"I'm sorry, I can't agree to this request."

Qin Lie rejected Yang Muyun without thinking.

In his heart, whether it was Ye Yuqing, Chen Xiaoyu, or Bai Xianglan, they were the women he loved the most, and Qin Lie would never abandon them no matter what happened.

"You have to think clearly, if you reject me, I promise you will never see Ling Xue again!"

After the screen, Yang Muyun said again.

"Don't think about it."

Qin Lie replied with a clear attitude.

After saying this, Qin Lie didn't know why, his body suddenly became hot, he felt like someone put himself on the fire.

And the desire in my heart is getting stronger and stronger, and even my brother has a tendency to look up.

"Yang Aunt, I'm sorry, I'll go to the bathroom first."

Qin Lie didn't know what was wrong with him. In order to avoid making a fool of himself, he turned around and prepared to go downstairs to wash his face to keep himself awake.


At this moment, Yang Muyun, who was behind the screen, suddenly screamed.

"Yang Aunt, what's wrong with you?"

Qin Lie immediately stopped and asked.


Yang Muyun cried out for help.

Hearing Yang Muyun's call for help, Qin Lie didn't have time to think, and quickly rushed behind the screen.

There is a bed behind it, but there is a gauze curtain in front of the bed, Qin Lie lifts the gauze curtain.

However, in the next second, a pile of white powder suddenly sprinkled towards Qin Lie's face.

The situation happened so suddenly that Qin Lie didn't have time to dodge, and was sprinkled with white powder all over his face.

Qin Lie first scratched the white powder with his hands, and after his vision became clear, he looked back at the bed.

Sitting on the bed was a woman wearing a bath towel, but this woman was not Yang Muyun!

"Who are you!"

Qin Lie asked sharply.

"Of course I am you Yang Aunt."

The woman replied with a smile.

"Come on, who the hell are you! And what did you put on my face just now!"

A cold light flashed in Qin Lie's eyes.

He didn't expect that the person who was talking to him just now wasn't Yang Muyun at all, which made him have a bad premonition in his heart.

"Handsome guy, don't be nervous, I won't hurt you. I know you're very uncomfortable right now, why don't I help you release it."

As the woman said, she took off the bath towel she was wearing, revealing her beautiful figure.

Looking at the naked woman in front of him, Qin Lie felt as if his body had been detonated with explosives, and a nameless flame rose up in his body.

Qin Lie's breathing began to become heavy, and his eyes became red. At first glance, Qin Lie was like a wild beast, looking very scary.

Qin Lie was about to capture this woman, but soon he found that his body seemed to be out of control, and the desire in his heart slowly swallowed his reason.

He only has one thought now, and that is to eat the woman in front of him!

"Handsome guy, don't make senseless resistance anymore. You drank the scented tea of ​​Siamese flowers downstairs and smelled the ecstasy for so long just now. You can't control yourself."

The daughter said with a smile, as if the conspiracy had succeeded.

"Fascinating fragrance?"

Hearing this name, Qin Lie's expression suddenly changed.

What is ecstasy incense, most people may have never heard of it, but Qin Lie is no stranger to this thing.

Fascinating incense is a kind of incense made of a nearly extinct strange flower, Fascinating Flower. This flower has only one function, aphrodisiac!

As long as you smell the fragrance of this flower, even if you are a waste, you can instantly become a macho.

Especially if the Siamese flower and the fascination flower cooperate with each other, even a master monk will become a beast that cannot control himself.

When Qin Lie was drinking tea just now, he felt that there was something wrong with the tea, and now he finally understood that Siamese flowers were added to his feelings.

But he realized it was too late. Under the double effect of the Siamese flower and the ecstasy flower, Qin Lie's reason had quickly dissipated, and the desire in his heart was getting heavier and heavier.

And the white powder that the other party just sprinkled on him was obviously a problem. After absorbing the white powder, Qin Lie only felt that most of his body strength had dissipated.

He wanted to grab the woman and ask the other party to hand over the antidote, but his hand climbed the mountain peaks unconsciously.

"Handsome guy, come on, I promise to make you feel good."

The woman said, took the initiative to greet her, and grabbed Qin Lie.

Qin Lie's body was shocked, his only remaining rationality collapsed instantly, and he bit the woman fiercely.

The woman continued to cooperate with Qin Lie, and the two soon became one.

The sound of extravagance kept echoing in Qin Lie's ears. This sound was like a catalyst, which made the effect of ecstasy to the extreme.

About ten minutes later, the door to the room suddenly opened, and the two men put another naked woman on Qin Lie's bed.

"Handsome guy, I can't stand it anymore, let your good mother-in-law come to accompany you."

The woman suddenly pushed Qin Lie away and said.

Qin Lie glanced at the woman beside him, and his body froze instantly.

He never imagined that this woman was actually Tang Lingxue's mother, Yang Muyun!

The moment he saw Yang Muyun, Qin Lie understood everything.

He said why these people are using incense to deal with him, if they want to kill him, wouldn't it be a hundred times just to put some poison in the tea he drank?

But now he finally reacted, this person obviously wanted him to sully Yang Muyun when he lost his mind!

Once he does that, he will not only lose his reputation and become a rapist who is reviled by everyone, but the entire Tang family will probably regard him as a mortal enemy and will do everything possible to kill him.

He didn't know who it was to get along with such a vicious plan to deal with him, but he had to control himself and never let the other party's conspiracy succeed.

However, under the influence of the incense, Qin Lie could no longer control his behavior. He looked at Yang Muyun as if the hungry wolf saw a piece of fat, and he really wanted to pounce on her and eat her.

Just when Qin Lie was about to lose his mind, he suddenly bit the tip of his tongue, and the salty blood flowed out, and Qin Lie finally regained a trace of clarity.

Qin Lie rolled over and jumped under the bed, then sat cross-legged, closed his eyes tightly, and never looked at Yang Muyun again.

"Handsome guy, don't control yourself, let go of your inner beast. Think about it, this is your mother-in-law. If you can get Tang Lingxue's mother and son at the same time, how refreshing it would be."

The previous daughter once again bewitched Qin Lie.

But Qin Lie couldn't do anything at this time, and he didn't even dare to say a word, for fear of losing his mind.

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