"As long as I can become the patriarch, you will be the closest partner of our Rockefeller family in the future, and we will unswervingly support you in any trouble you encounter."

"Besides that, I can assure you that once I take power, I can give you one-tenth of the Rockefeller family's assets, worth no less than one hundred billion dollars!"

Capo quickly replied.

The Rockefeller family is one of the top ten financial groups in the United States. Even though Capo is a member of the Rockefeller family, because he cannot enter the inner circle of the family, even he himself does not know how much the Rockefeller family's assets are.

But there is no doubt that the Rockefeller family, as a super conglomerate that has been developing for hundreds of years, has long been rich, and its assets must exceed trillions of dollars.

He didn't feel bad about giving Qin Lie one-tenth of his property as a reward.

After all, for him, the family's property has nothing to do with him. If Qin Lie can't help him become the patriarch, Qin Lie will still get nothing.

"Mr. Kapuao is a cheerful person, then I will not ink any more. I am willing to provide you with all support and help you become the next head of the Rockefeller family!"

Qin Lie replied very readily.

He is still very clear about Capo's situation, and now there is only one way to cooperate with him.

Moreover, Qin Lie is not worried that Kapoor will go back on it after the event is done. If he really does that, Qin Lie promises to send him to heaven to be reunited with God the next day.

"Thank you, President Qin!"

Hearing that Qin Lie promised to help him, Kapoor suddenly became excited.

In the past, he was isolated and helpless, and he did not dare to compete with Abraham at all, but now it is different. With Qin Lie's support, what he planned for many years has finally been put into practice.

After that, Qin Lie chatted with Capuo for nearly half an hour.

No one knows what the two of them were talking about, but Capo had a palpable smile on his face as he left.

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Yuqing and others came to the hospital again to see Qin Lie, and even Zhao Xiaoying and Li Tong came.

It is said that three women are in a show, and now there are eight people at a time, and the originally spacious ward seems to be a little crowded.

Fortunately, the girls were quite harmonious, and there was no quarrel, otherwise Qin Lie would definitely be the first unlucky one.

At about nine o'clock, under the urging of Qin Lie, Ye Yuqing and others left one after another, and finally only Chen Xiaoyu, Bai Xianglan and Kong Lianxing were left in the ward.

Chen Xiaoyu is now in the period of miscarriage, and she has nothing to do. Bai Xianglan has already quit her job. Now Qin Lie is seriously injured, she naturally wants to greet Qin Lie.

As for Kong Lianxing, she was Bai Xianglan's valet. Wherever she went, Kong Lianxing would naturally follow.

At about ten o'clock, Kong Wei suddenly appeared to the hospital, and came to Qin Lie's ward alone.

"I want to see Qin Lie."

Kong Wei said to Jiang Lei and the others, with no expression on his face, like a walking corpse.

"Look at him."

After talking to the team members around him, Jiang Lei entered the ward.

"Master Qin, Kong Wei is here, he said he wants to see you."

Jiang Lei quickly reported to Qin Lie.

At this time, Qin Lie was chatting with Bai Xianglan and the others. Hearing Jiang Lei's words, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Are you sure it's Kong Wei?"

Qin Lie, who had recovered, asked immediately.

"Sure, it's him, and he's the only one here."

Jiang Lei nodded.

"Master, what did you think Kong Wei came to do with me?"

Qin Lie looked at Situ Xuandao with his eyes closed.

"I don't know. Just call in and ask."

Situ Xuan replied without opening his eyes.

"makes sense."

Qin Lie agreed with Situ Xuan's proposal and said directly, "Let him come in."

"it is good."

Jiang Lei responded and came out of the ward again.

Kong Wei was very cooperative and let Jiang Lei search his body, and then followed Jiang Lei into the ward.

"I don't know what's the matter with Patriarch Kong coming here?"

Qin Lie asked coldly.

Although Kong Yunze didn't kill him, he also died because of him. As for Liu Peirong, he was directly killed by him. It can be said that the hatred between him and Kong Wei has long been dead, so he naturally won't give Kong Wei any good looks.

"I'm looking for you today for two main things. First, I apologize to you on behalf of my son Kong Yunze and my wife Liu Peirong. I'm sorry."

After saying this, Kong Wei bowed directly to the bird, and his apology can be said to be quite sincere.

Seeing this scene, Qin Lie was a little stunned.

He killed Kong Wei's wife and children. Normally, when Kong Wei sees him, he should fight with him as hard as he can, but now he actually apologizes to himself, which is really abnormal.

"Patriarch Kong, I don't know which song you sang?"

Qin Lie asked directly.

Not only him, including Situ Xuan, everyone was curious, waiting for Situ Xuan's explanation.

"I know you must feel very strange, and even suspect that I am acting, but I can swear with my conscience that I sincerely apologize for my son and wife."

"I know very well what they did to you before, and to be honest, if time could go back, I would definitely stop them from doing things that hurt you."

"Unfortunately, there is no if in this world. The only thing I can do now is to say sorry to you on their behalf."

"I'm not asking you to forgive them because they really don't deserve it."

Kong Wei explained sincerely.

Qin Lie could see that Kong Wei was not lying, but it made him even more confused.

"Patriarch Kong, you said that you have two things for me today, and you don't know what the other thing is?"

Qin Lie pondered for a while and asked again.

"The second thing is that I'm going to declare war on you. Although I know that my son and wife will die, but they are my closest people after all. If you kill them, you will completely destroy my family. I will kill you. Take revenge for them!"

At the same time as he said this, a strong killing intent appeared uncontrollably from Kong Wei, who was originally expressionless.

Kong Wei is a principled person, and he has never done anything against his conscience in his life.

But now, his family has been ruined, and his life has no meaning. Naturally, he will no longer pay attention to the law of justice as before.

"Oh, I see, Patriarch Kong is doing the ritual first and then the soldiers, right?"

After listening to Kong Wei's words, Qin Lie's doubts were basically resolved.

He still knows a little bit about Kong Wei. He knows that he is a very good person, and his reputation has always been good.

However, good fortune made people, God turned his son into a perverted murderer, and his wife was also arrogant and domineering, which finally led to the tragedy, and even Kong Wei was beaten and turned into another person.

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