After some cloud and rain, Qin Lie whispered to Ye Yuqing again, and did not leave Ye Yuqing's company until 5:30.

"You stinky brat, go alone and leave your master here, you are really inhuman."

Seeing Qin Xiaolong, Situ Xuan, who had been waiting in the car, couldn't help but complain.

"Cough, um, I'm going to talk about business."

Qin Lie coughed dryly and replied with a look of embarrassment.

"Come on, I've come here anyway. I can't see what you're doing. It's not a waste of decades."

Situ Xuan rolled his eyes and said.

When Qin Xiaolong came out, he was refreshed, and at first glance, he went to do that.

"Otherwise, I'll take you to the head office of the prosperous dynasty tonight."

Qin Lie quickly apologized and laughed.

"Forget it, I'm not interested."

Situ Xuan waved his hand.

"Are you not interested, or are you old enough?"

Qin Lie's mouth twitched, and he asked with a playful expression.

"You stinky boy, don't look down on Lao Tzu, don't look at Lao Tzu, he is over 60, but in terms of combat power, it definitely does not belong to you young people! It's just that Lao Tzu has passed that age, and to me, no matter how good-looking skin is It's just a pink and pink skull."

Situ Xuan replied with a staring beard.

Qin Lie was sure that Situ Xuan's words were exaggerated, but he believed that Situ Xuan should not have lost his normal male function.

After all, Situ Xuan is a super expert. Even though he is in his sixties, he is still full of energy.

It's just like he said, at his age, he has basically seen through the world, and he doesn't care too much about men and women.

After the two chatted for a while, Qin Lie drove to Tang Lingxue's house.

But this time, she didn't go to Yunxiao Manor, but the house that Tang Lingxue rented outside.

This house is located near Daxue Road. It is an exclusive small courtyard. Tang Lingxue has basically lived here recently.

"Master, are you really not going in with me?"

After parking the car, Qin Xiaolong asked again.

"No, I don't want to be a light bulb."

Situ Xuan knew very well in his heart that Qin Lie was his son-in-law seeing his mother-in-law tonight, so it would be better if he was an outsider.

Anyway, he was guarding outside, and if something really happened, he could respond immediately.

"Okay, then, if you're hungry later, go to the small restaurant in front to make do with something, and I'll take you to have a late-night snack when I come out."

Qin Lie didn't force it, and rang the doorbell after saying goodbye to Situ Xuan.

After a while, a middle-aged daughter came out and opened the door.

"Hello, who are you?"

The middle-aged woman looked at Qin Lie and asked.

"I'm Qin Lie, I made an appointment with Ling Xue."

Qin Lie replied quickly.

"Oh, it's Mr. Qin, please come in."

After learning Qin Lie's identity, the middle-aged woman hurriedly welcomed Qin Lie in.

"Mr. Qin, I'm the nanny hired by the lady. The lady has something to do just now. You sit down for a while, and she'll be right back."

The middle-aged woman said to Qin Lie.

"Oh, okay."

Qin Lie didn't suspect him and sat down directly in the living room.

After a while, the middle-aged woman poured another cup of tea for Qin Lie: "Mr. Qin, this is the **** tea that the lady bought. You can try it, it's delicious."


After thanking him, Qin Lie was not polite and took the tea.

After the tea had cooled down a little, Qin Lie took a sip. The tea was fragrant and sweet, and the taste was really good.

But for some reason, Qin Lie always felt that this should not be *** tea, because the floral fragrance is much more fragrant than ***, which makes people feel very intoxicated.

Time flies, ten minutes have passed, Qin Lie has finished his cup of tea, but Tang Lingxue still hasn't come back.

Just when Qin Lie was considering whether to call Tang Lingxue and ask him when he would come back, Tang Lingxue's nanny suddenly walked downstairs.

"Mr. Qin, Mrs. Yang said, please go upstairs to talk about the lady first."

The nanny said after coming to Qin Lie's side.

"Are you talking about Ling Xue's mother?"

Qin Lie asked.


The nurse nodded.

"Ling Xue's mother is at home?"

Qin Lie said quite unexpectedly, he thought just now that both mother and daughter were not there.

"Mr. Qin, let me tell you the truth. Mrs. Yang doesn't seem too willing to let you be with Miss Tang."

"If I'm not mistaken, she took Miss Tang away on purpose. Madam Yang had been on the phone with Miss Tang upstairs just now. The two seem to have quarreled. You can prepare yourself mentally."

The nanny said in a low voice.

"Okay, I see, thank you."

Qin Lie met Tang Lingxue's mother, Yang Muyun, when she was in Yunxiao Manor. Yang Muyun was definitely a gentle and virtuous woman, and she had a good influence on Qin Lie before.

But it's normal if people don't agree that he and Tang Lingxue are together. After all, he and Tang Lingxue's identities and backgrounds are very different, and there are many confidantes around him. If he is Tang Lingxue's mother, he probably won't let him Daughter with such a man.

After thinking about what might happen, Qin Lie followed the nanny upstairs.

"Mr. Qin, go in alone. I'll go down to cook first."

After talking to Qin Lie, the nanny left.

Qin Lie knocked on the door, and only after hearing the word "please enter" did he enter the house.

The area of ​​this room is quite large. The middle is divided into two parts by a screen. There is a table outside. .

As for the screen, Qin Lie couldn't see anything.

"Yang Aunt, I don't know what you have to do with me?"

Qin Lie stopped in place, looked at the screen and asked.

"Do you like my daughter?"

Yang Muyun behind the screen asked.

"Ling Xue is a good girl. If I say I don't like her, I'll be deceiving myself, but if you don't want us to be together, I will respect your opinion."

Qin Lie replied very directly.

Tang Lingxue had confessed to him before, and Tang Hongxiao obviously accepted him, but Yang Muyun is Tang Lingxue's mother, and her voice in the Tang family is estimated to be greater than that of Tang Hongxiao. If she does not agree with the two of them being together, Qin Lie Guaranteed not to delay Tang Lingxue.

"I can agree to the two of you together, but you have to promise me one request."

Yang Muyun said again.

"I don't know what you want?"

Qin Lie asked.

"Sever all ties with Ye Yuqing, and all other women, and will not communicate with each other in the future."

Yang Muyun said directly.

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