"Mr. Kapoor, I can see that you are very sincere in cooperation, but I think we should change the share ratio and investment ratio. I think it is more appropriate to change the share ratio from fifty-five to thirty-seven. As for investment The funds for the construction of the factory should all come from your Rockefeller family, what do you think?"

Qin Lie looked at Capuo and replied.

"Mr. Qin Lie, I can't agree to your request. I can only accept four or six shares at most. As for the investment, we can discuss it again. After all, I took the exclusive agency from you mainly to make money, not to make money. Doing charity, please understand."

Kapoor replied very sincerely.

"If that's the case, I'll think about it."

Qin Lie pondered for a while, but he was not in a hurry to agree to Kapuao.

After all, the initiative is now in his own hands, and even if he really wants to cooperate with Kapoor, he still needs to obtain the best interests.

Hearing this, Kapoor thought that Qin Lie did not want to cooperate with him, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Qin Lie, your products are currently very popular in the upper class in the United States, but the supply has always been in short supply, which directly leads to Many people transport Shenlongdan and fairy ointment to the United States by smuggling."

"Although this can also increase your revenue, in the long run, it will still greatly affect your profits."

"Especially now that fake products are rampant, if you don't quickly destroy those black-hearted factories that make and sell fakes, after another year and a half, the reputation of your products will be completely ruined. Even if you can open the US market by then, It is estimated that not many customers are willing to buy.”

"But if you can cooperate with me, I will be able to deliver your products to various shopping centers in the United States within a week, and within half a year, I will be able to make your products a necessity for every household in the United States."

"According to my calculations, the entire US market can bring you at least a profit of nearly 100 billion. It is a huge loss for you to land in the US market one day later. Please also think about it carefully."

Hearing Kapoo think of himself so much, Qin Lie couldn't help laughing.

He knew very well in his heart that Kapuo mainly wanted to win the exclusive agency of his own products, otherwise, he would not be so careful.

"Mr. Kapoor, I can feel your sincerity, but this matter is more important, and I still need to hold a meeting to discuss it. Well, I will give you an accurate answer before ten o'clock tomorrow morning, can you see? "

In fact, Qin Lie also intends to cooperate with Capuo. After all, because of the Morgan family and the DuPont family, all their stores in the United States have been destroyed. As far as the current situation is concerned, it is difficult for them to enter the US market.

But if you can reach a cooperation agreement with the Rockefeller family, it will be different.

You must know that even in the United States, the Rockefeller family is definitely one of the top Big Mac families. As long as they can get the protection of this family, Qin Lie believes that even the Morgan family and the DuPont family will never dare to act rashly.

Of course, before cooperating, Qin Lie had to investigate the identity of this Kapuao. He didn't want to be deceived by the liar again.

"Okay, then I'll wait for your reply."

Although Kapoor really wanted Qin Lie to promise himself now, he still didn't push it too hard, otherwise it would be worth the loss if he caused Qin Lie's resentment again.

The two chatted a few more words, and then Kapoor said goodbye and left.

"Sister Yuqing, how much do you know about this Capo, is he really a member of the Rockefeller family?"

After sending Kapoo away, Qin Lie looked at Ye Yuqing and asked.

"Don't worry, there is no doubt about Capo's identity. He is definitely a member of the Rockefeller family, and we have cooperated many times before. Otherwise, how could I introduce him to you?"

Ye Yuqing replied with certainty.

She is a business queen herself, and she is even more vigilant than Qin Lie when it comes to people from unknown sources.

But Kapuao is an acquaintance with her, and because of this, when Kapuao proposed to cooperate with Qin Lie, she would take the initiative to be the middleman.

"Then do you think I should agree to cooperate with him?"

Qin Lie asked next.

"I think, to cooperate with them, the advantages will definitely outweigh the disadvantages."

"As far as the current situation is concerned, if we want to win the market in the United States, we can only find a strong partner, and I have had cooperation and contact with Kapuao, and I still know him relatively well. I believe him. Will really help us win the US market."

Ye Yuqing stated his point of view.

Although the population of the United States is not as large as that of China, the market has broad prospects, especially for things like Shenlongdan, which has unlimited business opportunities in this open country.

Once they open the market, they can continuously earn American money, which is much more interesting than earning Chinese money.

"That's fine, then I'll cooperate with him, but we have to change the terms of this cooperation."

Qin Lie pondered for a while.

"How do you want to change it?"

Ye Yuqing asked.

"The first is to divide the proportion..."

Qin Lie didn't hide it, and quickly stated his point of view.

"Yes, Qin Lie, your business sense is stronger than mine."

After listening to Qin Lie's words, Ye Yuqing couldn't help but express admiration.

"Sister Yuqing, don't praise me. In front of you, if I'm not enough, I'm just an axe."

Qin Lie replied very modestly.

Although he has never done business before, but recently, he has handled many things in the company himself. He is no longer the Wuxia Amon that he used to be.

"Okay, don't be humble. Now that you have really grown up, even if I am gone one day in the future, your ability is enough to preside over the overall situation."

Ye Yuqing said with a smile.

She had always been very optimistic about Qin Lie, but now that Qin Lie's business awareness has reached a point where it rivals her own, she is completely relieved of Qin Lie.

"Sister Yuqing, what are you talking about, we are going to grow old together."

Qin Lie said, and directly hugged Ye Yuqing's waist.

"Don't make trouble, let people see how bad it is."

Ye Yuqing hurriedly pushed Qin Lie over and said, this is the reception room, people will come over from time to time, she doesn't want people to see her and Qin Lie kissing me here.

"Then let's go to your office to rest for a while."

Qin Lie said with a wicked smile.

Ye Yuqing did not respond, but walked directly towards her office.

Seeing this, Qin Lie hurriedly followed.

After arriving at Ye Yuqing's office, Qin Lie locked the door, hugged Ye Yuqing directly, and went to her lounge.

After a while, a beautiful music sounded in the house.

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