangement.

It tends to be obscure but fortunately full of story-telling fragmented lyrics and relatively concise melody. Under the arrangement full of novelty and ingenuity, they are perfectly blended together to form a complete whole, making the whole song feel like a piece of music. The film has a narrative structure, but is self-contained and attractive.

The soprano at the beginning, the electronic synthesizer melody throughout the music, the operatic performance, the sudden sound of gunshots, and the chorus that seems to be narrating make the whole song dark, gloomy, mysterious, and... Seductive.

He didn't think of the word gorgeous, but when he called Du Bing and heard Du Bing comment like this, he felt that Du Ping's description was really accurate.

Wen Zhangping and Du Bing unified their views on Lu Anzhi. They felt that this young man's mind was full of wonderful ideas and he was unconstrained and unconstrained, so he could write so many songs of different styles, but this young man was the most powerful. , or arranger. This guy's accomplishments in arranging have simply reached the level of a master.

Since Lu Anzhi came to prominence last year, Lu Anzhi has performed one song after another, with various styles. The arrangement of each song can always fit the characteristics of each song and make it just right.

Wen Zhangping thought of "The Solitary Shadow of Heaven and Earth Let Me Do What I Want" again. That work was not as avant-garde as this song, but the arrangement of the entire song also allowed him to see Lu Anzhi's skills.

This kind of talent is simply amazing.

In their opinion, the most terrifying thing is that Lu Anzhi is still young.

Young people are always full of ideas, which is why we can have "The Isolated Shadow of the World" and "In the Name of the Father". They dare not imagine how far this young man's future will develop if this continues.

"Anyway, it's really amazing... I also like to do most of the arranging work myself. I can't compare to his ability. This time when I shouted to him on WeChat, I was rude."

Du Bing sighed.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Wen Zhangping felt relieved and laughed.

But Du Bing said unhappily: "Why are you laughing so hard? What does it have to do with you?"

Wen Zhangping said proudly: "My brother!"

Du Bing: "..."

The two of them paid attention to the skills of this song, but netizens didn't care so much.

After seeing the title of the song "In the Name of the Father", netizens started to have fun and @PPP on WeChat. It's a pity that PPP has been blocked and they @are of no use.

This is a weird song. Some people feel a little uncomfortable listening to the soprano's screaming singing in the song, but some people find it great. After listening to the whole song, they feel cool and rustic. Compared to Those messy songs that PPP sings, I don’t know how high they are.

"They are all about gangs. How can Lu Anzhi sing it so elegantly? How can PPP sing it so stupidly?"

Someone commented on it on WeChat.

Then not long after, someone replied to this tweet: "This obviously does not mean that the domestic ones are good. Foreign countries are high-ranking, but domestic ones are not good. You are worshiping foreigners!"

This is a strange statement, and I don’t know if it’s a genuine objection or a joke.

Anyway, after these words were posted, someone else replied: "You are the ones who want to rap about authentic and beautiful domestic products, and you are the ones who say you admire foreigners and favor foreigners. It's up to you to say what you want, right?"

There are also people who have caught up with the deserted talkers. Under the post posted by PPP, or in a separate post @PPP, there is a link to "In the Name of the Father" and they say, "Come and listen, This is rap” or something like that.

PPP didn’t know whether it was because it was unable to refute or for other reasons, so it blocked Hua Ke’s reply. After being blocked, I posted another Huoke post, and the content was still very brief: Too lazy to talk. What does Lu Anzhi’s song have to do with me? I just want to make my own music, you idiots, don’t bother me!

Then someone transferred PPP’s words to WeChat, and posted them together with screenshots of PPP’s previous speeches on WeChat and WeChat. PPP suddenly became a clown, and its inconsistent words and deeds were publicly displayed by netizens. , the snake-rattling look aroused the disgust of many people, and even his original rap circle came out to speak out and cut off from PPP, saying "I didn't expect you to be such a PPP", "It's too embarrassing, don't say it" You're a rap artist" or something like that.

And some PPP fans can't stand it and say they are no longer fans.

Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin were originally very angry when they saw PPP's speech. They felt that PPP was extremely arrogant when it thought it would be beneficial to ridicule Lu Anzhi. But now that the wind has changed, they have become cowardly and pretended not to accept the previous ridicule. , it was extremely shameless, but after seeing the subsequent development of the situation, I was relieved and at the same time I was gloating.

Next, I don’t know where PPP can develop.

