The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 303 Arranger Game and Preparation

Netizens have always been diverse, some are objective and rational, some are emotional, extreme, and some are self-centered.

There are those who praise Lu Anzhi, and there are naturally those who belittle him. Some people who think highly of themselves asked questions on WeChat: Why does "In the Name of the Father", a song as weird, mediocre and not good at all, get so many praises?

When Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin were chatting on WeChat, when they saw this post, they were immediately speechless and said angrily: "Why is this person talking so irritatingly?"

Lu Anzhi smiled and said nothing. He had seen such comments too many times, both in his previous life and in this world. It didn't matter whether he was surprised or not.

But soon this tweet was commented on. Lu Anzhi, Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin all agreed when they saw the reply in the comment. The reply quickly received likes from many people.

The reply content is as follows:

Before saying this sentence, you'd better put aside your personal opinions and think about the second half of your sentence. Why does this song get so many praises? If you simply want to express your dislike for the song, please express your lack of love for the song without adding the second half of the sentence. Everyone's music aesthetic is different. What you like does not mean that others like it, and what others like does not mean that you like it. It is not good to impose your will on others or to impose other people's will on you. idea.

This is said very politely and very rationally, but the meaning is very clear - it is very foolish to substitute one's own likes and dislikes for the public's preferences.

No one will force others to like a certain work or not like a certain work. Like it or dislike it, it's a very personal matter. Therefore, it is unreasonable and even unreasonable to judge the public acceptance of a song based on one's own musical aesthetics.

"No wonder so many people like it, it makes sense."

When Song Xiaoqin looked back at the 99+ likes in the reply, she couldn't help but admire it.

Zhang Suxin also nodded.

When they read WeChat, they had seen people say they didn't like "In the Name of the Father", but when they read the comments, there was no change at all. Only when I saw this comment just now did I suddenly feel unhappy.

But in general, many people like this song "In the Name of the Father", and many people don't like it.

The Internet has developed, and there are all kinds of people surfing the Internet. Du Bing, Wen Zhangping, and many professionals are praising the arrangement of this song. But even so, some people still don't approve, saying that the arrangement is just ordinary. That way, there are even those who don't understand and don't bother to understand at all, which means that it doesn't matter what the arrangement is, the important thing is the lyrics and music.

Comments like this made Lu Anzhi feel a little surprised. In previous lives, no matter in the early days of the development of the Internet or later, netizens basically would not question the importance of arrangement, as if arrangement was important to a song. Sex has become a consensus.

But here, these netizens could show such ignorance and fearlessness, which surprised Lu Anzhi. I don’t know if it’s because of the slightly different timeline. The netizens in this world are not like the netizens in the early days of the development of the Internet in the previous life, who have a strong spirit of exploration, nor are they like the netizens who later accepted a lot of information. Popular science.

The quality is a bit poor...

Lu Anzhi thought to himself, but didn't say it out loud.

Then he received a call from Wen Zhangping.

After the call was connected, Wen Zhangping said on the phone: "Brother Lu, you are so charming. You have captured that old guy Du Bing in such a short time without even meeting you in person."

Lu Anzhi had never met Du Bing and didn't know what Du Bing looked like, but when he remembered what Wen Zhangping said, he immediately imagined the image of an old man dressed as a woman. He felt a chill and said hurriedly: "Brother, stop talking nonsense."

Wen Zhangping laughed "haha", which was intentional at first glance. After he finished laughing, he said: "To be honest, Brother Lu, Du Bing really respects you. That old guy always has his eyes on the top of his head and thinks very highly of himself. Even I don't take him seriously. How can you just say that?" It's really amazing that a song can calm that old guy down."

"Is it?"

Lu Anzhi said.


Wen Zhangping said, "Brother Lu, you don't know, that old man is still angry because someone doesn't recognize his evaluation of you. He just called me to tell me about this, saying that arrangement is so important for a song. The song has such a huge impact, why don’t those people understand?”

Lu Anzhi said: "I'm not a professional, so it's normal if I don't understand."

Wen Zhangping smiled and said: "You are open-minded. I told him the same thing, but he was not convinced. He even asked me for your phone number and wanted to tell you something. Let me ask you first. If you haven't Question, I’ll give him your phone number again.”

Lu Anzhi asked: "What's the matter?"

Wen Zhangping said: "It's just about the arrangement. What he means is that if you have no problem, he will re-arrange your "In the Name of the Father" so that netizens can have a good feel and different arrangements will come out. What is the difference in the effect?”

