"You can understand that, anyway, I have to decide your life, no matter what the price is, I will definitely kill you!"

Kong Wei revealed his murderous intent.

After his son's death, he asked people to investigate Qin Lie. It is not difficult to see from the information that Qin Lie is a very good person. The grievance between the two is entirely because of his son's repeated provocation of Qin. Lie.

It is precisely because of this that Kong Wei will dissuade Liu Peirong from letting her take revenge.

Unexpectedly, she didn't listen to her, and even secretly moved Qin Lie. In the end, she didn't get her revenge, but instead took herself in.

And with Liu Peirong's death, Kong Wei's heart also died completely, and revenge naturally became his only belief to support his survival.

"Patriarch Kong, you came to me so blatantly, and even said you wanted to kill me in front of me, aren't you afraid that I will kill you directly now?"

Qin Lie asked with a smile.

"Don't be afraid, you don't dare, if I die here, I can guarantee that your Qin family will be wiped out, and none of you will be left!"

Kong Wei replied arrogantly.

"How do you know that I dare not?"

Qin Lie's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

"Then try it out!"

Kong Wei confronted each other tit for tat.

Even though he knew that Qin Lie could kill him at any time, Kong Wei didn't show any fear.

Qin Lie stared at Kong Wei for dozens of seconds. For a moment, he really wanted to kill Kong Wei desperately and completely kill this unstable factor in the cradle.

But in the end he didn't do it.

Because Kong Wei is not an ordinary person, he is the head of the Kong family. If Qin Lie publicly kills him, it will be tantamount to piercing the sky. At that time, the Kong family will definitely not let him go even if it is just to protect the face of the family.

And with his current strength, he really couldn't bear the crazy revenge of the Kong family.

Even if he could tear off a piece of meat from the Kong family, what awaited him would be ashes and nothing left!

"Look, I knew you didn't dare to do it."

Kong Wei grinned.

"Patriarch Kong, if you want to take revenge for your son and your wife, you can come to me, I will follow any tricks you have, but if you dare to touch the people around me, even if I don't give up my life, I won't. It will definitely wash your Kong family with blood!"

Qin Lie said to Kong Wei with a cold expression.

He can't kill Kong Wei for the time being, but if Kong Wei moves his family and friends, then everything will change, Qin Lie won't think about the consequences, the big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken!

"Don't worry, I, Kong Wei, are not that kind of person. I will only kill you, not my family!"

Kong Wei replied lightly.

"Okay, as expected of the patriarch Kong, he's upright and upright!"

Hearing Kong Wei's words, Qin Lie couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and at the same time put a high hat on Kong Wei.

To be honest, he was really worried that Kong Wei would break the jar, and his losses would definitely be greater than Kong Wei.

But if Kong Wei doesn't move Ye Yuqing and the others, Qin Lie is not afraid to ask himself whether he uses conspiracy or conspiracy.

"Okay, I've told you everything I need to say. Enjoy your last time. I'll do my best to kill you and then kill myself."

After saying this, Kong Wei did not continue to communicate with Qin Lie, turned around and left the ward.

"Young Master Qin, do you want me to do him? Don't worry, I will never implicate you in doing things alone."

Jiang Lei looked at Qin Lie with murderous expression.

Qin Lie saved his daughter's life, and he was very kind to him. Now that Qin Lie is in trouble, Jiang Lei can give his life to repay Qin Lie's kindness.

"Don't, I appreciate your kindness. For the time being, Kong Wei can't kill him."

Qin Lie hurriedly stopped.

If it were an ordinary person, Qin Lie would have left him here today, but Kong Wei's identity is extraordinary, and he can't do it easily.

He has to wait for Kong Wei to kill him first, and then he will fight back, so that he can become famous.

Hearing Qin Lie's words, Jiang Lei gave up the idea of ​​killing Kong Wei.

"Master, do you think what Kong Wei said just now is credible?"

Qin Lie looked at Situ Xuandao again.

"It can be believed that this kid looks like a man, otherwise he doesn't have to go to you again, but it's a pity."

Situ Xuan said with a little regret.

He still admires Kong Wei as a person, but they are destined to never die, and there is no other outcome to speak of.

Hearing Situ Xuan's words, Qin Lie felt even more relieved.

After that, Qin Lie immediately made a series of arrangements for Jiang Lei to plan ahead and be prepared.

Near noon, Qin Lie was discussing with Bai Xianglan and the others what to eat when another person came to the hospital to visit him.

This person is none other than Pang Yongxing, the second young master of the Pang family.

When he and Wang Congcong partnered to hype bitcoin before, Pang Yongxing was one of their partners, and the two were friends, but their friendship was not particularly deep.

The most important thing is that Pang Yongxing came here yesterday, but he didn't expect the other party to come again today.

"Brother Qin, is your health better?"

Pang Yongxing asked with concern.

"Much better, thank you Brother Pang for your concern."

Qin Lie replied with a smile.

"Mr. Qin, these are some nutritional supplements I brought for you. Basically, they are all for nourishing qi and blood. You can let someone stew and eat some every day, which is very good for your body's recovery."

Pang Yongxing then pointed to the nutritional products he brought.

"Okay, let Brother Pang spend the money."

Qin Lie continued.

"What's the matter? It's not worth anything at all, as long as Brother Qin doesn't dislike it."

Pang Yongxing said with a smile.

"By the way, brother Qin, you haven't eaten yet. What do you want to eat, I'll go out and buy it for you later."

Pang Yongxing said after rubbing his hands.

Seeing that Pang Yongxing was so attentive, Qin Lie couldn't help laughing.

"Brother Pang, if you have something to say, just say it directly, there's no need to beat around the bush."

Qin Lie could see that Pang Yongxing's visit to him today was definitely not just to visit him, he must have something to ask him, but this person was obviously embarrassed to say it.

"Brother Qin really has good eyesight, and I can't hide anything from you. Since you can see it all, I won't hide it. I came to you to ask for something. I hope President Qin can lend me some money. , to help our family get through this difficult time, I will definitely thank you when that happens!"

Pang Yongxing clasped his fists with both hands and said very solemnly.

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