The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1003 The Poisonous Scorpion Appears

However, Xuanyuan Tianci was a very shrewd person. Before figuring out the details of Situ Xuan, he just made a move rashly, so as not to let himself fall into a crisis.

"Don't worry, I will definitely defeat you next time I fight!"

After saying a harsh word, Xiao Xingyao left with his younger brother.

Xuanyuan Tianci finally glanced upstairs, and also drove away from here.

In the hotel, after eating and drinking with their master, Qin Lie and the two went to the hospital unhurriedly.

After these two days of recuperation, Xing Feng's injuries have recovered a lot. As for Chen Jinhu, he is ready to undergo surgery to install a bionic robotic arm.

With the current technology, as long as the robotic arm is in good condition, there is no problem in Chen Jinhu's life returning to a normal person.

While Qin Lie was chatting with Xing Feng and the others in the hospital, Xing Feng suddenly received a call.

After answering the phone, a dignified expression appeared on his face.

"Young Master Qin, the poisonous scorpion has appeared again."

Xing Feng said to Qin Lie after hanging up the phone.

"Where is he?"

Qin Lie asked hurriedly.

The poisonous scorpion is not only one of the three giants of the night soul, but also a traitor who betrayed his master Situ Xuan. If there is a chance, Qin Lie will definitely capture this person alive and ask him to kowtow to Situ Xuan to apologize.

"My people said that he is now in the port of Tianjin. It seems that Night Soul has a very important shipment of goods arriving tonight, and the poisonous scorpion will go to the wharf to pick up the goods in person."

Xing Feng quickly survived.

"Let your people contact me, and I'll go to Jingang right away!"

Qin Lie knew that the poisonous scorpion was not easy to deal with, and if he moved him, he would declare war on the Night Soul, but he would still honor his original promise.

"it is good."

Xing Feng did not refuse, gave Qin Lie the contact information of his subordinates, and let the other party have full authority to listen to Qin Lie's dispatch.

"I can't go with you this time, you must be careful."

Xing Feng stared at Qin Lie with a serious look.

His injury is still a long way from recovery, and he can't even help Qin Lie now.

"You can recuperate at ease. Don't forget that my master will come with me this time. His strength is definitely better than you."

Qin Lie smiled and said.

"I forgot about it, okay, I wish you a triumphant return."

Xing Feng knew the horror of Situ Xuan, and with him accompanying him, as long as he encountered a poisonous scorpion, he would never escape.

"Okay, don't talk anymore, I'll go first."

In order to go to Tianjin Port in advance for deployment, Qin Lie did not waste any more time, and left the door after saying goodbye to Xing Feng.

"Hey, aren't you chatting with your friends?"

Seeing Qin Lie coming out, Situ Xuan, who was smoking outside, couldn't help but ask.

"I have something to do, I have to go to Jingang."

Qin Lie replied.

"What are you going to do in Jingang?"

Situ Xuan asked curiously.

"Master, I told you, you have to control your emotions."

Qin Lie said with a serious look.

"What do you say directly."

Seeing Qin Lie's expression, Situ Xuan couldn't help laughing.

"I went to Tianjin Port this time mainly to catch Yehun's No. 3 character, Poisonous Scorpion, and this person is actually your rebel Song Zhe who deceived his master and destroyed his ancestors!"

Qin Lie knew very well that Situ Xuan was going to accompany him to Jingang. He couldn't hide it from him, so he might as well make it clear to him in advance.

Hearing the words "Song Zhe", Situ Xuan instantly showed a strong killing intent on his face.

However, to Qin Lie's surprise, Situ Xuan didn't act like a thunderbolt.

"I didn't expect this beast to be alive, his life is really big enough."

Situ Xuan whispered to himself, and there was an inescapable hatred on his face.

Back then, he treated Situ Xuan as his own son and gave him all the money, but he didn't expect that he would betray him and make him an inhuman waste.

Such hatred can be said to be inexorable.

However, it has been more than ten years, and Situ Xuan originally thought that Song Zhe had already died outside.

But now he knew that this beast not only did not die, but also became the No. 3 character of the Night Soul, which made his long-buried anger rekindled again.

"Master, you don't need to be too angry, I promise I will definitely catch him and slash him."

Qin Lie said solemnly.

"Don't shoot, I'm going to kill him by myself tonight and take back everything I gave him."

Situ Xuan said with murderous intent.

Over the years, the damage Song Zhe caused to Situ Xuan had already penetrated deep into his soul. Only by killing Song Zhe himself could he get rid of the demon in his heart.

"it is good."

Qin Lie can fully understand Situ Xuan's mood, and naturally he will not refuse.

However, he is well aware of Song Zhe's insidiousness. If Situ Xuan is alone, it will be quite difficult to catch him, so he will assist from the side. See what Situ Xuan meant.

After that, Qin Lie was anxious for the Longyan team. When everything was ready and ready to go, Qin Lie suddenly received a call from Xu Ying.

You must know that the two have not been in touch for a while. Today, Xu Ying suddenly called himself, which must be something.

"Hey, Mr. Xu, what do you have to do with me?"

Qin Lie asked after answering the phone.

"I got news that the Xiao family will have a very important transaction at the Jingang Wharf tonight. I hope Young Master Qin can join forces to destroy their transaction."

Xu Ying didn't betray, and quickly stated the reason for his call.

Hearing Xu Ying mentioning the word "Jingang", Qin Lie couldn't help feeling a little surprised, but on the surface he remained calm.

"Mr. Xu, I don't know what you said about the transaction?"

Qin Lie asked next.

"I don't know the specific transaction content, but as far as I know, the other side of the transaction is the notorious Night Soul."

Xu Ying continued.

"Night soul?"

Hearing this, Qin Lie was even more surprised.

You know, he went to Jingang tonight to deal with Yehun's poisonous scorpion, and now Xu Ying actually called him to say that the Xiao family had a deal with Yehun in Jingang, and what they had to do was obviously one thing .

But according to Qin Lie's knowledge, Xu Ying had secretly colluded with Yehun's poisonous scorpion for a long time. Today, he even offered to destroy the transaction between Yehun and the Xiao family, which inevitably made Qin Lie suspicious.

"Qin Lie, do you want to act with me? Give me a clear answer. If you don't participate, then I will act alone."

Xu Ying's voice sounded again.

"Mr. Xu, are you sure you really want to go to Jingang?"

Qin Lie asked again.

"Aren't you talking nonsense, why should I call you if I don't go?"

Xu Ying replied angrily.

"Well, I'll join this operation."

Qin Lie didn't know what medicine Xu Ying's gourd was selling, but he still chose to agree.

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