It is worth mentioning that the Institute of Biology has successfully developed an antidote, and the conspiracy that resurrection will disrupt Huaxia has also been shattered.

In order to recuperate the sick employees, Qin Lie also made a special trip to the hospital to console them.

As for the pharmaceutical factory, although the blockade has been lifted, if you want to resume work, you will have to wait at least a few more days.

Qin Lie was not in a hurry.

Anyway, as long as the pharmaceutical factory resumes normal operations, the lost money can be made back in a few days.

This afternoon, Qin Lie was resting in the villa of Longcheng No. 1 when Wang Congcong came suddenly.

"Yo, Young Master Wang, what a rare visitor. I didn't go out to greet me because of my inconvenience. Please don't blame Young Master Wang."

Qin Lie teased with a smile.

"Okay, don't make fun of me."

Wang Congcong glanced at Qin Lie, and then handed Chen Jinhu the boxes of nutritional supplements he was holding: "These nutritional supplements make Qin Lie eat every day, and they are the most suitable for his kind of disease. ."


Chen Jinhu was naturally rude and accepted all the nutritional products.

Wang Congcong sat down at the coffee table, poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip, and then asked, "How is it, now it should be okay to move normally?"

"It's basically fine."

Qin Lie replied.

"That's good, when you fully recover, buddy will take you to celebrate."

Wang Congcong has long regarded Qin Lie as his good brother. Recently, he has been paying attention to Qin Lie's physical recovery. Now that he is sure that Qin Lie's body is fine, he is completely relieved.

"Cong Cong, you came to me today, wouldn't you just ask me about my health?"

Qin Lie asked with a smile.

"Of course not. I'm here to tell you something. Are you interested in buying a private jet? I plan to buy one. If you buy one, we can form a group and it will be at least a few million cheaper."

Wang Congcong replied bluntly.

"To buy a private jet, don't you have a plane in your family, why do you still buy it?"

Qin Lie replied slightly surprised.

"My dad's at our house is not mine. My dad is going on a business trip every once in a while, and I don't have a chance to use it, so I plan to buy one myself, so that I can fly wherever I want in the future."

Wang Congcong continued.

In fact, Wang Congcong planned to buy a private jet of his own a long time ago, but due to financial problems, his plan has not been implemented.

But this time, he made more than 10 billion in bitcoin speculation with Qin Lie, and he naturally has to put his dream into reality.

After all, for him, life is too short, and he needs to be happy in time. If he has money, he naturally wants to enjoy life.

Qin Lie was silent for a while before replying, "Have you been optimistic?"

"Well, look good. I plan to buy a Gulfstream c300. The performance of this aircraft is quite good, and the price is not particularly expensive. One aircraft is 120 million yuan, and the annual maintenance fee plus other miscellaneous The cost is estimated to be about 15 million."

"If you form a group with me, then the airline can give us a discount of 3 million per person, which is quite cost-effective."

Wang Congcong replied quickly.

Although Wang Congcong didn't care about 3 million, the money was like a free gift, don't give it for free, so he came to Qin Lie to discuss buying one for one person.

"Is there a prototype, bring it to me to see."

Qin Lie replied.

When he returned to China before, Qin Lie also considered spending money to buy a private jet, but considering that he would not dare to do anything for a year, he would have to spend 10 to 20 million yuan just to keep the plane, and he gave up.

But now his net worth is over 100 billion yuan, and the companies under his company are making gold every day, and the mere 10 million yuan is about 1,000 yuan for ordinary people. He doesn't care anymore.

The most important thing is that he already has quite a few confidantes now, and it will be much more convenient to take a private jet if everyone travels together in the future, otherwise, he will have to buy air tickets in advance.

"I introduced it on my phone, and I'll find it for you."

Wang Congcong replied, and quickly found out the information of the Gulfstream c300 aircraft and gave it to Qin Lie.

Qin Lie browsed about it. This type of private jet can carry 30 passengers at a time, and the bedroom, kitchen, small theater, and small conference room are all available on the plane. It is really convenient to have such a private jet.

"How about it, do you want to have a fight? In the future, it is equivalent to directly owning a palace in the sky. I guarantee you will be happy."

Wang Congcong looked at Qin Lie with a smile on his face.

"Buy one, I can't spend too much money anyway."

Qin Lie replied very decisively.

Money doesn't bring life or death. He might as well learn from Wang Congcong and enjoy it as soon as possible. Otherwise, if he is killed again one day, it will be meaningless to earn more money.

"Well, I'll call Paul now and ask him to come over and sign the contract for us."

After hearing Qin Lie's agreement, Wang Congcong directly took out his mobile phone and called the person in charge of the airline.

About half an hour later, Paul, the general manager of Gulfstream's Greater China region, came to Qin Lie's villa.

"Hello Mr. Qin, I'm Paul, General Manager of Gulfstream Greater China, nice to meet you."

After seeing Qin Lie, Paul immediately said hello to him.

Buying a plane is different from buying other things. Those who can buy a private plane are super bosses, so most airlines provide door-to-door service, not to mention that Wang Congcong said that he would need two planes this time, so Paul naturally did not dare to give any negligence. .

"Paul, did you bring the contract?"

Wang Congcong asked bluntly.

"Bring it."

Paul replied, and quickly took out the drafted purchase contract from his briefcase.

"Young Master Wang, take a look and I'll make corrections if you're not satisfied with anything."

Paul said respectfully.

"No, if you dare to pit us, I promise to bury you alive."

Wang Congcong replied half-jokingly.

"What you said, give me ten courage, and I don't dare to cheat you."

Paul replied embarrassedly.

Wang Congcong's father is the former richest man, and Qin Lie's side is the most popular young rich man in China. Neither of them can be offended by him. He doesn't dare to play tricks on the contract.

"Ah That's good."

Wang Congcong was not afraid of Paul's manipulation on the contract, but Qin Lie always acted cautiously. He picked up the contract and browsed it for a while. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the contract, he signed it directly.

After signing the contract, Qin Lie and Wang Congcong simultaneously transferred the purchase price of 117 million to Gulfstream's corporate account.

According to the contract, Gulfstream will deliver the aircraft purchased by Qin Lie to Huaxia within a week. Qin Lie only needs to wait patiently.

Originally, Qin Lie wanted to invite Wang Congcong to have dinner at his house at night, but he refused. According to what he meant, he had a party in the evening and a large group of beautiful women were waiting for him. He was not interested in having dinner with a man like Qin Lie.

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