Lu Anzhi said: "Isn't it necessary? This song "In the Name of the Father" has been completed. If others like it, listen to it, and if they don't like it, pull it down. This way of deliberately persuading others is like forcing others to wear headphones. It’s not necessary to go and listen.”

Wen Zhangping smiled and said: "You are really open-minded! Okay, I'll tell Du Bing then. But I guess the old man won't let it go. I think the old man has an ulterior motive. In addition to helping you clear your name, he also seems to want to talk to Du Bing." No matter how much you compete, you should compete specifically on the arrangement."

Lu Anzhi laughed when he heard what Wen Zhangping said. It would be great if Du Bing had this idea, and he would save himself from worrying about the old man appearing in women's clothing in front of him.

He laughed and said, "If that's the case, the comparison is nothing, and it's quite interesting. But there's no need to compare it with "In the Name of the Father."

Wen Zhangping asked: "What are your ideas?"

Lu Anzhi said: "Brother Wen, ask Du Bing, how about I bring out two demos of songs, and then he and I each arrange the demos and play them out, so we can compete."

Wen Zhangping's eyes lit up and he said: "This is quite interesting. You said that if I also write a score and release it, does that mean I don't have to find someone to arrange the music, and I can still choose a good one?"

Lu Anzhi couldn't help but laugh "haha".

Brother Wen thought of being lazy, but that was not the case with him. He just remembered the differences in the arrangement of some songs in his previous life, and wanted to show it to people in this world so that people could see it.

It's quite interesting to see a song completely change from beginning to end due to different arrangements and lyrics.

"Okay, then I'll go talk to that old guy Du Bing."

Wen Zhangping said.

Lu Anzhi said: "But if Teacher Du Bing and I compare like this, I'm afraid Teacher Du Bing is destined to be the background board."

Wen Zhangping said: "It's okay, don't worry about him. He has masochistic tendencies, so he doesn't mind."

Lu Anzhi: "..."

After hanging up the phone, both Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin asked Lu Anzhi curiously: "Do you really want to compete with Teacher Du Bing?"

Lu Anzhi nodded and said: "After all, it doesn't take much effort. Teacher Du Bing is so supportive, he wrote so many words of long comments for us, and he is willing to help us compete with netizens. I can't let him be left in the cold." "

Song Xiaoqin smiled and said, "Are you guys going in both directions?"

Lu Anzhi: "..."

Lu Anzhi didn't say anything, but Zhang Suxin was unhappy. Zhang Suxin rolled her eyes at Song Xiaoqin and said angrily: "A dog can't spit out ivory! What are you talking about?!"

Song Xiaoqin smiled coquettishly, and then asked Lu Anzhi: "What song are you planning to write? Do you have any ideas?"

Lu Anzhi said: "Okay, let's go record it now."

When they went to record the demo, Wen Zhangping called again and said that old guy Du Bing had agreed and would also send a WeChat message.

So Song Xiaoqin logged into WeChat and took a look, and sure enough, she saw Du Bing’s WeChat account and @Lu An, shouting that he wanted to compete with Lu An in arranging music. Let’s take a look at the changes that different arrangements bring to songs, and learn about the importance of arrangement.

However, the old man didn't fully accept Lu Anzhi's idea. He actually said that he would also come up with a demo of one or two songs. To be fair, he asked Lu Anzhi to come up with two songs as well.

In addition, you can use the original lyrics in the demo or write your own lyrics, which can change the overall concept of the song, making it easier to adjust the arrangement and composition according to the concept of the song.

The old man was quite scheming, and without consulting Lu Anzhi, he just sent a message on Twitter.

But Lu Anzhi didn't mind either. Du Bing didn't want to simply be a background board, so there was nothing wrong with raising such an opinion. He wrote two songs that he was good at. When the time came to compete with Lu Anzhi, he would be able to master the two songs he wrote and save some face for himself.

It’s human nature and understandable.

Moreover, as a gift from his previous life, Lu Anzhi has become very proficient in the music theory of various musical instruments. Now he has to work hard and arrange some music works by himself, which is no problem.

After Lu Anzhi listened to Song Xiaoqin's oral report on the content of the WeChat, he logged into WeChat on his mobile phone, and @Du Bing sent an OK gesture on the WeChat.

Then he received a painful message from Qiuqiu: Boss B, don’t just focus on writing songs! Where are the books?

Lu Anzhi replied: I'm writing.

Then I went to record the demo.

He did not sing the demos of these two songs himself, but gave them to Song Xiaoqin. Song Xiaoqin thought it was quite interesting and took over the job.

Du Bing said in his Weibo that he could change the words and ideas, so there was no need for him to follow the rules.

