Du Mazi thought Qin Lie was dead, but he didn't know that Qin Lie was alive and well, and even because they were evacuated ahead of time, they had everything to eat.

After the first wave of tsunami ended, the island where Qin Lie and the others were located experienced two waves of tsunamis. It was not until 6 p.m. that the sea was completely calm.

However, the lower parts of the island have basically been submerged by sea water at this time, and Qin Lie estimates that the sea water will not completely subside until at least tomorrow.

Fortunately, there is enough food, so they don't have to worry.

That night, Qin Lie finally slept peacefully because he didn't need to worry about being attacked by Du Mazi.

the next day.

After getting up, Qin Lie observed the surrounding situation. He found that the sea water receded faster than he expected, and most of the ground was exposed, but there were still puddles like some depressions.

"Sister Yuqing, shall we go back to the previous camp?"

Qin Lie discussed with Ye Yuqing who also woke up early.

Although this highland is okay to live in, it is not very convenient to live because of its small area.

Especially when going to the toilet, Lin Qiuzhu and the others had to be very careful, for fear of being seen by Qin Lie.

"The tsunami won't come again, will it?"

Ye Yuqing still asked worriedly.

"Rest assured, the tsunami is over."

Qin Lie replied with certainty.

This tsunami was originally triggered by an earthquake. The last wave of the tsunami came last night, and it announced the end of the tsunami. If it weren't for the fact that there was too much water in the forest yesterday, they would have been able to leave last night.

After hearing Qin Lie's answer, Ye Yuqing was relieved, and quickly woke up Ye Yuqing and others who were still sleeping late.

After that, Qin Lie opened the way ahead, and led Ye Yuqing and his party back to the camp.

"Brother Qin, look, there are fish!"

After walking for less than ten minutes, Yang Yourong shouted loudly.

Needless to say, Qin Lie had already seen the big fish jumping in the puddle.

Qin Lie stepped forward and grabbed the fish from the ground.

This fish belongs to the rare red star spot among groupers, and the average price per pound is as high as two or three hundred.

Like the one Qin Lie picked up, it's almost four or five pounds. If it was sold for money, it would cost at least 1,800 yuan. Qin Lie used to be reluctant to eat it, but now he's on a deserted island, and he doesn't need it at all. Worrying about money, it is natural to try it.

After happily wearing the grouper with rattan, Qin Lie and his party continued on their way.

After the tsunami, more than one-third of the trees were broken by the waist, and there were broken branches everywhere. The forest could be said to be a mess.

But there is one thing that makes Qin Lie and the others very happy, that is, the tsunami also brought a lot of deep-sea fish, shrimp, crabs and other seafood to this island. Qin Lie and the others picked up as they walked along the way, and all kinds of fish were picked up. A full hundred and ten pounds.

This is because there are a lot of small fish, shrimp and shellfish that they don't want, otherwise they will only get more.

When heading to the highland, Qin Lie and the others walked for an hour, but when they returned, they had to walk for two and a half hours because they needed to detour constantly.

"Oh, our home is gone."

Looking at the bare ground, Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help laughing bitterly.

After the tsunami hit, the thatched huts and latrines they built were all destroyed, and now only the bare ground remains.

"It's okay, it's just a few huts, let's build it again."

Qin Lie said nonchalantly.

Yesterday's tsunami was terrifying, not to mention their simple thatched huts, even cement buildings would be destroyed in an instant, but fortunately, it was not difficult to build thatched huts, and they could also use local materials, as long as everyone worked together, The hut can be rebuilt in an extra day.

Qin Lie first found a clearing and put down the catches he was carrying, and then quickly ran behind a broken tree.

Yesterday, he buried the cash and the superb red coral behind this big tree.

The pit Qin Lie dug was already deep, but it was still hit by the sea water. The cash buried in the pit had long since disappeared, but the red coral was still there.

Except for the broken individual coral branches, the preservation of this coral tree is fairly complete.

Qin Lie is still very satisfied with this result.

He dug out the coral tree, put it with the fish, and then began to instruct Ye Yuqing and the others to build a new thatched hut.

As the saying goes, more people are more powerful. With the full assistance of Ye Yuqing and the others, Qin Lie successfully built two huts and a latrine at seven o'clock in the evening.

After a busy day, Qin Lie cooked a sumptuous seafood meal with the fish and shrimp they picked up.

Everyone ate it with relish, but Sakurako Aoi only ate half a jiwei shrimp just like eating cat food.

Because she was immersed in grief, Sakurako Aoi was absent-minded when she was working in the afternoon. When Qin Lie was building a thatched hut, the pillars fell and almost missed her, so Qin Lie dared not ask her to help again later. Su Xiaoxiao was specially asked to accompany her to the beach to relax, but who would have thought that after a long time, she would still be the same as before.

In order not to let Sakurako Aoi continue to be so decadent and depraved, Qin Lie decided that it was necessary for him to have a 'talk' with her.

"Yingzi, wake up, your father is dead, even if you wash your face with tears every day, he can't come back to life, do you understand?"

Qin Lie looked at Sakurako Aoi and shouted.

Aoi Sakurako seemed to have suffered great grievances, her eyes were misty again, and her face was filled with endless sorrow.

"Cry, cry, cry, you know how to cry, can you order anything other than cry!"

Qin Lie shouted sharply.

"Qin Lie, don't speak so aggressively."

Ye Yuqing hurriedly reminded Qin Lie.

"You leave me alone."

Qin Lie replied, then pointed at Sakurako Aoi and said, "Listen to me, I allow you to cry again today, but from now on, you must cheer me up, live well, listen to To no!"

Sakurako Aoi has just lost a close relative, and her grief is understandable. Qin Lie can fully understand it, but he definitely doesn't want Sakurako Aoi to sink like this forever, otherwise she will become a waste sooner or later.

Hearing Qin Lie's words, Aoi Sakurako sobbed again, and the pitiful appearance made people feel distressed for a while.

However, Qin Lie did not soften his heart, but shouted fiercely at Aoi Sakurako again: "Did you hear what I said? Just squeak when you hear it, don't fucking pretend to be deaf and dumb!"

But Sakurako Aoi was the same as before, still just crying silently and didn't make any response.

"Okay, since you're living in such pain, don't hurry up and die!"

Qin Lie said, grabbing Sakurako Aoi by the collar very roughly and dragging her towards the beach, making Sakurako Aoi cry even more.

"Qin Lie, what are you doing!"

Seeing Qin Lie treating a girl so rudely, Ye Yuqing rushed up to stop Qin Lie.

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