"Hey, Ling Xue, what's the matter?"

Qin Lie asked immediately after the call was connected.

This call was from Tang Lingxue.

"Qin Lie, I heard that you were injured. How is your injury? Is it serious?"

Tang Lingxue asked with concern.

"Your news is really well-informed."

Qin Lie said in surprise.

"It was my dad who told me that you were injured, hurry up, how is your injury? You are in that hospital now, and I will go look for you."

Tang Lingxue asked eagerly.

"Don't worry, I'm not seriously injured, just a little skin trauma."

Qin Xiaolong smiled and said.

No news was revealed about what happened at the Jingang Wharf last night. It was obvious that someone blocked the news, but after all, dozens of people died. among.

"That's good."

After hearing Qin Lie's answer, Tang Lingxue breathed a sigh of relief.

"Qin Lie, come to my house for dinner tonight, my mother wants to see you."

Tang Lingxue invited again.

"How about another day, I've been busy recently, and I'll invite you in another day."

Qin Lie thought for a while and replied.

He is currently investigating the whereabouts of the third-party forces and Song Zhe yesterday, and he is really not in the mood to eat.

"Don't make excuses for me, and that's it. Come to my house tonight and see you there."

Tang Lingxue didn't give Qin Lie a chance to refuse at all, and directly decided on it.

Seeing that Tang Lingxue had hung up the phone, Qin Lie shook his head helplessly.

Although he could call now to reject Tang Lingxue's invitation, but in the end he decided to make an appointment tonight.

After all, the Tang family has helped him a lot during this time, especially since they have been strongly supporting him, or else the Xiao family might be so rampant.

Without wasting any more time, Qin Lie drove directly to Ye Yuqing's company.

"Qin Lie, no matter what you do, I will support you unconditionally, but remember, you must protect yourself, don't forget, you are not alone now, you still have us, don't let me be a widow again ."

Ye Yuqing looked at Qin Lie and said affectionately.

She didn't know what Qin Lie was doing last night, but from the injuries on Qin Lie's body, it could be seen that the action last night must have been very dangerous, otherwise Qin Lie's strength would never have been injured.

And for her, Qin Lie is everything to her now, if she loses Qin Lie, her world will become dark and colorless.

"Sister Yuqing, don't worry, I'm dying."

Qin Lie smiled and replied.

"Don't hit me with sloppy eyes, remember, safety first, if you die, I will never live alone."

Ye Yuqing said very solemnly.

"Don't worry, just say this to you, and I will live well."

Qin Lie said, hugged Ye Yuqing's waist directly, and then put her face to her neck.

"Sister Yuqing, let's do something happy, shall we?"

Qin Lie could be said to have escaped death last night, and there was still a surge of anger in his heart. Now he urgently needs to do something happy to release his mood.

"What's the hurry, do the right thing first, that customer is waiting in a hurry."

Ye Yuqing glanced at Qin Lie angrily.

Hearing this, Qin Lie suddenly remembered that Ye Yuqing had called herself before and said that she wanted to introduce him to an important client.

"What about the client?"

Qin Lie asked quickly. .

"In the reception room."

Ye Yuqing replied, and then took Qin Lie to the reception room.

In the reception room, there was a foreigner with blond hair and blue eyes in a suit and leather shoes.

After seeing Qin Lie coming in, the foreigner quickly stood up.

"President Ye, President Qin."

The foreigners took the initiative to greet Qin Lie, and they spoke very authentic Chinese.

"Hey, you speak Chinese very slippery, are you from China?"

Qin Lie asked in surprise.

"I'm American, but my mother is Chinese. I have learned Chinese from my mother since I was a child. In fact, in addition to Chinese, I am also proficient in German and French."

The foreigner responded quickly.


Hearing this, Qin Lie immediately gave a thumbs up.

Proficient in four languages, this person is definitely very good.

"Qin Lie, let me introduce to you, this is Kapuao, he was born in the Rockefeller family, one of the top ten financial groups in the United States."

Ye Yuqing knew that Qin Lie didn't know the man in front of him, so she took the initiative to introduce him.

After learning the identity of this person, Qin Lie was even more surprised.

The Rockefeller family is definitely a giant family, even if it is compared with a super family like the Murong family, it is estimated that it is not too much.

With such an identity, it is reasonable for the other party to be so excellent.

"I don't know what Mr. Capo wants to cooperate with me this time?"

Qin Lie asked straight to the point.

"I want President Qin, the exclusive agency of all products of Tai'an Medicine and Qingqing Beauty Cosmetics Company in the United States."

Capuo also had no ink, and directly stated his purpose.

"Mr. Capo has a really big appetite."

Qin Lie replied with a smile.

Qin Lie wouldn't be surprised if the other party was only the agent of Shenlongdan or Fairy Cream, but he actually opened his mouth to have the exclusive rights to all the products of the two companies, which is a bit of a lion's mouth.

"Mr. Qin, I have used all of your company's products. To tell the truth, they are definitely world-class, especially the Dragon Pill and Fairy Cream you developed, which are definitely the best among similar products."

"But I have investigated that there is a huge conflict of interest between you, the Morgan family and the DuPont family. In order to safeguard their own interests, it is absolutely impossible for these two families to allow your products to be sold in the United States."

"But if you can give me the exclusive agency, I can guarantee that I will make your products popular all over the United States within half a year at most!"

Kapoor said confidently.

After saying this, he handed Qin Lie a document he had prepared in advance.

"Mr. Qin, this is my cooperation plan, you can take a look first."

Qin Lie did not refuse, and as a result, the plan was roughly browsed.

Originally, Qin Lie thought that Capuo just wanted to take advantage of the robbery and win the exclusive agency rights of their products to make a lot of money, but after reading the plan, he realized that he underestimated the young man in front of him.

According to this plan, it is not difficult to see that he has obviously done his homework before coming, and the various cooperation terms listed in the entire plan are also relatively reasonable, and there are no hegemonic terms.

"How about Mr. Qin, are you willing to cooperate with me?"

Although he already had a lot of confidence in his heart, Kapoor was still a little worried that Qin Lie would reject him.

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