He picked two songs, both of which he thought had great arrangements.

A song called "Chapter Seven of Night", but the demo that was taken out at this time was naturally not this song.

"Chapter Seven of the Night" was re-written and re-arranged in the previous life, and then it became amazing. In the original version, it was an ordinary piece of music called "Two Loneliness".

Lu Anzhi directly asked Song Xiaoqin to record "Two Loneliness" as a demo. After recording, Song Xiaoqin said that the song was ordinary and she really couldn't figure out how to arrange it to make the song different.

But Zhang Suxin always stood aside silently, holding Xianxian in her arms, as if she was in a daze. She imagined re-arranging the song in her mind, feeling that she could make the song better, but not too different.

I wonder what would happen if my husband did it?

She was very curious and had full confidence in her husband. She did not think that her husband would bring this song to the table in such an ordinary way.

Then Song Xiaoqin felt that the second song was amazing. The lyrics and music alone gave people a very beautiful and beautiful feeling. Song Xiaoqin couldn't think of how to arrange this song to make it even better.

However, Zhang Suxin was still thinking silently, and some ideas came into her mind.

"This song... I also want to try arranging it..."

Zhang Suxin seemed to have some inspiration and said this.

She loved the song so much that she wanted to try her hand at perfecting it. She felt that she had sung a song written by Lu Anzhi before, and she had some feeling of this song. She could learn from the arrangement style of that song.

The song she sang was "Thousand Years of Love".

This song, which only has a demo, is "Lydia".

"Then give it a try. I will post these two demos online later, and just say that everyone is welcome to adapt them."

Lu Anzhi said with a smile.

Naturally, he does not intend to rely on his own abilities. The gifts from his previous life are so dazzling that they should not be used in vain. If I compose my own music, it would be better to use the two demos that Du Bing took out.

After Song Xiaoqin finished recording, Lu Anzhi posted these two demos to his Xianxianjingting account, and the songs were directly marked as demos. Then he posted the links of these two demos on WeChat, @Du Bing, and spoke to all netizens who saw his WeChat, welcoming everyone to challenge.

After sending it out, Song Xiaoqin couldn't wait to ask: "When will we record these two songs?"

She believed that Lu Anzhi already had a complete song in his mind. Lu Anzhi had always been so fast, and he would definitely not be able to slow down now.

After seeing these two demos, she was naturally very curious about the full version of the song.

The same goes for Zhang Suxin. Her full confidence in her husband makes her always full of expectations for her husband's works. With these two songs, what will the finished product look like? She couldn't think of it right now.

But in her mind, the song "Lydia" already had some mature ideas.

After Lu Anzhi heard Song Xiaoqin's question, he said: "Don't worry, we still have to look at Du Bing's question. It will take a certain amount of time for Du Bing to arrange the music. We don't need to rush to get the song out. .And doesn’t Suxin also have to arrange music? We’d better send it out later, so as not to affect Suxin’s inspiration.”

Zhang Suxin said hurriedly: "Don't worry about me, I won't be disturbed easily..."

Lu Anzhi said: "There's really no need to worry. Isn't it ready for us to record songs? It doesn't matter whether it's early or late. Now let's prepare for Xianxian's birthday first."

Xianxian's birthday was approaching, and they couldn't waste time on writing songs.

Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin also nodded, feeling that Lu Anzhi's arrangement made sense.

How to celebrate a birthday is not difficult. Xianxian is still young, so there is no need for a too complicated way of celebrating. The three of them, Zhang Yuzhi and Miao Suqin, had discussed it and planned to take Xianxian out to have some fun on her birthday, then order a big cake and come back to celebrate Xianxian.

What makes them more confused is what gift to buy Xianxian.

They couldn't figure it out, so Lu Anzhi, Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin planned to go and have a look. They took Xianxian to the mall, looked at clothes, food, and toys, and asked Xianxian which one she liked.

"I like this...this...this..."

The little one seems to enjoy the process of her own selection, and she enjoys choosing every place. Then the three of them couldn't hold back and bought everything Xianxian picked.

So after returning home, Lu Anzhi put the big and small bags he was carrying on the coffee table in the living room. Xianxian happily took out the clothes, food and toys in the bags, looked at the dazzling array of things, and grinned happily. laugh.

But Lu Anzhi and the other three were a little troubled. Song Xiaoqin said helplessly: "If I buy it now, what kind of birthday gift is it?"

Miao Suqin smiled and said: "Just think of it as buying it in advance. Anyway, Xianxian is very happy. Let's not make it so troublesome that day. Just get a cake for her birthday and take her out to play."