Borrowing Lu Anzhi's reputation, mocking Lu Anzhi, and adding a little bit of his own little melon, made many people think that this niche singer who was originally in the underground rap circle and no one would care about him suddenly left. into the public eye.

But fortunately, the pride and self-esteem he has always shown have also attracted a group of fans with unique aesthetics who are crazy about him. Although he was kicked out of Weihua and Xianxianjingting, it actually did not affect him.

As an extremely niche singer, his monetization channels were not originally through Weiyu and Xianxianjingting. If he continues to follow his underground rap path, change places, find a platform to release songs, and focus on offline, he can still make some money.

——As long as he sticks to himself and continues his original arrogant and disregarding behavior.

His followers will naturally follow him.

However, he didn't expect that Lu Anzhi and Du Bing's air-to-air fight was like two cannons firing at each other from across the air, blasting back and forth and affecting him.

Lu Anzhi and Du Bing both had their own shields, and their shields were not broken by the cannon, but PPP's defense was broken.

If this guy continues to be tough, even if he is pretending to be dead and pretending that he can't see the new songs of Lu Anzhi and Du Bingfa, it will be fine. But fundamentally he is very vain and thinks he has lost, so he said this on the chat: "I'm too lazy." Talk. What does Lu Anzhi’s songs have to do with me? I just want to make my own music, you idiots, don’t bother me.”

If he was really arrogant and looked down on Lu Anzhi, he would naturally not say this. But he himself used to belittle Lu Anzhi as a means of marketing himself. At this time, when he said this in a public environment, people could see through his mental fear and weakness.

In the eyes of those fans who gathered because of his "personality" and "arrogance", this was a broken dream. So suddenly, more than half of the fans who spoke for him were lost.

Huoke, which was originally a bit cool, wanted to take advantage of the small popularity of PPP to boost its popularity, and even prepared a publicity plan. As a result, I didn’t expect that PPP would suddenly come up with something like this. Seeing that those who spoke out for PPP disappeared silently, and Huaike fell into silence again, the officialdom of Huaoke felt desolate.

Song Xiaoqin and Zhang Suxin had a great time meeting this big melon together. Lu Anzhi took Xianxian to play outside the villa.

This villa community is also very large and very interesting overall. There are many facilities for children to play in the park within the community, such as wooden horses, seesaws, slides, small ropeways, swings and so on. Xianxian's eyes lit up when she saw it. : "Oh, a playground!" Then he turned to Lu Anzhi and said, "Dad, there is a playground in the community!"

Luan said: "This is a park."

Xianxian nodded and said, "Yeah, park and playground!"

Lu Anzhi: "..."

He didn't bother to correct the little guy. She said that a playground should be a playground. Anyway, for the little ones, this place does function as a playground.

And in a sense, what Xianxian said was fine.

There was no one in the playground at this time, so Lu Anzhi accompanied Xianxian, letting Xianxian play alone in the "park playground".

The little guy is no longer young and can play alone. She was having fun by herself and didn't need Lu Anzhi to do anything. Lu Anzhi just had to watch her and don't let her fall or run away somewhere.

Lu Anzhi sat on the rocking horse in the park, following the rocking horse, watching the little guy play on the slide, then on the swing, after swinging for a while, and then on the slide again.

This little girl is now restless when playing on the slide. She always refuses to go up the stairs. After sliding down the slide, she has to use her two little hands to support the baffle handrails on both sides of the slide and climb up the slide of the slide.

Lu Anzhi tried to persuade Xianxian once or twice, but to no avail, so he had to let the little guy go.

He sat on the wooden horse and rocked, and saw Xianxian going up the slide "humming hummingly". Although it was difficult, it was still effective and she was able to go up bit by bit.

"I want to climb up step by step, waiting for the sun to look at its face quietly. The small sky has big dreams, and it is wrapped in heavy shells and looks up gently..."

Unknowingly, he remembered this song and started humming it softly.

Xianxian spent a long time and finally climbed up the slide, then immediately turned around and slid down again. When she heard Lu Anzhi humming, she couldn't help but come over and ask, "What is Dad singing?"

Lu Anzhi smiled and said, "Dad is singing "Gua Niu"."

Xianxian asked: "What is cow scraping?"

Lu An said: "It's "Snail"."

Xianxian asked strangely: "Xianxian knows that snails are bugs with shells on their backs, and they are sticky in circles... But why did daddy say melon cow?"

