With Situ Xuan's strength, if he wanted to deal with Xiao Xingyuan, it would definitely not be much more difficult than pinching an ant to death.

But he didn't make a move, because Xiao Xingyuan didn't deserve to let him do it at all.

"give it to me."

Qin Lie replied with a smile, and then suddenly charged towards Xiao Xingyuan.

Because the distance was too close, Xiao Xingyuan didn't react, and Qin Lie's slap slapped him in the face.


With a crisp sound, Xiao Xingyuan only felt a burning pain on his face.

"you wanna die!"

Seeing Qin Lie do something to his brother, Xiao Xingyao didn't hesitate anymore, put on his finger tiger and smashed it directly at Qin Lie.

Qin Lie didn't push back, he just punched the backhand.


The dull sound of collision sounded, Xiao Xingyao did not move, but Qin Lie took two steps back.

Of course, this is not because Xiao Xingyao is stronger than Qin Lie, but mainly because he is wearing a finger tiger, and Qin Lie's knuckles throbbed with pain after this punch.

"Xiao Xingyao, you are so fucking shameless. If you have the ability, you throw the finger tiger away. Look, I won't beat you all over the place!"

Qin Lie probably sneered.

"The trick is no use for me."

Xiao Xingyao replied with a sneer, and moved his hand to Qin Lie again.

This time Qin Lie learned a lot smarter, instead of confronting Xiao Xingyao head-on, he started to use his flexible movements to keep walking and dodging, and from time to time he would make another counterattack.

But in this way, the battle between the two has undoubtedly fallen into a stalemate, and it is almost impossible to decide the winner in a short period of time.

"Big brother, let me help you deal with Qin Lie together."

Xiao Xingyuan, whose face was swollen, said bitterly.

"Don't interfere, I'm going to fight him one-on-one!"

Xiao Xingyao immediately refused.

He came here on purpose today to get his face back, and naturally he didn't want his younger brother to interfere.

Hearing this, Xiao Xingyuan could only continue to watch the battle from the side.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Lie and Xiao Xingyao fought a dozen times again, but not only did Xiao Xingyuan fail to hurt Qin Lie, he was instead punched twice by Qin Lie, causing pain in his ribs.

And with the retirement of time, Xiao Xingyao's physical exertion is getting bigger and bigger, but Qin Lie is like a no-brainer, which directly leads to the balance of victory slowly tilting towards Qin Lie.

After seeing this, Xuanyuan Tianci didn't care about the victories, and said directly to Xiao Xingyuan: "Help your brother to deal with Qin Lie."

Hearing Xuanyuan Tianci's words, Xiao Xingyuan took out a dagger and stabbed Qin Lie at the chance.

Fortunately, Qin Lie's reaction was quick, so he avoided it by a tiny margin.

Once he missed, Xiao Xingyuan stabbed Qin Lie again.

While Qin Lie dodged Xiao Xingyuan's attack, Xiao Xingyao also took the opportunity to launch an attack.

Although Xiao Xingyuan's strength is not enough to kill Qin Lie, he has a knife after all. Qin Lie has to devote some energy to deal with him. In this way, he naturally cannot deal with Xiao Xingyao with all his strength. For a time, the battle between the two sides is even more stalemate. .

"Damn, two-on-one, shameless."

Seeing the two brothers Xiao Xingyuan holding weapons against Qin Lie's bare hands, Situ Xuan couldn't help but curse.

He slashed the leg of the chair with a palm knife, broke the leg of the chair, and threw it to Qin Lie.

With the chair legs, Qin Lie's passive was instantly reversed.

At this time, he is like an invincible god of war, even with one enemy and two, he will not lose the wind at all.


Accidentally, the leg of the chair in Qin Lie's hand smashed hard on Xiao Xingyuan's head, and his head was instantly smashed with blood.

Taking this opportunity, Qin Lie stepped forward, kicked Xiao Xingyuan in the stomach again, and knocked him to the ground.

Xiao Xingyao wanted to sneak attack Qin Lie, but Qin Lie swung a stick with his backhand.

Xiao Xingyao, who was directly hit by the terrifying force, grinned.

Qin Lie was preparing to pursue the victory and defeat the two brothers in one fell swoop. At this moment, Xuanyuan Tianci suddenly shot.

Xuanyuan Tianci's movements were as fast as lightning, but his power was like a stormy sea, even Qin Lie felt an extremely dangerous feeling.

Not daring to be slighted, Qin Lie blocked at the fastest speed.

The muffled sound, Qin Lie's body quickly retreated several steps, and at that moment, he felt as if he had been hit by a car, and his stomach turned upside down.

Seeing that Qin Lie was only taking a few steps back, Xuanyuan Tianci couldn't help but flash a strange color in his eyes.

However, after only a few seconds of pause, Xuanyuan Tianci moved his hand again.

"Fuck, do you really treat Lao Tzu as air?"

Situ Xuan cursed loudly, jumped up, and immediately blocked Qin Lie.


Situ Xuan and Xuanyuan Tianci's fists collided fiercely, Xuanyuan Tianci took a step back, but Situ Xuan's body was as unmoving as a rock.

"Boy, your strength is not bad, but if you dare to bully my apprentice in front of Lao Tzu, I think you are really tired of living."

Situ Xuan had a smile on his face, but there was a hint of murder in this smile.

Xuanyuan Tianci did not speak, but there was a rare trace of astonishment in his heart.

As the number one young man in China, Xuanyuan Tianci's strength is beyond doubt, and among his peers, he is absolutely invincible.

But the moment he fought Situ Xuan just now, he felt as if he had hit a steel plate with a punch, and his arms were numb for a while.

This made him instantly understand that Situ Xuan is definitely a super expert, and his strength is even higher than himself!

This made Xuanyuan Tianci look at Situ Xuan in a different way.

Although he saw that Situ Xuan was a master just now, he actually didn't care too much. After all, his strength was almost the pinnacle. There were not many people in China who could promise him, not to mention that Situ Xuan was very good-natured. Not at all one of the few super experts he knew.

But just one move, he reacted, and he underestimated Situ Xuan.

If Situ Xuan really wanted to kill him, he really wasn't sure to leave here alive.

"Why don't you talk, weren't you able to talk just now?"

Situ Xuan asked proudly.

"Senior, I am Xuanyuan Tianci, the first son of the Xuanyuan family. I don't know what the senior is called?"

Xuanyuan Tianci asked with his hands clasped together.

Situ Xuan's strength is above him, and he does not dare to continue to make troubles.

"People from the Xuanyuan family? No wonder they have such terrifying strength at such a young age, but it's better for young people to keep a low profile. Not everyone is afraid of your Xuanyuan family."

Situ Xuan said calmly.

"Senior, I wonder if you can tell this junior your name?"

Xuanyuan Tianci asked again.

Xuanyuan Tianci knew all those super masters in Huaxia, and he had never heard of a person like Situ Xuan in Huaxia.

"What's the matter, do you want to find out my name and get revenge on me?"

Situ Xuan asked with a smile.

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