"You all go back to me, whoever dares to follow, don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing anyone!"

Qin Lie turned his head and shouted violently, and Ye Yuqing and the others were instantly intimidated by that fierce look.

Ye Yuqing and the others didn't dare to move any more, they could only stay where they were.

"Sister Yuqing, what do you think Brother Qin wants to do? He doesn't really want to kill Yingzi, does he?"

Su Xiaoxiaoman asked worriedly.

"I do not know either."

Ye Yuqing knows Qin Lie best, but now she is a little unsure of what Qin Lie wants to do.

"Don't worry, I think Qin Lie is saving Sakurako."

At this moment, Lin Qiuzhu suddenly said.

"Salvation? You're not saying the opposite, are you?"

Su Xiaoxiao frowned and said suspiciously.

"You have also seen Yingzi's situation. It's not good to say it. It's no different from a walking dead. If she keeps doing this, she will probably be useless as a person. That's why Qin Lie uses this slightly special The way to treat her is to awaken her desire to survive and let her live well."

Lin Qiuzhu solemnly explained.

"But Brother Qin's method is too cruel. I can't stand it anymore."

Su Xiaoxiao said with some reluctance.

"This is called Shen Wei using a powerful medicine. Now Yingzi is immersed in grief and unable to extricate herself. Ordinary persuasion doesn't work for her at all. I think Qin Lie's method of taking a sideways sword is the most effective!"

Lin Qiuzhu continued.

She didn't know much about Qin Lie before, but through these days of contact, she also had some understanding of Qin Lie's behavior.

She knew very well that Qin Lie was not the kind of vicious person, so when she saw Qin Lie treating Aoi Sakurako like that, she was the first to notice Qin Lie's good intentions.

"Listening to you, it seems that we really misunderstood Brother Qin."

Su Xiaoxiao pondered for a while, and finally came back to it.

"Even if Qin Lie is helping Yingzi, I think his method is a bit simple and rude. Let's go and have a look. If he plays too much, it will not end well."

Ye Yuqing pondered for a while.

She has always been calm, and Qin Lie's method seemed a bit risky to her, and she couldn't help but worry.

"But Brother Qin just said that we are not allowed to follow."

Su Xiaoxiao said.

"It's okay, let's not get too close."

Ye Yuqing said something, and then led everyone to lean towards Qin Lie.

At this time, Qin Lie was like a bully who robbed a civilian girl, dragging Aoi Sakurako all the way to the beach, without any pity or affection.

After reaching the beach, Qin Lie released Aoi Sakurako.

"Don't you want to live? Come, give yourself a knife to your heart, so that you can see your father immediately, and you can reunite with your mother, brother, and your family underground."

Qin Lie said coldly, took out his short knife and stuffed it into Aoi Sakurako's hand.

Aoi Sakurako was holding a knife in her hand, crying all the time. Anyone who saw that pear blossom with rain would feel distressed.

But Qin Lie is just like a cold-blooded killer, still so ruthless.

"You should die quickly. When you die, I will put your body into the sea to feed the fish. I guarantee that your body will not be wasted."

Qin Lie urged again.

"Wuwuwu, don't force me, Brother Qin."

Aoi Sakurako cried and begged, this was the first thing she said to Qin Lie today.

"I'll force you today. I'll give you two choices. First, you commit suicide now to reunite with your father, so that I will not have to wait for you every day. Second, you cry happily, and then completely Cheer up, live well, and never shed a single tear from now on! Choose for yourself."

Qin Lie said coldly.

"woo woo woo woo."

Aoi Sakurako continued to cry, she did not make a choice.

Seeing this, Qin Lie pretended to be vicious and said, "You don't choose, right? Then I'll help you choose, and I'll send you to reunite with your father now!"

Qin Lie grabbed the knife with one hand and made an appearance as if he was going to kill Sakurako Aoi.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yuqing and the others' hearts jumped to their throats, and they were all worried that Qin Lie was serious.

Aoi Sakurako, who has been immersed in pain, was also frightened by Qin Lie's actions. She grabbed Qin Lie's hand with both hands and cried loudly, "Brother Qin, don't kill me, I promise to be well in the future. alive."

"Okay, this is what you said, remember what you said."

Hearing this, Qin Lie finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, he did so reluctantly.

After all, if Sakurako Aoi is allowed to live like this insensibly, it will not only hurt her, but also drag them all down, so Qin Lie will choose to take risks and use death to stimulate her desire for survival.

Fortunately, he succeeded. Aoi Sakurako obviously still has the desire to live. Otherwise, Qin Lie would also have a headache in the face of a despairing Aoi Sakurako.

"Cry, have a good cry, for your family, and for yourself, you must live well in the future."

Qin Lie put away the knife, his tone finally softened.


Aoi Sakurako threw herself into Qin Lie's arms, her suppressed grief burst out in an instant, and she burst into tears in an instant.

"Brother Qin is still amazing!"

Not far away, Su Xiaoxiao who saw this scene sincerely praised.

"Of course, otherwise, how could I willingly obey his instructions."

Lin Qiuzhu said affectionately.

When she was in the company, although she could not say that she hated Qin Lie, she had absolutely no affection for Qin Lie, but as her understanding deepened, she found that this man's status in her heart became more and more important, and she even had secret feelings for him. In love!

If someone told Lin Qiuzhu before that she would fall in love with Qin Lie, she would definitely laugh out loud, but now all this has happened, so that when Lin Qiuzhu is facing Qin Lie, there is often a kind of deer bumping. a feeling of.

"Okay, let's stop standing here, let's go back to the camp first."

Ye Yuqing continued.

She didn't say anything, but in her heart, she couldn't help but feel a little proud.

After all, Qin Lie was the man she liked, and he really didn't let himself down.

After Lin Qiuzhu and the others left, Aoi Yingzi lay on Qin Lie's chest and cried for half an hour, and then sobbed for another 20 minutes before the whole person gradually stabilized.

Compared with the half-dead state before, the eyes of Aoi Sakurako have regained some color at this time, and people finally have some spirit.

"Brother Qin, I've figured it out. My father died to save me. Even if it's just for him, I will live well in the future!"

Before Qin Lie could ask a question, Aoi Sakurako took the initiative to speak to Qin Lie.

From her determined look, it is not difficult to see that she is really back to normal.

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