The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1025 There Is No More Grief Than Death

Qin Lie is still very reassured about Xing Feng's ability to handle affairs. Since he said so, he can rest easy.

"Master, why haven't you spoken since you've been here for a long time?"

Qin Lie looked at Situ Xuandao who had been silent.

"I'm considering whether to go to the Kong family to avenge you."

Situ Xuan raised his head.

The apprentice Qin Lie was very fond of him, but he was almost killed last night, which had already angered Situ Xuan. If it weren't for the extraordinary strength of the Kong family, he would have gone to destroy the entire Kong family.

"Master, don't be impulsive, we can't fight with the Kong family just yet."

Qin Lie quickly persuaded.

The Kong family is an ancient family that has lasted for thousands of years. How terrifying the family background is, even the other seven families who are also the eight great families are not clear.

But whether it is the Xiao family or the Xuanyuan family, they must be very careful when facing the Kong family, and they absolutely do not want to be the enemy of the Kong family.

This is enough to prove the terribleness of the Kong family.

Although Qin Lie has grown a lot now, he is still like a mayfly compared to such a behemoth.

Once he really starts a full-scale war with the Kong family, the Xiao family is bound to take the opportunity to fall into the trap.

A Xiao family is enough for him to drink a pot, plus the Kong family, even if there is a backing from the Tang family, they may not be able to keep him.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just thinking about it for the time being, I haven't decided to do it yet."

Situ Xuan replied lightly.

Of course, he is also very afraid of the Kong family, especially now that he has a granddaughter to take care of, he really can't act rashly, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

Hearing Situ Xuan's words, Qin Lie put his heart back into his stomach.

To be honest, he was really worried that Situ Xuan would kill him if he didn't agree with each other.

"Clang clang clang."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and then Tang Hongxiao came in from outside.

"Don Uncle."

Seeing Tang Hongxiao, Qin Lie immediately greeted him.

"How is it, is your body better?"

Tang Hongxiao asked kindly.

"Much better, thank you Tang Uncle for thinking about it." Qin Lie replied, and then said with shame, "I'm sorry Tang Uncle, I didn't protect Ling Xue well."

"Don't say that, you've done enough."

Tang Hongxiao patted Qin Lie's shoulder lightly.

Through the driving recorder and road monitoring, he already had a general understanding of what happened last night.

He knew very well that Qin Lie couldn't be blamed for all this, but only Liu Peirong, that woman was too poisonous.

Fortunately, Liu Peirong was killed by Qin Lie. Otherwise, Tang Hongxiao would definitely kill the Kong family and let the Kong family make friends.

"Qin Lie, take good care of your injuries, you don't have to worry about other things. If the Kong family dares to retaliate against you, my Tang family will directly declare war on the Kong family!"

Tang Hongxiao said again.

Although Qin Lie has not married his daughter yet, in his heart, Qin Lie is already his son-in-law.

As the saying goes, a half son-in-law, Qin Lie was seriously injured last night and almost died, and his daughter also almost died, which already made Tang Hongxiao's heart accumulate monstrous anger.

Once the Kong family dares to take revenge on Qin Lie again, he will immediately declare war with the Kong family, and he will never die!

Tang Hongxiao's words were like a reassurance pill, Qin Lie felt more at ease after hearing this.

The two chatted a few more words, and a nurse suddenly ran over and told Tang Hongxiao that Tang Lingxue had woken up.

Hearing this news, Tang Hongxiao hurriedly returned to Tang Lingxue's ward. Qin Lie was pushed to Tang Lingxue's room because he couldn't walk on the ground.

Looking at the pale Tang Lingxue, Qin Lie felt even more guilty.

"Qin Lie, you look so funny, like a mummy."

Tang Lingxue's injury was much lighter than Qin Lie's. Looking at Qin Lie in front of her, she didn't forget to make a joke.

"You laugh at me again, believe it or not, I will let the doctor entangle you like this."

Qin Lie replied with a smile.

"Okay, I also tried what it's like to be a mummy."

Tang Lingxue replied without hesitation.

"You can get it, Ling Xue, you are taking good care of your injury now, and when your injury is healed, you can do whatever you want."

Tang Hongxiao glared at Tang Lingxue and said.

"I was just joking."

Tang Lingxue replied quickly.

"By the way, Qin Lie, who the hell hit us last night, did you find out?"

Tang Lingxue fell into a coma after yesterday's car accident. She didn't know what happened next, and she didn't know that Qin Lie's injuries were actually beaten by those killers.

"It's been checked. It was Kong Yunze's mother Liu Peirong who did it. She wanted to kill me to avenge her son, but you were just implicated by me."

Qin Lie replied simply.

"This old lady is really not a thing. Her son's death is more than enough. She even dares to avenge her own son. I think she deserves to die."

"Dad, this is absolutely not the case. You must help me get an explanation."

Tang Lingxue said angrily.

"Don't be angry, Liu Peirong is dead."

Tang Hongxiao replied.

"What, Liu Peirong is dead? How did she die?"

Hearing this, Tang Lingxue couldn't help but be taken aback.

"Qin Lie killed her, last night..."

Tang Hongxiao did not hide Tang Lingxue, and told her what happened last night again.

Tang Lingxue was even more furious after learning that there was a thrilling bloody battle after she was in a coma.

"This stinky bitch is so damn good! If I hadn't been in a coma yesterday, I would have ripped her to pieces!"

Tang Lingxue said bitterly.

Qin Lie was the only man she liked, and Liu Peirong almost killed him, which made Tang Lingxue have a strong murderous intention towards Liu Peirong in an instant.

Thanks to Liu Peirong already dead, if she hadn't died, Tang Lingxue would definitely find someone to kill her even if she did everything she could.

At this moment, the Kong family mansion.

If it was in the past, it would have been very lively in the mansion. Liu Peirong would call her friends to play mahjong almost every day.

But today, the mansion has become extremely deserted, and the servants of the Kong family dare not speak loudly.

Because everyone should know that Kong Yunze was dead, Liu Peirong was also killed, and Kong Wei, the head of the Kong family, has now become a loner.

If anyone angered Kong Wei now, he would definitely die very miserably, so everyone was doing their jobs cautiously and didn't even dare to say a word.

"Patriarch, you should eat something. If you go on like this, your body will be dragged down."

At the door of Kong Wei's bedroom, Kong Lianshun, the butler of the Kong family, persuaded with a heavy face.

After claiming Liu Peirong's body and returning home last night, Kong Wei locked himself in the room by himself, and so far no water rice has entered.

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