She and Zhang Yuzhi don't have to worry. They didn't bother with toys and clothes, and had already made their choice - to find a place to put a longevity lock on Xianxian.

This thing is specially given to children. It has the meaning of keeping safe and locking up long life. It protects children from evil spirits and diseases. It is a blessing and sustenance for children to be healthy, safe and live a long life. Now there are ready-made ones on the market. However, Zhang Yuzhi and Miao Suqin still chose to find someone to make it manually, and chose one with a good-looking shape and good texture.

But Song Xiaoqin said worriedly: "Isn't this not good? After all, it's a birthday gift. What's the point of not giving it to me on my birthday?"

But she was worried about what to give. Originally there were many choices, but now they have bought many of them for Xianxian, and she has no choice if she wants to.

The little guy took out a dress from the bag, put it aside immediately, raised his hands and said, "Take off your clothes, I want to wear new clothes."

Recently, she learned a special way of undressing. She raised her two little hands and asked an adult to hug the clothes from bottom to top, and her arms and little head were freed from the cuffs and collar. She, Zhang Suxin and Miao Suqin all cooperated very well and had long been used to it, so she naturally raised her arms at this time.

Miao Suqin pinched the corners of her slender clothes, lifted them up, and with a little force, took off all her clothes. Then Xianxian refused to let Miao Suqin help with the new clothes and said, "Xianxian wears them by herself."

The adults just watched this little guy doing his own business.

The little guy groaned and struggled for a long time, and finally put his head in. After trying for a long time, he couldn't find where the arms came out. Miao Suqin couldn't stand it anymore, so she went to help the little guy find it. Find the sleeve interface.


After the little guy stretched out his arms from the cuffs, he breathed out himself. Everyone laughed, and she herself became happy too.

Not to mention, this little girl has really good taste herself. The clothes she chose looked really good on her, they were cute and cute, and they matched her fair skin very well.

After getting dressed and showing off in front of everyone, she went back to look at the toys she had chosen. She poured the two bags of toys out of the bag and piled them all up on the coffee table. She looked at this and that, very happy.

"This is an excavator..."

"This is Qin..."

"This is a doll..."

She counted the toys one by one.

Zhang Suxin looked at the messy toys and her eyes suddenly lit up: "How about we prepare a toy house for Xianxian?"

Song Xiaoqin's eyes immediately lit up: "That's right! Why didn't I think of that? There is a spare room in this villa. It would be great to give Xianxian one of them to place toys and play!"

Zhang Suxin nodded. In fact, when she was in Haidu, she had always had this idea after Xianxian was born. But the house she bought at that time was too small and the conditions were not met, so she had to give up this idea and bought a cabinet for Xianxian to store toys, and she always kept Xianxian's toys in the cabinet.

Now that we have the conditions, it is of course a great idea to build a dollhouse for Xianxian.

"What dollhouse?"

Xianxian accurately captured this keyword from Song Xiaoqin's words, and immediately turned around and asked.

"You'll know later."

Song Xiaoqin pinched her slender little face and said.

Xianxian didn't bother and said, "Xianxian will know later." Then she continued to look at her toys and clothes. She bought so many things today that she couldn't even put them all together.

Everyone else has always been on board with the idea. After some discussion, everyone first chose which house to use as a dollhouse for Xianxian. Finally, a guest bedroom on the first floor was selected.

The guest bedroom's window faces the sun and the light is good. The room is square and square, not too big but not too small. It is suitable for making a toy house.

After making the selection, they discussed it and planned to spend Saturday and Sunday decorating it. When the time comes, Zhang Yuzhi and Miao Suqin will take Xianxian to live at Zhang Yu's house, and the other three people will quietly decorate the dollhouse for Xianxian. After the decoration is completed, they will give Xianxian a surprise on her birthday.

They were saying this, but the whole conversation was happening under Xianxian's eyes. Xianxian played with toys and kept eavesdropping. She didn't know how much she understood.

Then in the next few days, Song Xiaoqin contacted the designer who was familiar with him and asked him to help design the shape and storage method of the dollhouse. However, everything must be done through soft decoration, focusing on ready-made and convenient. In the future, when Xianxian grows up, it can be turned into Xianxian's study.

The designer quickly designed the drawings and took them to take pictures. Later, when they took Xianxian out to play, they paid attention to where there were suitable cabinets and other things. They planned to come over on Saturdays and Sundays to make detailed selections.

During this period of time, Du Bing finally finished the demos of two songs, registered an account for Xianxianjingting, put the demos on Xianxianjingting, and then @Lu Anzhi via WeChat.

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