Kong Lianshun was very worried about Kong Wei's body, but no matter how he persuaded him, Kong Wei would not open the door, and he didn't even say a word to him.

In the bedroom, Kong Wei sat slumped on the ground, his hand constantly rubbing the family portrait in front of him.

Looking at the photo of his wife and son above, he couldn't help but cry.

"Son, wife, I'm sorry for you!"

Kong Wei could no longer control his own cleaning, and tears welled up.

After a while of crying, Kong Wei slowly controlled his emotions.

As the saying goes, there is nothing more grief than death. Now that his son and wife, the two most important people in his life, have died, and his life has no meaning.

However, he did not choose to cut himself off, but chose another path.

"Wife, Yunze, you are waiting for me, and I will accompany you right away."

After Kong Yunze stroked the photo again, he put the photo in his pocket and stood up from the ground.

Outside the house, seeing that Kong Wei didn't eat or drink, the key was not even moving at all, and Kong Lianshun's worries could not help but get heavier and heavier.

Just when he was considering whether to force the door to enter to see Kong Wei's situation, the door suddenly opened.

"Patriarch, what's wrong with your hair?"

Looking at Kong Wei with white hair, Kong Lianshun couldn't help exclaiming.


Kong Wei replied lightly.

Because of excessive grief, his head turned white overnight.

But it's still nothing compared to the loss of a loved one.

"Patriarch, if you want to eat something, even a sip of water is fine. Our Kong family still depends on you to take charge of the overall situation. You must not collapse."

Kong Lianshun continued to persuade.

He has served the Kong family for decades. For him, Kong Wei is just like his own son. Seeing Kong Wei like this, he is also very heartbroken.

There was no sadness on Kong Wei's face at this time, and he didn't even have any emotion. He picked up the food on the plate on the ground and devoured it directly.

"Patriarch, eat slowly, don't choke."

Seeing that Kong Wei was willing to eat, Kong Liansheng thought he had already thought about it, and was immediately overjoyed.

However, Kong Wei did not respond to him. After cramming the food into his mouth, he got up and left the mansion, and drove to the Kong Family Ancestral Hall alone.

This is the most important place of the Confucius family. The elders of the Confucius family live in the quaint courtyard behind the ancestral hall.

Hearing that Kong Wei was coming, the elders of the Kong family left and gathered in the living room.

"Kong Wei, we have already heard about Peirong. We mourn and change."

An elder of the Kong family comforted Kong Wei.

If at other times, the Kong family was killed, the Kong family would definitely kill each other with thunder.

But this time, Kong Yunze violated the clan rules first. According to the clan rules, he deserved to be expelled from the family tree, and the Kong family couldn't even offer him any help.

However, Liu Peirong privately asked a killer to kill Qin Lie, but Qin Lie killed her instead. She can only say that she deserved it, so the Kong family still won't avenge her.

"Elder Kang Yang, I came to you today mainly to tell you one thing. From today onwards, I will resign as the head of the Kong family and voluntarily withdraw from the Kong family tree. I also ask all the elders to fulfill themselves."

Kong Wei bowed deeply to the elders in front of him, and then stated his purpose.

Hearing this, the audience instantly burst into an uproar.

"Kong Wei, what are you doing, you must not do stupid things."

"Kong Wei, we know that you just lost your son and wife, and it's normal for you to be unable to control your emotions for a while, so let's give you a month's leave, so you can cultivate well. During this time, we will deal with family matters. Find someone else to handle it."

"Kong Wei, you are the patriarch of our Kong family, how can you quit the Kong family, aren't you letting outsiders see a joke!"


All the elders were shocked by Kong Wei's actions, and they all started to persuade him.

The Kong family is different from other families. In order to ensure that each patriarch can lead the family to become stronger, their patriarchs are elected by the elders through strict assessment, rather than inheriting the father's business like other families.

Kong Wei has been the patriarch for more than 20 years, and his work has always been outstanding. He is also deeply respected and liked by the Kong family. If it weren't for a perverted murderer son like Kong Yunze, he would definitely become the most successful member of the Kong family. One of the great patriarchs.

Even so, this did not affect his status in the family.

But today he actually offered to resign from the position of the patriarch and quit the Kong family. To the elders, it seemed like he had lost his mind. Naturally, they could not agree.

"Elders, I have made up my mind. I came here today not to seek your opinions, but mainly to tell you that you might as well elect the next patriarch to take my place as soon as possible."

Kong Wei said expressionlessly.

If it was before, he would have respected these elders very much, but now that his son and wife are dead, his life has fallen into darkness, and his upbringing and life creed have collapsed.

The reason why he is still alive is that he has only one thought, and that is to avenge his wife and children.

However, in order to avoid negatively affecting the reputation of the Kong family, he proposed to resign as the patriarch and quit the Kong family.

In this way, whatever he does next is just his own personal behavior and has nothing to do with the Kong family.

"Kong Wei, don't do stupid things. At present, only you are the best candidate for the patriarch of the Kong family."

An elder quickly persuaded again.

"Thank you elders for their trust, but I have served the Kong family for 20 years. In the next time, let me do what I want to do."

After saying this, Kong Wei didn't give the elders another chance to persuade, and turned around and left the ancestral hall directly.

The elder Kong family wanted someone to chase Kong Wei back, but before he could speak, Kong Wei directly put a gun on the opponent's forehead. leave.

About half an hour later, Kong Wei came to the funeral home and saw the bodies of his wife Liu Peirong and son Kong Yunze again.

"Peirong, you are so stupid, why didn't you listen to my advice in the first place."

Looking at Liu Peirong's body, Kong Wei couldn't help crying again.

His wife is the only woman he has ever loved in his life. Regardless of his high status and power, countless women will take the initiative to embrace him with a wave of his hand, but for decades, he has never done anything to mess with his wife. Even more so.

Originally, the two of them still wanted to grow old together, and then go to Jiangnan Water Town to find a beautiful place to spend the rest of their lives together, but now, everything has been ruined, and now there are only seeds of hatred left in his heart.

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