"See for yourself, the password is *****"

Mu Bingyun said and returned the USB flash drive to Qin Lie.

After getting the USB flash drive, Qin Lie quickly asked Chen Jinhu to find a laptop and quickly browse the contents of the USB flash drive.

A few minutes later, Qin Lie's eyes suddenly lit up.

This U disk really contains various data about the zombie virus, as well as the method of producing the antidote.

After reading the information, Qin Lie couldn't help but be overjoyed.

He was about to contact Han Qi and ask Han Qi to find the relevant departments to produce the antidote as soon as possible, but who knew that Han Qi brought people in directly.

"Are you the Blood Rose?"

Han Qi looked directly at Mu Bingyun on the hospital bed and asked.

"it's me."

Mu Bingyun nodded, Blood Rose was her code name.

"take away!"

After confirming that it was correct, Han Qi waved his hand and prepared to have Mu Bingyun taken away.

"Wait a moment!"

Qin Lie hurriedly stepped forward to stop Han Qi, and then asked, "Director Han, what do you mean?"

"Her name is Blood Rose. She is the top killer of Night Soul. She is also an important target that we have been watching for a long time in the ninth round. I must take her away today."

Han Qi said clearly.

The Night Soul was a notorious organization and had already been blacklisted in the ninth round, and Mu Bingyun was an important figure in the Night Soul. Once she took out some valuable information from her mouth, it would be much easier to destroy the Night Soul. .

"Director Han, I want to make a deal with you."

Mu Bingyun said suddenly.

"Make a deal with me? Tell me, what deal do you want to make?"

Hearing Mu Bingyun's words, Han Qi couldn't help laughing.

"I hope to get the amnesty of the ninth inning. As long as you agree, I will tell you everything I know about the night soul, including the spies that our night soul planted in the ninth inning."

Mu Bingyun replied quickly.

Hearing this, Han Qi's expression changed.

The ninth bureau is the most mysterious and powerful department in China. They can be said to be very strict in the review of the members of the bureau. Basically, they have to find out who your ancestors are.

Right now, Ye Hun has actually been inserted into the spy. If this is spread, it will definitely cause an uproar.

"The amnesty order is not so easy to get. You want to tell me everything you know, and I will naturally judge how to deal with you based on the value of the information you provide."

Han Qi said solemnly.

"No, you promise to give me amnesty first, otherwise I won't say a word, and you can only get one corpse at most."

Mu Bingyun smiled slightly.

She is not afraid of death, but now that her revenge has not been avenged, she must not die, and it is precisely for this reason that she wants to get the amnesty order from the ninth inning.

Han Qi knew very well that what Mu Bingyun said was the truth. With Mu Bingyun's willpower, if she didn't cooperate actively, it would be useless even if they tortured her.

"Wait for me, I'll discuss it with our director."

Han Qi had already agreed to the deal in his heart, but the amnesty Lingguang did not say it alone, and he had to have the director of the Ninth Bureau nod himself.

About five minutes later, Han Qi left and returned.

"I agreed to your conditions, but I hope the information you provided me is worthy of the amnesty order, otherwise I will still arrest you."

Han Qi said with a serious look.

"Don't worry, Director Han, I guarantee that you will not lose money on this transaction."

Mu Bingyun smiled slightly, then said to Qin Lie, "Qin Lie, help me copy the data in the USB flash drive to Director Han. The identities of all our Yehun spies are in it."

"it is good."

Qin Lie responded, then looked at Han Qi and said, "Director Han, there are 10 g's in the information, do you think I will send your email from the world or copy it to another USB flash drive?"

"Wait a minute, copy it directly to my phone."

Han Qi said, handed his mobile phone to Qin Lie, and then went outside to find a data cable.

After a while, Han Qi received another call. After answering the call, Han Qi couldn't help frowning.

"Blood Rose, why are the people of Night Soul chasing you?"

Han Qi looked at Mu Bingyun again and asked.

"Because Su Qitian killed my whole family, I wanted revenge after knowing this secret, but it didn't work, and then Su Qitian sent people to start chasing me."

Mu Bingyun replied very frankly.

"You're really good at killing people with a knife."

Han Qi grinned.

Just now, he was still wondering why Night Soul's most loyal gold medal killer, Blood Rose, betrayed so easily. Now he finally understands that Mu Bingyun's feelings are trying to use their hands in the ninth round to seek revenge.

"Hey, thank you Director Han for his exaggeration, I can't help it, please forgive me."

Mu Bingyun replied with a smile.

"Forget it, anyway, our goal is the entire Night Soul. As long as the information you provide is valuable enough, I will not hold you accountable."

Han Qi knew that Mu Bingyun was using him, but he didn't care too much.

As he said, the target of the ninth inning was the behemoth Night Soul.

Compared to Ye Hun, Mu Bingyun was just a trivial person, even if he let Mu Bingyun go, it wouldn't matter.

What's more, Mu Bingyun betrayed Ye Hun right now, so he might be able to provide more help in the process of eradicating Ye Hun in the future.

Considering that it would take some time for the data to be copied, Han Qi first found out the list of Night Soul spies.

When he saw the name of one of them, Han Qi's expression suddenly changed.

This person has now become a senior in the ninth inning, and is the head of the ninth inning Southeast Asia region.

Han Qi didn't expect that such an important position would be placed in by Yehun's people. Thinking about it, he was afraid for a while.

Especially in a few years, if the other party climbs the position of deputy director again, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Han Qi didn't dare to waste any more time, so he quickly called the director of the ninth bureau and sent the list of spies to the other party.

With this list, the ninth inning immediately launched an internal purge.

Next, Han Qi sent the development method of the antidote to the zombie virus to the Longcheng Institute of Biology. After obtaining the information, the Institute of Biology immediately began to develop the antidote.

Time flies, three days have passed.

During these three days, the entire Dragon City was very calm, and Yehun's killer did not come to the hospital to hunt down Mu Bingyun.

But Qin Lie knew very well that it was just the calm before the storm.

Once the night soul escaped the clearing in the ninth inning, they are bound to launch even more crazy revenge on themselves.

There was also Kong Wei, the person who said he was going to kill him. During this period of time, he seemed to have evaporated from the world and never appeared again.

However, Qin Lie knew in his heart that he was just waiting for the opportunity. Either this person would not make a move, and if he made a move, he would definitely kill himself, and he had to be more careful.

After these days of recuperation, Qin Lie has gotten rid of the wheelchair, but he still needs to stroking crutches to walk, and he can't do strenuous exercise, otherwise once the wound collapses, it will be himself.

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