The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1004: The Xiao Family's Transaction

"Then you come to Juyuan Tea House immediately, I'll be waiting for you here."

After saying this, Xu Ying hung up the phone.

Qin Xiaolong first told Xing Feng about Xu Ying contacting him to destroy Yehun's transaction with the Xiao family.

Xing Feng, who learned the news, was also quite surprised. He couldn't figure out why Xu Ying did this. He could only remind Qin Xiaolong to be more careful.

Half an hour later, Qin Lie came to Juyuan Tea House.

"Qin Lie, this old gentleman is a bit raw, don't know what to call him?"

Xu Ying looked at Situ Xuan and asked.

It was the first time he had taken Situ Xuan, so naturally he didn't know Situ Xuan's identity.

"He's my master, you can just call him Elder Xuan."

Qin Lie replied lightly.

After hearing Qin Lie's answer, Xu Ying couldn't help but glance at Situ Xuan.

He knew Qin Lie's strength, it was almost unfathomable, and Situ Xuan turned out to be Qin Lie's master. Needless to say, his strength would not be weaker than Qin Lie.

"Qin Lie, is Xuan always going to Jingang with us this time?"

Xu Ying asked again.


Qin Lie nodded.

"With Elder Xuan to accompany, this operation is absolutely guaranteed."

Xu Ying said with a smile on his face.

Situ Xuan didn't say anything, and there was no expression on his face, giving him an unfathomable look.

Seeing this, Xu Ying didn't make fun of himself anymore.

"Mr. Xu, when are we leaving?"

Qin Lie asked actively.

"Wait a little longer, let's leave at five o'clock."

Xu Ying replied.

"it is good."

Qin Lie naturally had no opinion, and waited patiently while drinking tea in the teahouse.

It was almost five o'clock when Xu Ying's subordinate Black Wolf came.

After the two whispered a few words, Xu Ying told Qin Lie that it was time to leave.

Like the previous trip to Jingang, Qin Lie still drove by himself.

"That old boy just now was stubborn, obviously not a good thing, you should be careful, don't let him figure it out."

On the way to Jingang, Situ Xuan reminded.

"Don't worry, Xu Ying and I are enemies from the beginning. If we hadn't had a common enemy, we would have been dead forever."

Qin Lie said with a sneer.

"Interesting, be friends with the enemy, come and come, tell me what kind of enmity there is between you."

After hearing Qin Lie's words, Situ Xuan couldn't help but become interested.

Qin Lie didn't hide it, and told about the conflict of grievances between him and Xu Fanzhou and how he finally killed Xu Fanzhou with a knife.

"I didn't expect your kid to be yin enough."

Situ Xuan laughed and joked.

"No way, I was still weak at the time, and I couldn't beat them if I was tough. But my plan was perfect. Not only did I get rid of Xu Fanzhou, but it also made the Xu family completely break with the Xiao family. It definitely counts. kill two birds with one stone.”

Qin Lie replied slightly proudly.

The Xu family is a puppet supported by the Xiao family, and with the Xiao family supporting the Xu family, Qin Xiaolong did not dare to kill Xu Fanzhou directly.

But under his step-by-step calculations, Xu Fanzhou became the ghost of the Xiao family, and Xu Ying publicly betrayed the Xiao family and became the enemy of the Xiao family.

If Xu Ying hadn't helped Qin Lie to block a large part of the Xiao family's firepower, Qin Lie's life would definitely not be as comfortable as it is now.

"Courageous and resourceful, I really didn't take your apprentice in vain."

Situ Xuan looked at Qin Lie with admiration and said that he is now more and more satisfied with Qin Lie.

At 7:30, Qin Lie and the others arrived at a small town only five kilometers from the port of Jingang.

In the town, Xu Ying's subordinates were already waiting here in advance.

"Mr. Xu, everything you want is in this car."

Xu Ying's men pointed to the bread lane next to him.

Xu Ying walked to the front of the car and opened the trunk. There were two black duffel bags in the trunk, all of which were guns and ammunition.

"Qin Lie, I got all the weapons here on the black market. Even the police can't find the source. You can get what you need yourself."

Xu Ying said to Qin Lie.

Qin Lie was not polite, and went to the car to choose a pistol. Jiang Lei and others also chose a weapon they liked.

After Qin Lie and the others finished picking, Xu Ying gave Heilang and others the rest of the weapons.

"Elder Xuan, don't you come with a gun for self-defense?"

Xu Ying looked at Situ Xuan and asked.

"Need not."

Situ Xuanxi replied with words like gold.

For him, both hands are the best weapon, so he doesn't need to use a gun. Besides, his marksmanship is actually very general, and using a gun will limit his strength.

Hearing this, Xu Ying didn't ask any more questions.

After everything was ready, Xu Ying took Qin Lie and the others to the No. 2 area of ​​Jingang Wharf.

At twelve o'clock this evening, the Xiao family will have a deal with the Yehun people here. In order to avoid making a fool of themselves, Qin Lie and the others did not rely too much.

Fortunately, through the telescope, they are enough to have a panoramic view of everything on the pier.

As time went by, there were fewer and fewer people at the pier, and after eleven o'clock, almost no one could be seen.

But at half past eleven, car after car drove in.

Qin Lie counted and found that there were eight cars in total, three of which were parked on the right side of the pier, and the other five were parked on the left side of the pier.

About five minutes later, a small speedboat pulled up.

Four people got off the speedboat, two of them were holding a black box in their hands.

When these people went ashore, the doors of the three cars in front opened immediately, and a man got out of the car and quickly guarded the surrounding area.

After everyone stood up, the door of the car in the middle of the three cars opened, and a gentle-looking man with glasses and a goatee walked out of the car.

Even though this person was disguised, Qin Lie recognized at a glance that he was the poisonous scorpion Song Zhe!

Next to Qin Lie, Situ Xuan also recognized Song Zhe. At that moment, an uncontrollable chill broke out on Situ Xuan's body, and the surrounding temperature seemed to drop several degrees suddenly.

"Qin Lie, what's wrong with Elder Xuan?"

Feeling the change in Situ Xuan's breath, Xu Ying couldn't help but ask.

"It's all right."

Qin Lie replied indifferently without explaining much.

Situ Xuan knew that he was a little rude, he took a deep breath, and quickly controlled his emotions.

At the dock, several men with black boxes came to Song Zhe's side, and respectfully handed the boxes to him.

Song Zhe opened the box and glanced at it, then made a gesture towards the opposite car.

After seeing this gesture, the doors of the other five cars opened at the same time, and more than 20 people came out.

Qin Lie recognized at a glance that the person headed by these people was Xiao Qian, the controller of the Xiao family army!

Xiao Qian's position in the Xiao family is second only to Henry Zhang, and it is conceivable that the importance of the transaction can be imagined by allowing him to complete the transaction in person.

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