"Senior misunderstood. The junior just wanted to ask my grandfather after returning home to see if he knew you."

Xuanyuan Tianci quickly explained.

There is no such person as Situ Xuan in his memory, but according to his age, Situ Xuan is estimated to be of the same generation as his grandfather. Maybe his grandfather will know Situ Xuan.

He didn't believe that such a master of terror had always been unknown.

"You mean that old thing Xuanyuancang? He's not dead yet."

Situ Xuan said with a smile.

Hearing that Situ Xuan actually called his grandfather with an old thing, Xuanyuan Tianci was even more determined that he must be a super expert in his grandfather's generation.

"Senior, my grandfather has always been in good health. If you are friends with him, I can take you to see him."

Xuanyuan Tianci continued without showing any disrespect.

"No need, my grandfather and I are nodding acquaintances, not friends."

Situ Xuan replied.

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Tianci breathed a sigh of relief.

He actually asked that on purpose just now, just to confirm whether Situ Xuan and his grandfather were enemies or friends.

Although Situ Xuan clearly stated that the two were not friends, it was not difficult to hear from his tone that the two were definitely not enemies, which was definitely good news for him.

"Senior, please forgive me for being disrespectful just now, I won't disturb you."

Xuanyuan Tianci knew very well that with Situ Xuan there, he would definitely not be able to help Qin Lie, so he took the initiative to leave after saying this.

"Wait, am I letting you go?"

Situ Xuan suddenly spoke again.

Hearing his words, the three Xuanyuan Tianci immediately stopped.

"Senior, I don't know what advice you have?"

Xuanyuan Tianci looked very calm on the surface, but in fact he was vigilant in his heart and was ready to act at any time.

"I can't talk about advice. I just think this kid's mouth is too dirty. It looks like he has no tutoring. In this case, I don't mind teaching him what it means to respect the old and love the young."

Situ Xuan pointed at Xiao Xingyuan and said.

"Old...Senior, I don't know what you want?"

Xiao Xingyuan just wanted to talk about the old stuff, but suddenly he remembered that even a genius like Xuanyuan Tianci had behaved so respectfully in front of Situ Xuan, he didn't dare to make a fool of himself, and quickly changed his words.

"Kneel down, slap yourself ten times, and say ten things at the same time that I'm wrong."

Situ Xuan said lightly.

"Mr. Situ, I cannot agree to your request."

Xiao Xingyuan suppressed the anger in his heart.

He was the direct son of the Xiao family, and his dignity would not allow him to kneel to an old man like Situ Xuan.

"I tell you plainly, if you don't do what I say, it's not just ten slaps in the face."

Situ Xuan smiled slightly.

Being scolded by Xiao Xingyuan face to face, he didn't really care too much, after all, he has lived for a while, what kind of people have never seen.

But he still chose to punish Xiao Xingyuan in this way, and his main purpose was actually to breathe a sigh of relief for Qin Lie.

After all, Qin Lie is his apprentice, and he is being bullied in front of him right now. If he, the master, doesn't do something, he will never have the face to become Qin Lie's master again.

"Senior, our Xiao family, my father Henry Zhang, also asked the senior to put my brother on my father's face once."

Xiao Xingyao spoke immediately, and at the same time deliberately carried out the Xiao family to intimidate Situ Xuan.

If this was replaced by someone else, when he heard the name of the Xiao family, he would definitely throw a rat, and he would most likely choose to ignore it.

But unfortunately, in front of a character like Situ Xuan, a Xiao family can't hold him down.

"What do I care about Xiao's family or Xuanyuan's family, listen to me, you must kneel down and apologize today, otherwise don't blame my old man for bullying the little ones."

Situ Xuan said very domineeringly.


"Shut up, the old man doesn't want to listen to you now."

Xuanyuan Tianci just wanted to help and beg for mercy, but he was forcibly interrupted when he could speak.

Xuanyuan Tianci's heart was burning with anger, but he didn't show the slightest on the surface.

"Senior, if you really touch my brother today, our Xiao family will definitely stay with you forever!"

"I know you are powerful, but you are only one person. I don't believe you can beat our entire Xiao family!"

Xiao Xingyao threatened Situ Xuandao again.

"One minute, I will finally give you one minute to think about it. If you don't kneel at the time, you will be responsible for the consequences."

Situ Xuan did not waste any more saliva with Xiao Xingyao, and directly issued an ultimatum.

Xiao Xingyao's face was ashen, and his heart was even more murderous.

He really wanted to kill Situ Xuan immediately, but considering how terrible Situ Xuan was, he finally held back.

A minute passed in a blink of an eye, Situ Xuan moved his muscles and bones a bit, and then said slowly: "It's been a long time since I moved my muscles and bones. Today, I will play with you guys."

"Master, do you want me to do it for you?"

Qin Lie spoke immediately.

"No, I'll go straight to a quick decision, and we'll have to continue eating later."

After Situ Xuan replied with a smile, he was ready to attack Xiao Xingyuan.

"If the senior insists on embarrassing my brother, then I can only fight to the death."

Xiao Xingyao stepped out and stood in front of his younger brother, with a determined expression, as if he was already desperately prepared.


Xuanyuan Tianci immediately stopped Xiao Xingyao.

"Xingyuan was disrespectful to the senior just now, and it should be punished to kneel down and apologize."

Xuanyuan Tianci continued, and while saying this, he gave Xiao Xingyao a wink.

"Impossible, how could my Xiao family kneel down for others!"

Xiao Xingyao categorically refused.

The Xiao family is not those small families, they are one of the best among the eight super families.

If his younger brother kneels down and apologizes today, what will be the face of the Xiao family!

"Xingyao, don't give up your mind, it was your brother who made a mistake first, and letting him kneel is already a good thing for seniors, you don't know how to praise."

Xuanyuan Tianci said while holding down Xiao Xingyao's shoulder.

The Xiao family and the Xuanyuan family have always been enemies, and Xuanyuan Tianci and Xiao Xingyao are naturally enemies but not friends, but because they have a common enemy, Qin Lie, they came together.

But today, they originally wanted to humiliate Qin Lie severely, but they didn't expect to steal the chicken without losing the rice. Xuanyuan Tianci thought it was a lie if he didn't hate it.

But there is a saying that is well said, leaving Qingshan without worrying about no firewood, Xuanyuan Tianci does not want Xiao Xingyao to be abolished again for the sake of his temporary courage.

Xiao Xingyao understood what Xuanyuan Tianci meant, but his dignity could not allow him to agree to this humiliating condition.

"Xingyuan, what are you still doing, why don't you quickly apologize to the seniors?"

Xuanyuan Tianci then shouted sharply to Xiao Xingyuan.

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