Lu Anzhi was a little surprised when he heard Xianxian's words. Unexpectedly, Xianxian could express her thoughts so accurately. Although she still unconsciously omitted a lot of necessary information in her words, such as which parts were round and round, which parts were sticky, etc., in short, the little guy's thinking was already very clear.

This little girl always surprises herself from time to time.

Lu Anzhi smiled and said, "Because some people like to say that."

"All right."

Xianxian didn't seem satisfied with the answer, but she didn't ask any more questions.

This little guy also gave Lu Anzhi another surprise - she only listened to Lu Anzhi sing it once, and she actually learned how to sing this song.

Although there is only half a sentence, the amazing thing is that the words sung are all in tune.

"Step by step...climb..."

"Step by step...climb..."

The little guy seemed to like this song very much and sang these words over and over again as he walked home.

After returning home, she specially ran to Zhang Suxin, called "Mom", and then sang: "Step by step...climb..."

Then he turned to face Song Xiaoqin, called her sister, and sang again: "Step by step...climb..."

Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin didn't know what was going on. Song Xiaoqin glared at Lu An and said, "Did you teach Xianxian? Let this little guy tell us to crawl?"


Zhang Suxin and Lu Anzhi both couldn't help but laugh. They didn't expect Song Xiaoqin to think so outrageously.

Xianxian also laughed along with "hehe", and then said: "This is the song my father taught me! The song is called "Gua Niu"!"


Song Xiaoqin couldn't understand it for a while.

Lu Anzhi then explained: "It's "Snail". I forgot where I heard a dialect that calls snails a melon cow, so I just said it casually, but Xianxian remembered it."

The southeastern island in this world has not experienced the same twists and turns as in the previous life. It is a province in the country. Therefore, the sweet and devilish dialect there did not develop. The words Lu Anzhi said casually as a joke had no place of origin, so he could only explain it this way.

"Teaching children indiscriminately!"

Zhang Suxin rolled her eyes at Lu An.

But Song Xiaoqin said: "So... you wrote another song?! What song is it? A children's song or something?" At this point, it seems that he remembered some sad past, and added, "If it is a love song, just tell me .”

Zhang Suxin and Lu Anzhi looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh.

Lu Anzhi said: "Don't worry, it's not a love song." He didn't hesitate, took everyone to the basement, sat in front of the piano in the recording studio, played the piano, and sang the song.

"Should we put down our heavy shells and look for where the blue sky is, floating gently with the gentle wind, and the wounds we have experienced will not hurt..."

Listening to this inspirational song, Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin could not help but be stunned. Zhang Suxin unconsciously recalled the days when she debuted, the setbacks and troughs she encountered at that time, and the road she traveled through all the obstacles, as if they all came back to her eyes with this song.

But when she thinks about it now, she doesn't feel sad, just a little nostalgic.

Everything has passed, success, peace, bitterness, and beauty have all been tasted. And having something to rely on in the future is so reassuring.

What could be better than this?

The slender little one liked this song very much. When Lu Anzhi was playing and singing, she ran over, climbed onto half of the piano bench that Lu Anzhi had vacated, and then sat down with her two little legs dangling in the air, shaking her little head. He can actually move along with the melody.

After singing the song, Song Xiaoqin suddenly remembered something and asked: "You actually have a low point?!"

She could tell that this song was written from a low point of view, and the emotion was sincere. Both the music and the lyrics had a simple and simple feeling that could touch people's hearts. She simply couldn't imagine how a scary guy like Lu Anzhi, who could shine anytime and anywhere, could ever be at a low point? !

Lu Anzhi was not surprised why Song Xiaoqin, a rich lady, could hear this feeling. The song "Snail" is very sincere, both from the composition to the lyrics. Even if Song Xiaoqin has not had similar emotions and experiences, it is no problem to experience some of them from the emotions of the song.

Lu Anzhi said: "Why, can't it be possible?"

Song Xiaoqin said: "I don't believe you have it..." She said something and thought of something, "Oh, I understand! I forgot that in addition to writing songs, you are also a great writer. You have not experienced it, but you can make it up. !”

Lu Anzhi: "..."

Okay, everyone else has already figured it out, and he doesn't bother to explain.

Since he had already sung it, Lu Anzhi simply wrote the song "Snail" and registered the copyright on the Music Copyright Online.

After Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin listened to the song, they thought about it and stopped paying attention to the work. What attracts their interest more now is "In the Name of the Father".

The wonderful imagination and unusual arrangement skills of this song not only amazed Wen Zhangping and Du Bing, but also impressed them both.

As the Xianxian children "climb step by step" one after another, Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin continued to read the comments about "In the Name of the Father".

Netizens' acceptance of the song "In the Name of the Father" is obviously higher than that of "Love in BC" and "Lady". When "Love in BC" was released, there were basically no widely circulated rap works in China, so people were slow to accept this kind of music. However, "Lady" is a relatively unique music style, so people who like it like it. , people who don’t like it don’t like it, and the polarization is serious.

And this song "In the Name of the Father" is actually the same. People who like it like it, and people who don't like it don't like it. But relatively speaking, the uniqueness and novelty of this song mainly focus on the arrangement. The melody of the song itself is simpler and easier to accept.

In this way, except for some people who will be scared off by the soprano scream of "ahhhhhhh", for most people who can accept the melody of this song, the arrangement becomes a bonus.

Under such circumstances, the playback volume of "In the Name of the Father" quickly increased after its release. Although it is not as good as the original "The Most Dazzling Ethnic Style", it is already the highest among all the rap songs released by Lu Anzhi. , and surpasses other rap songs by a long way.

And in this competition between Lu Anzhi and Du Bing, there was no doubt that Lu Anzhi won. Netizens almost unanimously recognized this incident. Even Du Bing himself admitted it.

One day after the release of "In the Name of the Father", Du Bing also posted a long song review for "In the Name of the Father" on Xianxianjingting, giving his views on the song and the arrangement of the song. The elements full of intentionality in the song were listed one by one and praised.

He also directly posted a screenshot of his rating for "In the Name of the Father". The rating was a perfect 10, which showed his attitude.

——Xianxianjingting’s rating system was only recently launched. However, there are restrictions on who can rate the song. Only those who have purchased a Xianxianjingting membership and listened to the complete song can rate a song.

Now on Xianxianjinglisten, Lu Anzhi’s new songs also require membership. Some of his old songs have been released for free, but it is impossible for all songs to be completely free.

After all, Xianxianjingting also needs to make a profit.

The member scoring rules of Xianxianjingting exist to ensure the authenticity of scores and to prevent some people from arbitrarily scoring or cheating on their scores.

Li Huiming and others conducted a special assessment and agreed that this was a necessary measure. Just looking at Lu Anzhi's songs, we can see that there is a big difference in the scores between free songs and paid songs.

Among the free songs, some people will rate them arbitrarily and give low scores without any basis. Among the free songs, there are also classics such as "Ten Years", but there are still some people who talk in a condescending tone about "mediocre works, barely One listen" and other such bullshit.

In paid tracks, this situation is relatively rare. Users who have recharged their membership will think more carefully about the songs they listen to and rate them more objectively.

"In short, the arrangement of this song is ingenious and refreshing. It gave me a lot of inspiration and made me understand that the original arrangement can still be like this. In fact, it is the same from the previous "Love in BC" and "Lady" , not to mention "Blue and White Porcelain", "The Solitary Shadow of Heaven and Earth Let Me Go" and other works. Lu Anzhi's lyrics and music are very good, but in my opinion, his most powerful thing is the arrangement. He is the world's best decoration project Master, any work in his hands will surely turn decay into magic."

Du Bing used various words to praise Lu Anzhi's arranging skills without hesitation, which made Lu Anzhi feel a little embarrassed. What kind of master is he? If he is a master, he is also a master of handling.

But you can't say this to others, you just have to show off.

Du Bing's long comment is like a jade brick. After this brick was thrown out, many comments came out one after another, including professionals in the industry and other non-professionals. In short, there were more praises and less disparages. Even if they were disparaging, they were relatively objective and echoed the rating characteristics of paying users.

The song's short-term increase in listening data and a large number of positive reviews have brought more listeners to this new single.

Lu Anzhi felt that he was quite shameless. Even though he knew what was going on, he still felt a little happy when he heard others say this.

But that's just a little bit.

Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin are different. They paid more attention to these comments than Lu Anzhi. When they saw these comments, they were so happy that they even went out of their way to read them out. When Lu Anzhi heard Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin retelling other people's comments, he didn't react on the surface. However, the little guy Xianxian was randomly excited and kept saying "Dad is great."

At home, they were paying attention to the new single and preparing for Xianxian's birthday. They didn't know that Du Bing, who had just been defeated by Lu Anzhi, was planning another competition.

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